Build cross-platform games with Facebook rapidly and easily
Download the SDK
Requires Unity 5.4 and up. v7.15.1 See Change Log or Upgrade Guide. |
Get Started |
SDK Reference Docs |
View Source |
The Unity engine and ecosystem gives developers a world class technology platform from which they can build games that work seamlessly across multiple platforms quickly and effectively.
The Facebook SDK for Unity complements Unity Technologies' cross-platform support, providing a pure-Unity write-once, run-everywhere experience across the key gaming platforms of WebGL, Unity Web Player, Android and iOS. By maintaing a single codebase, you'll be able to deploy socially integrated gaming experiences to your players, regardless of platform.
The Facebook SDK for Unity provides a comprehensive collection of Facebook's social features, giving players of your Unity game the ability to share content with their friends and allowing you to create a personal, social gaming experience. In addition to providing a base set of features that are invoked consistently across platforms, the SDK also offers support for Facebook features that are unique to a particular platform (e.g. payments on the Web or App Invites on mobile). This will allow you to keep your code clean, using a simple, consistent model for everything your game can do on Facebook.
Login People can easily sign in to your game with their Facebook Login. |
Share People can share content with their friends. They can also share Custom Stories with Open Graph. |
Game Invites People can send invites to friends from your game. |
App Events Understand people's actions in your game and measure the effectiveness of your Mobile App Ads. |
Graph API Get data in and out of Facebook's social graph. Query data, post stories, upload photos and do other tasks. |
Ads Drive installs with Mobile App Install Ads. Increase engagement with Mobile App Engagement Ads. Find your target audience with Custom Audiences for Mobile Apps. Monetize in your game with Audience Network. |
App Links Link to a context in your game. |
Audience Network Monetize your mobile property with Facebook ads. |
Porting From Mobile to Canvas
Guide for mobile developers thinking about bringing their games to Facebook Canvas.
The Facebook SDK for Unity works with Unity 5.0 and above.
No matter what your target platform is, you'll need to start with creating a Facebook App ID for your game. The App ID is used to configure your Facebook SDK within Unity.
If you've never developed a game with Facebook before, or have never registered as a developer, follow the Developer Onboarding Guide first.
Step 1: If you do not already have a Facebook App ID for your app, you should create one:
Create a New App
Step 2: Once completed, you'll see your app's Basic Settings page. Here you can find your App ID, which is required within your Unity game's configuration, in order to integrate with Facebook.
Step 1: Create a new project in the Unity Editor.
Step 2: Download the latest Facebook SDK for Unity from our Downloads page. Unzip this package after downloading. The code for this sample project will be included.
Step 3: In the Unity Editor, select from the menu 'Assets', 'Import Package' and then 'Custom Package…'. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the Facebook for Unity SDK and select FacebookSDK.unitypackage
Step 4: Import all of the assets in the package.
Step 5: Save your project. A post-build script will add a new menu item "Facebook" to the Unity Editor. If you don't see this, check your build for compilation errors and try building again.
Step 6: Select 'Edit Settings' from the 'Facebook' menu.
The inspector will show "FacebookSettings". In the input box under 'App Id:', paste in your Facebook App ID, found as described in the steps above.
Step 1: In the Project panel, under 'Assets', there is a folder named 'FacebookSDK'. Inside this folder are all the files for the Facebook SDK for Unity. Open the folder titled 'Examples'. Double click on the 'MainMenu' scene to open the sample project menu.
Step 2: In the Unity Editor, select from the menu 'File' and then 'Build Settings'.
Select all the Unity Scenes in the 'Examples' folder from above and drag them over to the Build Settings Panel and drop them in the 'Scenes In Build' area. Drag the 'MainMenu' scene to be in order position 0
as below.
Step 3: Enter Play mode to run our example code for a simple demo of Facebook functionality.
Note: The Unity Editor environment offers limited functionality, and all the functions are stubbed. You may receive warnings and errors regarding the game's inability to reach Facebook and read assets from us; it's safe to ignore them.
After the basic configuration of the Unity SDK refer to the guides below to continue with platform specific configurations.
Facebook Canvas
iOS 9 introduces some changes to the way that apps integrate with Facebook. A preview release of the Facebook SDK for Unity has been prepared for testing with iOS 9 and is available on our iOS 9 documentation.
Related Topics
Note: This guide is organized to follow after the shared setup steps for the Facebook SDK for Unity detailed in the Getting Stared guide. If you have not yet completed these steps please do so first.
This document provides an follow up step-by-step guide to get started with the Facebook SDK for Unity on iOS. We will build and deploy the sample Unity app bundled with the Unity SDK to allow you to get working on a Facebook integration quickly and effectively. If you're more comfortable working on Android or Web, you can switch to the Getting Started guides for those platforms.
Step 1: Switch to the iOS Platform
Go to the Unity Editor. From the menu, choose 'File', 'Build Settings…' In the Build Settings dialog, under 'Platform', select 'iOS' as the target and click 'Switch Platform'. Ensure the sample project scenes have been added to the 'Scenes in Build' as previously described here.
Step 2: Set minimum iOS Version
The Facebook SDK for Unity only supports iOS version 8.0 and above. In order to prevent issues any issues on older devices, ensure the 'Target minimum iOS Version' is set to 8.0
or higher.
Step 3: Configure Bundle ID
With the Build Settings dialog still open, click 'Player Settings...' Then, in the Inspector pane go to 'Settings for iOS', then 'Other Settings'. Fill in the 'Bundle Identifier' field with a valid bundle identifier, usually formed using your company name and product name.
Whatever value you put there, you'll need to configure the same value in your app's Facebook settings. Go to the 'iOS' pane in the Basic tab of your app's 'Settings' page, and fill in the 'Bundle ID' field.
Step 4: Build
Now, back in the Unity Editor, click the 'Build' button. When prompted for an output directory name, call it unity_ios
. Once Unity finishes building, open the file Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj
in the directory that was created with Xcode.
You can hit the 'Play' button in Xcode to run the app in your default target (by default, the simulator), or use Xcode's usual functionality to run it on real iOS devices.
Now you're up and running on iOS. Congratulations!
Feel free to explore the sample app to try out the various features of the SDK. Start by clicking the FB.Initbutton at the top of the sample, which will enable the other features of the sample. As a next step, modify the code included in the sample and add it to your game project; this will get your Facebook integration off to a flying start.
For more details on integrating the Facebook SDK into your Unity game, check out the SDK reference and SDK Examples. And if you'd like to see how easy it is to deploy to Facebook Canvas and Android, check out their respective Getting Started guides.
Related Topics
Note: This guide is organized to follow after the shared setup steps for the Facebook SDK for Unity detailed in the Getting Stared guide. If you have not yet completed these steps please do so first.
This document provides an follow up step-by-step guide to get started with the Facebook SDK for Unity on Android. We will build and deploy the sample Unity app bundled with the Unity SDK to allow you to get working on a Facebook integration quickly and effectively. If you're more comfortable working on iOS or Web, you can switch to the Getting Started guides for those platforms.
Step 1: Switch to the Android Platform
Go to the Unity Editor. From the menu, choose 'File', 'Build Settings…' In the Build Settings dialog, under 'Platform', select 'Android' as the target and click 'Switch Platform'. Ensure the sample project scenes have been added to the 'Scenes in Build' as previously described here.
Step 2: Set Android Miniimum API Level
Click on Player Settings and make sure the android Minimum API level is set to "Android 4.0.3 'Ice Cream Sandwich' (API level 15)" or higher.
Step 3: Configure Bundle ID and Key Hash
With the Build Settings dialog still open, click 'Player Settings...' Then, in the Inspector pane go to 'Settings for Android', then 'Other Settings'. Fill in the 'Bundle Identifier' field with a valid bundle identifier, usually formed using your company name and product name. Save your project.
Now select 'Edit Settings' from the 'Facebook' menu.
Find and note the value of the 'Debug Android Key Hash' in the 'Android Build Facebook Settings' panel. Also note the value of the 'Class Name'.
Now, let's add the Bundle ID, Key Hash, and Class Name to your app's Facebook settings. Go to the 'Android' pane in the Basic tab of your app's 'Settings' page, and fill in the 'Bundle ID', 'Key Hashes' , and 'Class Name' fields. Now save your changes.
Step 4: Build
Now, back in the Unity Editor, click the 'Build' button. When prompted for an output directory name, call it unity_android
. You can choose to export an APK file directly, which you can install on a test device, or to export a project file to be opened in your Android IDE.
Now you're up and running on Android. Congratulations!
Feel free to explore the sample app to try out the various features of the SDK. Start by clicking the FB.Initbutton at the top of the sample, which will enable the other features of the sample. As a next step, modify the code included in the sample and add it to your game project; this will get your Facebook integration off to a flying start.
For more details on integrating the Facebook SDK into your Unity game, check out the SDK reference and SDK Examples. And if you'd like to see how easy it is to deploy to Facebook Canvas and iOS, check out their respective Getting Started guides.
Related Topics
Note: This guide is organized to follow after the shared setup steps for the Facebook SDK for Unity detailed in the Getting Stared guide. If you have not yet completed these steps please do so first.
This document provides a follow up step-by-step guide to get started with the Facebook SDK for Unity on Facebook Web Games. We will build and deploy the sample Unity app bundled with the Unity SDK to allow you to get working on a Facebook integration quickly and effectively. If you're more comfortable working on iOS or Android, you can switch to the Getting Started guides for those platforms.
In Unity 5.0, the WebGL deployment target was introduced as a new way to build Web games. Unlike deploying with the Unity Web Player, WebGL has no dependency on a browser plug-in; games will simply run in any modern browser.
An additional motivation for deploying with WebGL is to support browsers where the Unity Web Player is no longer a viable solution. One such browser is Google Chrome, which ended general support for Netscape Plug-in API (NPAPI). Since Unity Web Player is an NPAPI plug-in, these changes make the Unity Web Player unusable in Chrome.
Step 1: Switch to a Web Platform
Go to the Unity Editor. From the menu, choose 'File', 'Build Settings…' In the Build Settings dialog, under 'Platform', select 'WebGL' or 'Web Player' as the target and click 'Switch Platform'. Ensure the sample project scenes have been added to the 'Scenes in Build' as previously described here.
Note: Select 'WebGL' to build with HTML5 technologies or select 'Web Player' to build for the Unity Web Player to target older browsers.
Step 2: Build
With the Build Settings dialog open, click the 'Build' button. When prompted for an output directory name, call it web
See the Building for Web section below for best practices.
Step 3: Deploy the game
Upload the files from the output directory to an SSL/TLS-capable Web server. The game object must be served over HTTPS. During development you will find it easier to serve your game file from a local web server supporting HTTPS. Plenty of solutions exist on the web to help you get started, most of which are free and open source. Check out XAMPP as a starting point.
Step 4: Configure Facebook Web Games Settings
Navigate to your app's Facebook settings. Go to the 'Facebook Web Games' pane in the Basic tab of your app's 'Settings' page and fill in the 'Facebook Web Games URL (https)' field with the URL where you are serving your game. Now save your changes.
When using version 7 or later of the Unity SDK, ensure you leave both 'Legacy Unity Integration' and 'Unity Web Player Install Flow' un-checked. These are legacy settings for usage with older versions of the Unity SDK.
Step 5: Run
Navigate to '[your_app_id]'. You should now be able to see a running example of the game.
Congratulations, you have setup a basic Unity sample and have it running successfully on!
Building with WebGL requires a special consideration. Take note of the steps outlined below:
Due to the varied levels of support for WebGL across browers it can be desirable to maintain both a WebGL and Web Player deployment of your game.
In order to accomplish this you will need to build and host both versions of your game. Instead of pointing the Facebook Web Games URL (https) setting to one of the builds, create a new Pre-Loader that will decide which build to redirect to.
// Simple Pre-Loader Example in Javascript
// Redirects Google Chrome v42 User Agent to WebGL
// Redirects all else to Web Player
var chromeVersion = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./);
if (chromeVersion && chromeVersion[1]) {
if (parseInt(chromeVersion[1], 10) >= 42) {
window.location = "/unity/webgl";
window.location = "/webplayer/webplayer.html";
There are more advanced ways to detect support of the Unity Web Player plugin, but we will not detail those here. Consider starting with UnityObject2.js
Feel free to explore the sample app to try out the various features of the SDK. Start by clicking the FB.Initbutton at the top of the sample, which will enable the other features of the sample. As a next step, modify the code included in the sample and add it to your game project; this will get your Facebook integration off to a flying start.
For more details on integrating the Facebook SDK into your Unity game, check out the SDK reference and SDK Examples. And if you'd like to see how easy it is to deploy to iOS and Android, check out their respective Getting Started guides.
Read our Getting Started guide to learn how to load and configure the Facebook SDK for Unity. Next try these examples using the SDK:
Use FB.Init
to initialize the Facebook SDK for Unity. Consider using the Awake function from Unity's Monobehavior class as a starting place. In the callback from FB.Init
, check FB.IsInitialized
to verify FB.Init
succeeded and if so, make a call to FB.ActivateApp
to signal an app activation.
// Include Facebook namespace
using Facebook.Unity;
// Awake function from Unity's MonoBehavior
void Awake ()
if (!FB.IsInitialized) {
// Initialize the Facebook SDK
FB.Init(InitCallback, OnHideUnity);
} else {
// Already initialized, signal an app activation App Event
private void InitCallback ()
if (FB.IsInitialized) {
// Signal an app activation App Event
// Continue with Facebook SDK
// ...
} else {
Debug.Log("Failed to Initialize the Facebook SDK");
private void OnHideUnity (bool isGameShown)
if (!isGameShown) {
// Pause the game - we will need to hide
Time.timeScale = 0;
} else {
// Resume the game - we're getting focus again
Time.timeScale = 1;
Use FB.LogInWithReadPermissions
to prompt the user to login with Facebook, requesting the public_profile
and email
permissions. In the callback, check FB.IsLoggedIn
to see if the login succeeded and if so, print information about the logged in session from the current AccessToken
var perms = new List(){"public_profile", "email"};
FB.LogInWithReadPermissions(perms, AuthCallback);
private void AuthCallback (ILoginResult result) {
if (FB.IsLoggedIn) {
// AccessToken class will have session details
var aToken = Facebook.Unity.AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken;
// Print current access token's User ID
// Print current access token's granted permissions
foreach (string perm in aToken.Permissions) {
} else {
Debug.Log("User cancelled login");
Use FB.ShareLink
to give the user an opportunity to share content to Facebook.
new Uri(""),
callback: ShareCallback
private void ShareCallback (IShareResult result) {
if (result.Cancelled || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Error)) {
Debug.Log("ShareLink Error: "+result.Error);
} else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.PostId)) {
// Print post identifier of the shared content
} else {
// Share succeeded without postID
Debug.Log("ShareLink success!");
Use FB.LogAppEvent
to log the completion of a step in your tutorial.
var tutParams = new Dictionary<string, object>();
tutParams[AppEventParameterName.ContentID] = "tutorial_step_1";
tutParams[AppEventParameterName.Description] = "First step in the tutorial, clicking the first button!";
tutParams[AppEventParameterName.Success] = "1";
FB.LogAppEvent (
parameters: tutParams
View these events reported in aggregate with valuable demographic info about your players on Facebook Analytics for Apps.
Related Topics
This document provides the API details for the Facebook SDK for Unity.
The architecture follows, as much as possible within the constraints of the supported platforms, the design of the Javascript SDK. All functions implementing I/O operations are asynchronous and take a delegate as an argument which will be called with their output once it is ready.
Most data exchanged over the network is marshalled as strings containing JSON, and a utility class, Json
, is provided to help manage that data within Unity.
Note: The Facebook SDK for Unity works with Unity 5.0 and above.
Name |
Description |
Initialize the SDK, this is required before doing anything else |
Make an API call to the Graph API |
Trigger a Share dialog for one-to-many sharing |
Trigger the legacy Feed sharing dialog, only use if you need legacy parameters |
Trigger a Game Request dialog for one-to-one sharing |
Get the URL with which the app was invoked |
Name |
Description |
Prompt a user to authorize your app with requested read permissions, or to grant additional read permissions |
Prompt a user to authorize your app with publish permissions, or to grant additional permissions |
Log a user entirely out of Facebook |
Name |
Description |
The access token granted to your application by the current user |
Check whether the SDK has been initialized |
Check whether a user is currently logged in and has authorized your app |
Check whether a user is currently logged in and has authorized your app |
Name |
Description |
Signal an app launch or resume, for integrating with App Ads and Facebook Analytics for Apps |
Publish an App Event, for deeper integration with App Ads and Facebook Analytics for Apps |
Convience method for publishing purchase events, for deeper integration with App Ads and Facebook Analytics for Apps |
Name |
Description |
Updates the current access token with up-to-date permissions, and extends the expiration date if possible |
Open an App Invite dialog, giving users the ability to send their friends a personal invite to your app |
Fetch deferred applink data from App Ads or invites |
Set the preferred dialog type when using |
Name |
Description |
Prompt the user to make a payment using Facebook Payments |
Name |
Description |
Prompt user to create a new Game Group |
Prompt user to join a Game Group |
SDK Examples
Examples for the several common scenarios with the Facebook SDK for Unity
Using JSON with Unity
JSON is widely-used for data interchange; we can help you use it with Unity
这些文档说明了如何注册、配置和开发您的应用,以便您成功使用我们的产品、API 和 SDK。
每当添加新权限、功能或产品,或升级到新版 SDK 或 API 时,您都可以重复开发模式测试和应用审核步骤。
为了让您的应用能够访问我们的任何产品或 API,您必须首先将 Facebook 帐户转换为开发者帐户,并使用应用面板注册您的应用。您可以在 完成此操作。注册程序将为您创建应用编号,以便我们了解您的身份,帮助我们区分您的应用与其他应用,并让您在设置特定产品或请求访问敏感 API 时,可以提供我们所需的任何其他资料。
当您注册时,我们将为您的应用生成独特的应用编号。您会经常用到这个编号,因为在向我们的 API 发出任何调用时都必须加入此编号。我们的所有 SDK 都可让您轻松进行此项设置,使系统在您发出任何 API 调用时自动加入此编号。
权限 |
管理员 |
开发者 |
测试者 |
成效分析用户 |
修改应用设置 |
✔ |
✔ |
重置应用密钥 |
✔ |
删除应用 |
✔ |
修改应用身份 |
✔ |
测试登录权限、功能和产品 |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
创建测试版应用、用户和主页 |
✔ |
✔ |
查看应用成效分析 |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
在测试应用以及完成应用审核(如有需要)之后,您可以切换为已发布模式。将您的应用切换为已发布模式后,系统不会让此应用在 或任何搜索引擎自动可供查找。如果您希望用户能够查找您的应用,则必须自行营销,或手动将其添加到应用中心。
After you sign up for a developer account, go to the Developer Settings section of the app dashboard to edit your account details. Change your email, notifications, sample app, and documentation settings.
In the upper right corner of your dashboard, hover over the profile image. Select Developer Settings from the drop-down menu.
Click the Contact tab to change your email, edit notification settings for Urgent updates, Conversations, Product updates, and Blog & Documentation updates, or delete your Facebook developer account.
You can click All On, All Off, or customize by selecting individual items and the delivery method for each. To customize, click the notification type, Urgent, Conversations, Products, or Blogs & Docs, then select the the individual items dropdown menu to the right.
Urgent Updates
Get urgent updates that may require an action from you to prevent your app from breaking.
Urgent Notification |
Description |
Available Delivery Methods |
API Rate Limiting |
Alerts about nearing and hitting the rate limit for API requests. |
Email, On Facebook |
App Status |
Alerts about changes in app status including when the app is made public or deleted. |
Email, On Facebook |
Moratoriums & Restrictions |
Alerts about moratoriums/restrictions placed on your app. |
Email, On Facebook |
Platform Status Updates That May Affect Your Apps |
Platform status updates that directly affect any of your apps. |
Privacy Policy |
Updates on the status of your app's privacy policy url. |
Email, On Facebook |
Webhooks |
Alerts about your existing Webhooks subscriptions. |
Email, On Facebook |
Version Deprecation |
Alerts about a version upgrade affecting your app. |
Email, On Facebook |
Get direct responses from Facebook about the status of your app.
Conversations Notifications |
Description |
Available Delivery Methods |
App Review |
Alerts about app review status updates. |
Email, On Facebook |
Appeals |
Updates on the status of your appeals. |
Email, On Facebook |
Bugs |
Alerts about reported bugs for your app. |
Email, On Facebook, Messenger |
Developer Circles |
Updates on the status of the Developer Circles program. |
Direct Support Questions |
Alerts about direct support questions. |
Email, On Facebook |
FBStart |
Alerts about the FbStart program. |
Email, On Facebook |
Product updates
Get updates of Facebook platform products you use.
Product Notifications |
Description |
Available Delivery Methods |
Analytics |
Get data and trends for your apps. |
Audience Network |
Alerts about your ad placements with Audience Network. |
Email, On Facebook |
Gameroom Native |
Updates on Gameroom Native changes. |
Email, On Facebook |
Login & API Errors |
Alerts about when your app throws errors during login or for other API calls. |
Email, On Facebook |
Marketing API |
Alerts about your app's integration with the Marketing API. |
Email, On Facebook |
Open Graph |
Open Graph approval status updates. |
Email, On Facebook |
Payments |
Alerts about canvas payment and payout updates. |
Email, On Facebook |
Platform Announcements |
New products, events, surveys and more. |
Blog & Documentation updates
Get updates of blog posts and documentation you're subscribed to.
Blogs & Docs Notifications |
Description |
Available Delivery Methods |
Developer Blog Digests |
Get the Developer Blog Digest. |
Developer Blog Posts |
Get notified about every new Developer blog post. |
Instant Articles Developer Blog Posts |
Get notified about every new Instant Articles blog post. |
Marketing API Blog Digests |
Get the Marketing API Blog Digest. |
Marketing API Blog Posts |
Get notified about every new Marketing API blog post. |
Marketing API Breaking Changes |
Get notified about breaking changes to the Marketing API. |
Deleting your developer account will delete all your apps. If you are the only admin of an app, all app information will be lost. Recreating your account will not return access to your apps.
Click on the Sample App tab to add the Android Key Hash of your sample app.
Click on the Documentation tab to select a default programming language from the dropdown menu that will be used in the developer documentation code examples.
我们一般需要不到一周的时间处理您提交的应用,通常只需要 2 至 3 天,但遇繁忙期时可能需要更长时间。请注意,由于近期审核流程有所变化,加上提交量较大,您所提交的应用可能需要几周时间才能完成审核流程。
为了让您更好地了解整个提交流程,我们为常用的产品和 API 创建了一组提交示例。
和 pages_show_list
登录权限允许应用用户授权应用访问特定类型的数据,因此您应该只选择与应用所需数据类型对应的权限。例如,如果您的应用允许用户查看他们上传到自己时间线的视频,则您应在所提交的应用中加入 user_videos
所有功能都需要接受审核。各项功能均对应特定的功能、产品或 API。当您选择一项功能时,它会列出任何可能需要包含在所提交应用中的登录权限。我们也建议您阅读每种产品的文档集,以获取详细的应用审核说明。
某些权限和功能要求使用截屏视频来说明您的应用将如何使用这些数据(如果应用没有 UI,则需说明最终将如何使用这些数据)。我们建议您使用专门的录屏软件录制截屏视频。请避免使用移动设备的相机拍摄展示应用数据使用流程的另一台设备的屏幕。
如果您的应用没有用户界面,并会直接与我们的 API 互动,请参阅我们的服务器到服务器应用文档,以获取有关如何提供详情的指引。
某些产品(例如 Messenger 和 Instagram)会要求您的应用完成专门的审核步骤。当您添加任何此类产品时,产品功能选项会显示于应用的面板中,并且包含其中列出任何专门权限和说明的应用审核部分。
您可以关注开发者提醒中的链接,以开始公司验证流程。我们会要求您将应用连接至 Facebook 商务管理平台帐户,从而开始验证流程。如果我们能通过可信的第三方数据源找到您的公司详情,我们会要求您通过电子邮件或电话验证您与公司的关系。如果我们无法找到您的公司详情,您可能需要提交其他文件才能完成公司验证流程。
如果您已提交文件,但仍存在验证问题,则您可能需要提交其他文件。如果您不能在 1 周内提供此额外信息,则您将需要重新开始此流程。
您可以通过关注开发者提醒中的链接,或前往 并导航至我的应用 > 开发者设置来开始个人验证流程。
或 user_photos
如果您的公司会使用我们的 API 和数据为其他公司提供服务,则在公司验证期间,您需要提供技术提供商签名人员的邮箱。我们会通过邮件向签名人员发送一个链接,该链接指向我们的技术提供商修正条款,其中包含有关数据使用政策的加重条款。签名人员必须签署此修正条款,并可使用 Adobe Sign 签署。
如果您使用我们的 API 或数据向其他公司提供服务,我们会要求您告知客户是谁。我们会尽快宣布相关解决方案,以帮助您解决这一问题。如果您的客户通过您的应用访问大量用户数据,则您的客户可能需要满足我们的额外要求。
查看我们的 Facebook 登录产品文档,以了解关于应用请求访问可审核权限的应用审核提交示例。