[MySQL] 设置时区

想设置MySQL的time_zone为 Asia/Hong_Kong,执行语句:SET time_zone 'Asia/Hong_Kong',报错:Unknown or incorrect time zone:'Asia/Hong_Kong'

查资料发现这个时区信息是存储在 mysql库的 time_zone_name表里,用root权限登入查询,发现没有数据。


If you do have sufficient rights to the server, you can simply issue a command like this from the command line, assuming your zoneinfo files are at /usr/share/zoneinfo (they are on a CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux setup):

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql

This will load the timezone names and offsets into the "mysql" database and you can view the names by querying the "time_zone_name" table.



