

这几天复习数据结构的时候忽然看到一个BiTNode,大概能猜出是binary tree二叉树节点的意思。联想起了在上家公司,一众后端开发被产品经历嘲讽英语的状况,打算长期整理整理需要用的英语和常见缩写。对代码规范也很有帮助。

let's get acquainted with some of the most common data structures.
Linked_List: The formal definition is "a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence." Like arrays, linked lists have indexes, but are accessed by iterators. In the linked list below, the head is "12", which is where the iterator always begins. Suppose we have a linked list object called "list", then list.head = 12 and list.head.next = 99. The last node is called the tail and is always "null" (nothing there).
stack:First come, first served
Queue:The Queue data structure provides first come, first served
Tree:If you've ever looked at a genealogy table, or at the chain of command in a corporation, you've seen data arranged in a tree. A tree is composed of a collection of nodes, where each node has some associated data and a set of children. A node's children are those nodes that appear immediately beneath the node itself. A node's parent is the node immediately above it. A tree's root is the single node that contains no parent.
Binary tree:A binary tree is a special kind of tree, one that limits each node to no more than two children. A binary search tree, or BST, is a binary tree whose nodes are arranged such that for every node n, all of the nodes in n's left subtree have a value less than n, and all nodes in n's right subtree have a value greater than n. As we discussed, in the average case BSTs offer log2 n asymptotic time for inserts, deletes, and searches.
Graphs:Graphs are composed of a set of nodes and edges, just like trees, but with graphs there are no rules for the connections between nodes. With graphs there is no concept of a root node, nor is there a concept of parents and children. Rather, a graph is just a collection of interconnected nodes.

