【笔记】Notes for Deeplearning 深度学习与神经网络的笔记

Notes for NLP



GMM HMM:https://blog.csdn.net/abcjennifer/article/details/27346787



Paper:The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks

An Intuitive Explanation of CNN CNN的直观解释


General Method of NN Prediction


Step1 Random Initialization

Initialize the weight and bias to some random nuber

Step2 Optimization of Cost function

Input all the training data, and calculate the optimal weight and bias by using gradient descent towards the cost function J.


L denotes the loss function. m denotes the number of traning data.

Step3 Prediction

Predict using validation set.


Logistic and Softmax regression

Logistic Regression->binary classification:

As for linear dvision, the decision boundary E(X) can be written as:

E_\theta(X)=\theta^T X

then the we have:

E(X)>0-->class A, E(X)<0-->class B


while W is learned weight paramter, X is input feature and data, h(X) is the hypothesis function (eg: the prob of class A, and the prob of B is 1-h(X))

Softmax Regression->multiple classification:

【笔记】Notes for Deeplearning 深度学习与神经网络的笔记_第1张图片

Let z^[L] denote the input of the last softmax layer which also means the output of its previous layer.

【笔记】Notes for Deeplearning 深度学习与神经网络的笔记_第2张图片

According to the example above, assume 4 classes in total.

We use exponential activation function t^{[L]}=e^{z^{[L]}}, and output the result using normalization, which means:

a_i=\frac{t_i}{\sum_i t_i}

When using "Hardmax", the maximum of each dim of output will be set to 1 and others 0, and that's the original of the name "Softmax"

Loss function of Softmax

【笔记】Notes for Deeplearning 深度学习与神经网络的笔记_第3张图片

Obviously, the losses grow smaller if y^hat get bigger.



Input->Conv and pooling*n1->Fc*n2->(softmax) classifier (probabilities of n classes)


eg:trained CNN (eg: for layer 1 with shape 14*14*3 which stands for the size of input training data), trained classes: pedestrain, bicycle,vehicle...

 input image for object detection with sliding window shaping 14*14*3 and stride = 2 into trained CNN

it shapes 16(=14+2)*16*3

the result matrix shaping 2*2*4 denotes the probs of each class in the divided input image(16*16*3)

like: pedestrian bicyle vehicle bird (dims)

[[0.01 0.01 0.4 0]

[0.01 0.01 0.3 0]

[0.01 0.01 0.8 0]

[0.01 0.01 0.2 0]]

【笔记】Notes for Deeplearning 深度学习与神经网络的笔记_第4张图片
