ERDesigner NG(数据库建模工具简介)

ERDesigner NG

The Mogwai ERDesigner is an entity relationship modeling/design tool(ERD) such as ERWin and co. The only difference is that it is Open Source and does not cost anything. It was designed to make database modeling as easy as it can be and to support the developer in the whole development process, from database design to schema and code generation.


ERDesigner NG
  • is based on Java and can be run on Windows,Unix and Mac systems
  • 基于Java,使用Java语言编写,可以再Windows、Unix和Mac系统上运行。当然,Linux也是可以的,任何有Java虚拟机的地方都是可以的。
  • is distributed as a zip/tar/installer file or can be launched by WebStart
  • 以zip\tar\安装文件的形式发布,或者通过WebStart来启动。
  • has a powerful WYSIWYG editor for physical database design
  • 对于物理数据库设计,有一个强的的所见即所得的编辑器。
  • supports 2D and 3D database modeling, browsing and design
  • 支持2D和3D的数据库建模,可以浏览和设计这些炫目的效果。
  • generates true 3D anaglyphic views from your database structure
  • 能够由数据库架构生成真实的3D分析视图。
  • handles tables, relations, views, domains, custom types, indexes and comments
  • 能够处理表、关系、视图、域、客户自定义类型、所有和注释等数据库对象。
  • supports a central repository for all models ( Model Repository )
  • 支持?
  • supports subject areas
  • 支持对象区域。
  • supports MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, PostgreSQL, H2 and HypersonicSQL
  • 支持MySql、Oracle、MS Sql。。。
  • creates the SQL DDL statements for your database schema
  • 可以为数据库模式建立数据定义语言(DDL)语句。
  • supports forward and reverse engineering
  • 支持正反向工程。即可以由建立的模型生成建立数据库对象的语句,也可以由现有的数据库生成该数据库的模型。
  • has an integrated schema version control system
  • 包含有一个智能的模式版本控制器。
  • can generate schema migration scripts for every change
  • 能够对于每一次的更改生成模式的合并代码。(依然是版本控制方面的)
  • stores the database definition as XML files for further processing
  • 存储数据库定义为XML文件,用于其他进一步的处理。
  • can export the database schema as GIF, BMP, JPEG or SVG files
  • 能够导出数据库模式为GIf、Bmp、Jpeg图片和SVG文件格式。
  • has an integrated reverse engineering module for existing schemas
  • has a build in schema compare feature
  • 包含有内建的模式比较特性。
  • can generate schema documentation as PDF, HTML, RTF and other formats
  • 能够生成PDF、Html、Rtf和其他格式的模式说明文档。
  • supports schema conversion between different dialects
  • analyzes the database model for common problems
  • 能够分析数据库模型的常见问题。在模型生成Sql语句时,可以先分析、检查下模型的建立是否存在问题。
  • generates OpenXava applications
  • it is based on GPL license
  • support is available by authors and newsgroups

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