Michael Abrash 是游戏界的传奇,在微软、ID(出产doom,quake的公司)工作过,目前在做VR相关的技术工作。他的blackbook也是经典,
目前在github 有这本书,内容都是dos时代的,基本过时了,但思想挺好,喜欢dos游戏的可用读读:
Introduction -- 简介
What was it like working with John Carmack on Quake? Like being strapped onto a rocket during takeoff -- in the middle of a hurricane. It seemed like the whole world was watching, waiting to see if id Software could top Doom; every casual e-mail tidbit or conversation with a visitor ended up posted on the Internet within hours.
与Jonh Carmack一起研制Quake像什么? 就像被绑在即将发射的火箭上,处于风暴的中。看起来整个世界都在观察、等待看ID软件公司是否可以超越Doom;
And meanwhile(同时), we were pouring(倾泻) everything we had into Quake's technology; I'd often come in the morning to find John still there, working on a new idea so intriguing(有趣的) that he couldn't bear to sleep until he had tried it out.
此时,我们在Quake技术上倾注了我们知道的一切; 我经常早上进办公室时发现 John仍旧在那里,饶有兴趣的研究一个新的思路,不实验成功他是不会回去睡觉的。
Toward the end, when I spent most of my time speeding things up, I would spend the day in a trance(精神恍惚) writing optimized assembly code, stagger (蹒跚) out of the Town East Tower into the blazing(燃烧的) Texas heat, and somehow(以某种方式) drive home on LBJ Freeway without smacking(发出声响) into any of the speeding pickups(皮卡) whizzing(嗖嗖掠过) past me on both sides.
临近结束,我花大部分时间提高程序速度,我会花一整天沉迷于写优化的汇编代码, 然后蹒跚的走出镇东塔(估计是办公室名字),步入繁华的德克萨斯, 驾车回家,通过LBJ高速路,没有撞上从我两边高速掠过的卡车。
At home, I'd fall into a fitful(一阵阵的) sleep, then come back the next day in a daze and do it again. Everything happened so fast, and under so much pressure, that sometimes I wonder how any of us made it through that without completely burning out.
At the same time, of course, it was tremendously exciting. John's ideas were endless and brilliant, and Quake ended up establishing a new standard for Internet and firt-person 3-D game technology. Happily, id has an enlightened attitude about sharing information, and was willing to let me write about the Quake technology -- both how it worked and how it evolved.
Over the two years I worked at id, I wrote a number of columns about Quake in Dr. Dobb's Sourcebook, as well as a detailed overview for the 1997 Computer Game Developers Conference. You can find these in the latter part of this book; they represent a rare look into the development and inner workings of leading-edge software development, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed developing the technology and writing about it.
我在id工作的两年间,我为Dr.Dobb's Sourcebook撰写了大量关于Quake的专栏,也为1997计算机游戏开发者大会写了一个详细的综述。你可以在本书后面部分找到这些内容;它们阐述了鲜为人知的前沿软件开发的开发和内部工作方式。我希望你乐于阅读这些,就像我乐于开发这些技术并撰写相关文章一样。
The rest of this book is pretty much everything I've written over the past decade about graphics and performance programming that's still relevant(有关) to programming today, and that covers a lot of ground. Most of Zen of Graphics Programming, 2nd Edition is in there (and the rest is on the CD); all of Zen of Code Optimization is there too, and even my 1989 book Zen of Assembly Language, with its long-dated 8088 cycle counts but a lot of useful perspectives, is on the CD. Add to that the most recent 20,000 words of Quake material, and you have most of what I've learned over the past decade in one neat(整洁的) package.
I'm delighted to have all this material in print in a single place, because over the past ten years I've run into(遇到) a lot of people who have found my writings useful -- and a lot of more who would like to read them, but couldn't find them. It's hard to keep programming material (especially stuff that started out as columns) in print for very long, and I would like to thank The Coriolis Group, and particularly my good friend Jeff Duntermann (without whom not only this volumn but pretty much my entire writing career wouldn't exist), for helping me keep this material available.
我很高兴把所有这些材料在一起打印成书,因为过去10年中,我遇到很多人发现我的文章有帮助 -- 还有更多的人喜欢读它们,但是找不到了。长期保存编程材料是困难的(特别是专栏的材料),我想感谢The Coriolis Group,特别是我的好朋友Jeff Duntermann,没有他,不仅这卷书而且我整个写作生涯将不复存在,他帮助我整理了这些资料。
I'd also like to thank Jon Erickson, editor of Dr. Dobb's, both for encouragement and general good cheer and for giving me a place to write whatever I wanted about realtime 3-D. It still amazes me that I was able to find time to write a column every two months during Quake's development, and if Jon hadn't made it so easy and enjoable, it could never have happened.
我也愿意感谢Jon Erickson,Dr. Dobb's的编辑,不紧给予我鼓励和勇气,并且给我一个专栏可以写任何实时3D的任何内容。使我很奇怪的是在Quake开发期间,我还能找到时间每两个月写一个专栏文章,如果Jon没有安排的轻松有趣,这些都不会发生。
I'd also like to thank Chris Hecker and Jennifer Pahlka of the Computer Game Developers Conference, whithout whose encouragement, nudging, and occasional well-deserved nagging there is no chance I would ever have written a paper for the CGDC -- a paper that ended up being the most comprehensive overview of the Quake technology that's ever likely to be written, and which appears in these pages.
我也感谢CGDC的Chris Hecker和Jennifer Pahlka,没有他们的鼓励、推动和偶尔理所应当的唠叨,我不能为CGDC写出关于Quake的论文,这是最全面的Quake综述文章
I don't have much else to say that hasn't already been said elsewhere in this book, in one of the introductions to the previous volumes or in one of the astonishingly large number of chapters. As you'll see as you read, it's been quite a decade for microcomputer programmers, and I have been extremely fortunate to not only be a part of it, but to be able to chronicle part of it as well.
And the next decade is shaping up to be just a exciting!
--Michael Abrash
Bellevue, Washington--这里指华盛顿州,不是那个首都
May 1997