CMIS(Content Management Interoperability Services)
The Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard defines a domain model and Web Services, Restful AtomPub and browser (JSON) bindings that can be used by applications to work with one or more Content Management repositories/systems.
在这里,我们可以CMIS是一种标准来进行内容管理,在本文中,我们主要用CMIS管理非结构的数据。关于Web Services, Restful AtomPub and browser (JSON) bindings 这些在下文会说,
CMIS是基于Data Model和Service的。Data Model是一系列的实体,Service就是对这些实体的操作。
Data Model有下面的一些内容:
Service就是对上面Data Model的CRUD操作。方法比较多这里只能举个例子:
在定义中,我们就已经提到了Binding一词,AtomPub Binding
, Web Services Binding
和Browser Binding
,这就是3种实现方式,那么到底什么是Binding呢?这里的Binding其实是Protocol Binding:
Protocol binding is the connection between one protocol and another in a network to create a new data flow. In communications networks, data flows between protocols, such as the transport protocol and network protocol, as it is forwarded from a source to a destination. Binding the protocols creates the channel used by the data as it moves from the original application through the network.
这里我们主要介绍Browser Binding
The CMIS Browser Binding is based upon JSON (Java Script Object Notation, [RFC4627]) and patterns used in Web applications. This binding is specifically designed to support applications running in a web browser but is not restricted to them. It is based on technologies that developers who build such applications already understand, including HTML, HTML Forms, JavaScript and JSON (Java Script Object Notation). Importantly, it does not require a JavaScript library, but rather takes advantage of capabilities already built into modern browsers.
Browser Binding
这里说一下Browser Binding
是基于HTTP协议的,也就是将CMIS与HTTP进行了Protocol Binding,而且由于不是REST形式,只有GET
GET https://host/b7579290-68c7-44b6-b135-2b5150e7c434/root?objectId=dSMwdKWSxI9fMt5HC9oxY9I4yeXSnyTEgLkUIrYIZzo&cmisSelector=acl&filter=cmis:name,cmis:objectId,cmis:path,cmis:baseTypeId,cmis:secondaryObjectTypeIds,cmis:objectTypeId,cmis:createdBy,cmis:creationDate,cmis:lastModifiedBy,cmis:lastModificationDate,cmis:contentStreamFileName,cmis:versionLabel,cmis:isVersionSeriesCheckedOut,cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutBy,cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId,cmis:contentStreamMimeType,cmis:contentStreamLength,cmis:description,mcm:sharePassword,mcm:expirationDate,mcm:uploadAllowed,mcm:enableUpload,mcm:validToDate&maxItems=50000&skipCount=0&includeAllowableActions=true&renditionFilter=cmis:thumbnail,application/pdf,image/bmp,image/gif,image/jpeg,image/png&succinct=true"
SAP document center是使用CMIS协议来的,同时用了Apache Chemistry的库。这里是他的架构
这个服务所有关于Document的通信都是使用CMIS协议,而其他比如User管理是REST API。
由于CMIS Server和请求的Server不在一个Server,浏览器就会存在跨域的问题,这时候我们需要一个Token,而这个Token可以在JS代码这样写:
url: url,
type: "GET",
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-Token", "fetch");
success: function(result, xhr, data) {
that.sDocToken = data.getResponseHeader("X-CSRF-Token");
在本次请求CMIS Server带上这个Token就OK了。
An Access Control List (ACL) is a list of Access Control Entries (ACEs) and MAY hold zeroor more ACEs. If an ACL has no ACEs, the behavior is the same as if the ACL is not set.
An ACE holds:
• A principal that represents a user management object, e.g. a user, group, or role. It holds one string with the principalId.
• One or more strings with the names of the permissions.
• A boolean flag direct which indicates if TRUE that the ACE is directly assigned to the object. If FALSE, that the ACE is somehow derived or inherited.