早在21世纪初,我在编写关于网络和编程的书的时候,我就发现,互联网是一个很好的资源,但是它还不完善。 那时,博客已开始流行。但是YouTube还不是很普遍,同样Quora,Twitter和播客用户也很少。十年过后,我一直在潜心钻研人工智能和机器学习,局面发生了翻天覆地的变化。互联网上现在有非常丰富的资源——当你要寻找选择你想要的资源时,你很难抉择你应该从哪里开始(和停止)!
许多十分知名的人工智能研究者在网络上都有很强的影响力。下面我列举了大约二十位知名学者,包括了他们个人网站的链接、维基百科链接、Twitter主页、Google Scholar个人主页和Quora主页。其中很多人在Reddit或Quora Session上都做了Ask-Me-Anything的回答。
BigQuant 人工智能量化投资
Sebastian Thrun( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / AMA )
Yann Lecun( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / AMA )
Nando de Freitas( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / AMA )
Andrew Ng( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / AMA )
Daphne Koller( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / Quora Session )
Adam Coates( Twitter / GScholar / AMA )
Jürgen Schmidhuber( Wikipedia / GScholar / AMA )
Geoffrey Hinton( Wikipedia / GScholar / AMA )
Terry Sejnowski( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / AMA )
Michael Jordan( Wikipedia / GScholar / AMA )
Peter Norvig( Wikipedia / GScholar / Quora / AMA )
Yoshua Bengio( Wikipedia / GScholar / Quora / AMA )
Ian Goodfellow( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / Quora Session )
Andrej Karpathy( Twitter / GScholar / Quora / Quora Session )
Richard Socher( Twitter / GScholar / Interview )
Demis Hassabis( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Interview )
Christopher Manning( Twitter / GScholar )
Fei-Fei Li( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Ted Talk )
François Chollet ( Twitter / GScholar / Quora / Quora Session )
Larry Carin (GScholar)
Dan Jurafsky( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar )
Oren Etzioni( Wikipedia / Twitter / GScholar / Quora / AMA )
有一些知名机构,致力于促进人工智能领域的研究和发展。 下面列出的是一些同时有网站/博客和Twitter帐户的机构。
OpenAI / Twitter (Twitter 12.7万 关注)
DeepMind / Twitter (Twitter 8万 关注)
Google Research / Twitter (Twitter 110万 关注)
AWS AI / Twitter (Twitter 140万 关注)
Facebook AI Research (没有 Twitter
Microsoft Research / Twitter (Twitter 34.1万 关注)
Baidu Research / Twitter (Twitter 1.8万 关注)
IntelAI / Twitter (Twitter 2千 关注)
AI² / Twitter (Twitter 4千6 关注)
Partnership on AI / Twitter (Twitter 5千 关注)
Coursera — Machine Learning (Andrew Ng)
Coursera — Neural Networks for Machine Learning (Geoffrey Hinton)
Udacity — Intro to Machine Learning (Sebastian Thrun)
Udacity — Machine Learning (Georgia Tech)
Udacity — Deep Learning (Vincent Vanhoucke)
Machine Learning (mathematicalmonk)
Practical Deep Learning For Coders (Jeremy Howard & Rachel Thomas)
Stanford CS231n — Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (Winter 2016) (class link)
Stanford CS224n — Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (Winter 2017) (class link)
Oxford Deep NLP 2017 (Phil Blunsom et al.)
Reinforcement Learning (David Silver)
Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python (sentdex)
下面,我列举了YouTube一些频道或用户经常会发布一些AI或机器学习相关容的链接。 通过订阅人数/观看次数来了解它们的受欢迎程度。
sentdex (22.5万订阅,2100万次观看)
Siraj Raval (14万订阅,500万次观看)
Two Minute Papers (6万订阅,330万次观看)
DeepLearning.TV (4.2万订阅,140万观看)
Data School (3.7万订阅,180万次观看)
Machine Learning Recipes with Josh Gordon (32.4万次观看)
Artificial Intelligence — Topic (1万订阅)
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) (1.6千订阅,6.9万次观看)
Machine Learning at Berkeley (634订阅,4.8万次观看)
Understanding Machine Learning — Shai Ben-David (973订阅,4.3万次观看)
Machine Learning TV (455订阅,1.1万次观看)
Andrej Karpathy / Twitter (Twitter 6.9万 关注)
i am trask / Twitter (Twitter 1.4万 关注)
Christopher Olah / Twitter (Twitter 1.3万 关注)
Top Bots / Twitter (Twitter 1.1万 关注)
WildML / Twitter (Twitter 1万 关注)
Distill / Twitter (Twitter 9千 关注)
Machine Learning Mastery / Twitter (Twitter 5千 关注)
FastML / Twitter (Twitter 5千 关注)
Adventures in NI / Twitter (Twitter 5千 关注)
Sebastian Ruder / Twitter (Twitter 3千 关注)
Unsupervised Methods / Twitter (Twitter 1千7 关注)
Explosion / Twitter (Twitter 1千 关注)
Tim Dettmers / Twitter (Twitter 1千 关注)
When trees fall… / Twitter (Twitter 265 关注)
ML@B / Twitter (Twitter 80 关注)
Robbie Allen
Erik P.M. Vermeulen
Frank Chen
Sam DeBrule
Derrick Harris
Yitaek Hwang
Paul Boutin
Mariya Yao
Rob May
Avinash Hindupur
Understanding Machine Learning From Theory to Algorithms
Machine Learning Yearning
A Course in Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Deep Learning Book
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Reinforcement Learning
Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft)
Natural Language Processing with Python
An Introduction to Information Retrieval
Introduction to Statistical Thought
Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
Introduction to Probability
Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Python programmers
The Probability and Statistics Cookbook
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra Done Wrong
Linear Algebra, Theory And Applications
Mathematics for Computer Science
Calculus I for Computer Science and Statistics Students
Quora已经成为学习人工智能和机器学习的重要资源。许多顶尖研究人员会在Quora上回答问题。下面我列出了一些与AI相关的主题,如果您想自定义您的Quora 喜好,您可以订阅这些主题。
Computer-Science (560万关注)
Machine-Learning (110万关注)
Artificial-Intelligence (63.5万关注)
Deep-Learning (16.7万关注)
Natural-Language-Processing (15.5 万关注)
Classification-machine-learning (11.9万关注)
Artificial-General-Intelligence (8.2万 关注)
Convolutional-Neural-Networks-CNNs (2.5万关注)
Computational-Linguistics (2.3万关注)
Recurrent-Neural-Networks (1.74万关注)
/r/MachineLearning (11.1万订阅)
/r/robotics/ (4.3万订阅)
/r/artificial (3.5万订阅)
/r/datascience (3.4万订阅)
/r/learnmachinelearning (1.1万订阅)
/r/computervision (1.1万订阅)
/r/MLQuestions (8千订阅)
/r/LanguageTechnology (7千订阅)
/r/mlclass (4千订阅)
/r/mlpapers (4千订阅)
AI社区的好处之一是大多数新的项目都是开源的,并且可以在Github上获取。同样如果你想了解使用Python或者Juypter Notebooks来实现实例算法,GitHub上也有很多学习资源可以帮助到你。以下是一些GitHub项目:
Machine Learning (6千个项目)
Deep Learning (3千个项目)
Tensorflow (2千个项目)
Neural Network (1千个项目)
NLP (1千个项目)
Concerning AI / iTunes
This Week in Machine Learning and AI / iTunes
The AI Podcast / iTunes
Data Skeptic / iTunes
Linear Digressions / iTunes
Partially Derivative / iTunes
O’Reilly Data Show / iTunes
Learning Machines 101 / iTunes
The Talking Machines / iTunes
Artificial Intelligence in Industry / iTunes
Machine Learning Guide / iTunes
The Exponential View
AI Weekly
Deep Hunt
O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Newsletter
Machine Learning Weekly
Data Science Weekly Newsletter
Machine Learnings
Artificial Intelligence News
When trees fall…
Inside AI
Kurzweil AI
Import AI
The Wild Week in AI
Deep Learning Weekly
Data Science Weekly
KDnuggets Newsletter
NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems)
ICML (International Conference on Machine Learning)
KDD (Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)
ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations)
ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics)
EMNLP (Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing)
CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
ICCF (International Conference on Computer Vision)
O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference
Machine Learning Conference (MLConf)
AI Expo (North America, Europe, World)
AI Summit
AI Conference
Artificial Intelligence
Learning (Computer Science)
Machine Learning (Stats)
Computer Vision
Semantic Scholar是由微软联合创始人保罗·艾伦创立的艾伦人工智能研究所推出的学术搜索引擎
Neural Networks (17.9万条结果)
Machine Learning (9.4万条结果)
Natural Language (6.2万条结果)
Computer Vision (5.5万条结果)
Deep Learning (2.4万条结果)
BigQuant 人工智能量化投资平台 涵盖众多机器学习深度续学习优质资源帖,集成了众多深度学习/机器学习开源框架,是一站式的python+机器学习+量化投资平台,更多内容可以前往BigQuant进一步查看