

You may be surprised to learn that most of your problem-solving problems are with mathematics rather than your understanding of theory.


1. 明确所要解决的问题( Carefully define the problem)。

2. 列出问题的全部已知条件(Present everything you know about the problem)。

3. 确定问题的备选解决方案,并且从中找出成功可能性最大的一种方案( Establish a set of alternative solutions and determine the one that promises the greatest likelihood of success)。

4. 尝试寻求问题的解(Attempt a problem solution)。

5. 评价所得到的答案并检验其准确性(Evaluate the solution and check for accuracy)。

6. 对结果是否满意?如果满意,则提交结果;否则返回第3步重新执行这一过程(Has the problem been solved satisfactorily? If so, present the solution; if not, then return to step 3 and continue through the process again)。
