sublime python环境配置



2.然后使用Python的pip工具安装pylint,在cmd命令下执行:pip install pylint


1.通过Package Control安装SublimeCodeIntel,若自动安装不成功,则手动下载SublimeCodeIntel.zip包,解压到Sublime Text 3\Packages目录下

2.通过Package Control安装Pylinter,并配置Pylinter.sublime-settings,如下:

    // When versbose is 'true', various messages will be written to the console.
    // values: true or false
    "verbose": false,
    // The full path to the Python executable you want to
    // run Pylint with or simply use 'python'.
    "python_bin": "python",
    // The following paths will be added Pylint's Python path
    "python_path": [
    // Optionally set the working directory
    "working_dir": null,
    // Full path to the module in the pylint package
    "pylint_path": "D:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/pylint",
    // Optional full path to a Pylint configuration file
    "pylint_rc": null,
    // Set to true to automtically run Pylint on save
    "run_on_save": true,
    // Set to true to use graphical error icons
    "use_icons": false,
    "disable_outline": false,
    // Status messages stay as long as cursor is on an error line
    "message_stay": false,
    // Ignore Pylint error types. Possible values:
    // "R" : Refactor for a "good practice" metric violation
    // "C" : Convention for coding standard violation
    // "W" : Warning for stylistic problems, or minor programming issues
    // "E" : Error for important programming issues (i.e. most probably bug)
    // "F" : Fatal for errors which prevented further processing
    "ignore": [],
    // a list of strings of individual errors to disable, ex: ["C0301"]
    "disable": [],
    "plugins": []
