

1) 开发环境

系统版本: ubuntu14.04

freetype版本: freetype-2.4.10

gcc版本: gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3)

2) 步骤

1. 解压缩       tar  xjf  freetype-2.4.10.tar.bz2

2. 配置          ./configure

3. 编译安装   make  install

    注意: 安装完后会将freetype的头文件安装到/usr/local/include/freetype2目录下,库文件安装到


4. 测试用例

    编译测试文件example.c       gcc  example.c  -o  example  -I  /usr/local/include/freetype2  -lfreetype  -lm

/* example1.c                                                      */
/*                                                                 */
/* This small program shows how to print a rotated string with the */
/* FreeType 2 library.                                             */


#include FT_FREETYPE_H

#define WIDTH   80
#define HEIGHT  80

/* origin is the upper left corner */
unsigned char image[HEIGHT][WIDTH];

/* Replace this function with something useful. */

draw_bitmap( FT_Bitmap*  bitmap,
             FT_Int      x,
             FT_Int      y)
  FT_Int  i, j, p, q;
  FT_Int  x_max = x + bitmap->width;
  FT_Int  y_max = y + bitmap->rows;

  for ( i = x, p = 0; i < x_max; i++, p++ )
    for ( j = y, q = 0; j < y_max; j++, q++ )
      if ( i < 0      || j < 0       ||
           i >= WIDTH || j >= HEIGHT )

      image[j][i] |= bitmap->buffer[q * bitmap->width + p];

show_image( void )
  int  i, j;

  for ( i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++ )
    for ( j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++ )
      putchar( image[i][j] == 0 ? ' '
                                : image[i][j] < 128 ? '+'
                                                    : '*' );
    putchar( '\n' );

main( int     argc,
      char**  argv )
  FT_Library    library;
  FT_Face       face;

  FT_GlyphSlot  slot;
  FT_Matrix     matrix;                 /* transformation matrix */
  FT_Vector     pen;                    /* untransformed origin  */
  FT_Error      error;

  char*         filename;
  char*         text;

  double        angle;
  int           target_height;
  int           n, num_chars;

  if ( argc != 3 )
    fprintf ( stderr, "usage: %s font sample-text\n", argv[0] );
    exit( 1 );

  filename      = argv[1];                           /* first argument     */
  text          = argv[2];                           /* second argument    */
  num_chars     = strlen( text );
  angle         = ( 0.0 / 360 ) * 3.14159 * 2;      /* use 25 degrees     */
  target_height = HEIGHT;

  error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library );              /* initialize library */
  /* error handling omitted */

  error = FT_New_Face( library, argv[1], 0, &face ); /* create face object */
  /* error handling omitted */

#if 0
  /* use 50pt at 100dpi */
  error = FT_Set_Char_Size( face, 50 * 64, 0,
                            100, 0 );                /* set character size */

	/* pixels = 50 /72 * 100 = 69  */
	FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 24, 0);
  /* error handling omitted */

  slot = face->glyph;

  /* set up matrix */
  matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( cos( angle ) * 0x10000L );
  matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)(-sin( angle ) * 0x10000L );
  matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( sin( angle ) * 0x10000L );
  matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( cos( angle ) * 0x10000L );

  /* the pen position in 26.6 cartesian space coordinates; */
  /* start at (0,40) relative to the upper left corner  */
  pen.x = 0 * 64;
  pen.y = ( target_height - 40 ) * 64;

  for ( n = 0; n < num_chars; n++ )
    /* set transformation */
    FT_Set_Transform( face, &matrix, &pen );

    /* load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one) */
    error = FT_Load_Char( face, text[n], FT_LOAD_RENDER );
    if ( error )
      continue;                 /* ignore errors */

    /* now, draw to our target surface (convert position) */
    draw_bitmap( &slot->bitmap,
                 target_height - slot->bitmap_top );

    /* increment pen position */
    pen.x += slot->advance.x;
    pen.y += slot->advance.y;


  FT_Done_Face    ( face );
  FT_Done_FreeType( library );

  return 0;

/* EOF */

    运行测试程序    ./example  ./simsun.ttc   fbg    (预先将simsun.ttc字体文件拷贝到当前目录)结果如下:



1) 开发环境

内核版本: linux-2.6.22

freetype版本: freetype-2.4.10

gcc版本: gcc-3.4.5

2) 步骤

1. 解压缩       tar  xjf  freetype-2.4.10.tar.bz2

2. 配置          ./configure  --host=arm-linux  --prefix=自定义安装目录

3. 编译安装   make  install

    注意: 安装完后会将freetype的头文件和库文件安装到自定义安装目录下

4. 测试用例


           cp  *   /opt/cross-tools/gcc-3.4.5-glibc-2.3.6/arm-linux/include  -rf

            mv  freetype2/freetype/   .


           cp  *  /opt/cross-tools/gcc-3.4.5-glibc-2.3.6/arm-linux/lib  -rf  -d


           cp  *so*  /nfs/sysfs/fs_s3c2440/lib  -d

    编译测试文件example.c       arm-linux-gcc  example.c  -o  example  -lfreetype  -lm
