Hive数据汇总导入Mysql(Draw lessons from colleagues)

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import datetime
import os

task_info = {
    "enable": True,
    "comment": "HoneyComb-用户:真正新设备注册",
    "reader": {
        "type": "hive",
        "hive_name": "hive_old",
        "query_sql": """
            CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tab_today_new_device_uid
            select a.appkey appkey, a.appsource appsource,a.device_ds device_ds, b.uid uid
            from (
              select appkey, appsource, device_ds
              from oss_bi_all_real_device_ds_log
              where pt_day='{0}'
              group by appkey, appsource, device_ds
            ) a inner join (
              select device_ds, parms['uid'] uid
              from oss_bi_all_device_log
              where pt_day='{0}'
              group by device_ds, parms['uid']
            ) b on a.device_ds=b.device_ds
            group by a.appkey, a.appsource, a.device_ds, b.uid;

            CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tab_lastday_newdevice_todayuid
            select a.appkey appkey, a.appsource appsource,a.device_ds device_ds, b.uid uid
            from (
              select appkey, appsource, device_ds
              from oss_bi_all_real_device_ds_log
              where pt_day=date_sub('{0}',1)
              group by appkey, appsource, device_ds
            ) a inner join (
              select device_ds, parms['uid'] uid
              from oss_bi_all_device_log
              where pt_day='{0}'
              group by device_ds, parms['uid']
            ) b on a.device_ds=b.device_ds
            group by a.appkey, a.appsource, a.device_ds, b.uid;

            CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tab_today_old_device
            select a.device_ds device_ds
            from (
              select parms['arg_device_ds'] device_ds, parms['uid'] uid
              from oss_bi_all_login_log
              where pt_day='{0}' and parms['errorCode'] is null
              and parms['arg_device_ds'] != '' and parms['arg_device_ds'] is not null
              group by parms['arg_device_ds'], parms['uid']
            ) a left join (
              select uid
              from oss_bi_all_user_profile
              where pt_day='{0}' and substring(created_time, 1, 10) = '{0}'
            ) b on a.uid=b.uid where b.uid is null
            group by a.device_ds;

            with tab_currday_sum as(
            SELECT A.appkey, A.appsource,
                count(distinct A.device_ds) device_ds_cnt,
                count(distinct A.uid) uid_cnt
            FROM tab_today_new_device_uid A
            LEFT JOIN tab_today_old_device B ON A.device_ds=B.device_ds
            WHERE B.device_ds is null
            GROUP BY A.appkey, A.appsource),
            tab_lastday_remain_sum as(
            SELECT A.appkey, A.appsource,
                count(distinct A.device_ds) device_ds_cnt,
                count(distinct A.uid) uid_cnt
            FROM tab_lastday_newdevice_todayuid A
            LEFT JOIN tab_today_old_device B ON A.device_ds=B.device_ds
            WHERE B.device_ds is null
            GROUP BY A.appkey, A.appsource)
            select a1.appkey,a1.appsource,split(index_key,':')[0] index_key,split(index_key,':')[1] index_value
            from tab_currday_sum a1
            lateral view explode(str_to_map(concat('currday_device_ds_cnt:',a1.device_ds_cnt,'&','currday_uid_cnt:',a1.uid_cnt),'&',',')) mid_list1 as index_key,index_value
            union all
            select a1.appkey,a1.appsource,split(index_key,':')[0] index_key,split(index_key,':')[1] index_value
            from tab_lastday_remain_sum a1
            lateral view explode(str_to_map(concat('lastday_currdayremain_device_ds_cnt:',a1.device_ds_cnt,'&','lastday_device_currday_uid_cnt:',a1.uid_cnt),'&',',')) mid_list1 as index_key,index_value
    "writer": {
        "type": "mysql",
        "conn": "funnyai_data",
        "clear_sql": """
                delete from honeycomb_retention_ds_daily_stat
                where `date`="{0}";
        "insert_sql": """
                insert into honeycomb_retention_ds_daily_stat
                    (`date`, `appkey`, `appsource`, `s_type`, `index_cnt`)
                    ("{0}", "{1}", "{2}", "{3}", {4});

hive_conn = {
    "hive_old": {
        "jdbc_conn": "jdbc:hive2://HiveHostIp:10000"
    "hive_new": {
        "jdbc_conn": "jdbc:hive2://HiveHostIp:10000"

mysql_conn = {
    "funnyai_data": {
        "ip": "HostIP",
        "port": 6603,
        "db": "funnyai_data",
        "username": "MysqlUser",
        "password": "MysqlPass"

def get_day_ago(day_ago,
    return (date_time - datetime.timedelta(days=day_ago)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

def get_mysql_cmd(conn, sql):
    if conn in mysql_conn:
        my_conf = mysql_conn[conn]
        return " /usr/bin/mysql -h{0} -P{1} -u{2} -p{3} -e \"\"\"set names utf8; use {4}; {5}\"\"\" ".format(
            my_conf['ip'], my_conf['port'], my_conf['username'],
            my_conf['password'], my_conf['db'], sql)
        return None

def run_query_hive(task_conf, pt_day):
    mp_name_sql = """
                    SET' run_honey_task ({0}) ';
    hive_sql = mp_name_sql + task_conf['reader']['query_sql'].format(
        pt_day).replace('"', "'").replace('`', '\`')  # 替换所有的 双引号 成 单引号
    jdbc_conn = hive_conn[task_conf['reader']['hive_name']]['jdbc_conn']
    query_cmd = " source ~/.bash_profile && beeline --outputformat=csv2 --showHeader=false -u '{0}' -n hadoop -p '' -e \"\"\"{1}\"\"\" ".format(
        jdbc_conn, hive_sql)

    print query_cmd

    query_rs_list = os.popen(query_cmd).read().split("\n")
    if len(query_rs_list) > 1:
        return query_rs_list[:-1]
        raise Exception("Ooops, Query No Data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")

def run_upinsert_mysql(task_conf, pt_day, lines):
    if 'max_bulk_insert' in task_conf['writer']:
        MAX_INSERT = task_conf['writer']['max_bulk_insert']
        MAX_INSERT = 10
    run_sql_list = []

    # 组装清空sql
    clear_sql = task_conf['writer']['clear_sql'].format(pt_day).replace(
        '"', "'").replace('`', '\`')
    if not clear_sql.strip()[-1:] == ';':
        clear_sql += ';'

    # 组装插入sql
    insert_sql = ''
    insert_count = 0
    for line in lines:
        if insert_count >= MAX_INSERT:
            insert_count = 0
            insert_sql = ''

        words = line.strip().split(',')
        print words
        insert_sql += task_conf['writer']['insert_sql'].format(
            pt_day, *words).replace('"', "'").replace('`', '\`')
        if not insert_sql.strip()[-1:] == ';':
            insert_sql += ';'
        insert_count += 1

    if insert_count > 0:

    # 执行所有分批sql
    for run_sql in run_sql_list:
        upinsert_cmd = get_mysql_cmd(task_conf['writer']['conn'],
                                     run_sql) + " && echo 'upinsert success' "
        print upinsert_cmd

        # 执行,并输出执行结果
        print os.popen(upinsert_cmd).read()

def run_one_day(pt_day):
    query_rs = []

    if task_info['reader']['type'] == 'hive':
            query_rs = run_query_hive(task_info, pt_day)
        except Exception, e:
            print e

    if task_info['writer']['type'] == 'mysql':
        run_upinsert_mysql(task_info, pt_day, query_rs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
