观察者模式本质上是一种对象行为模式,而 发布/订阅模式本质上是一种架构模式,强调组件的作用。
可能从上面的描述还不能都抓到重要的信息。接下来我们还是先看一下design pattern书中的例子:
The "Click the button" page
* Subject
* 内部创建了三个方法,内部维护了一个ObserverList。
//contructor function
function Subject(){
this.observers = new ObserverList();
//addObserver: 调用内部维护的ObserverList的add方法
Subject.prototype.addObserver = function( observer ){
this.observers.add( observer );
//removeObserver: 调用内部维护的ObserverList的removeat方法
Subject.prototype.removeObserver = function( observer ){
this.observers.removeAt( this.observers.indexOf( observer, 0 ) );
//notify: 通知函数,用于通知观察者并且执行update函数,update是一个实现接口的方法,是一个通知的触发方法。
Subject.prototype.notify = function( context ){
var observerCount = this.observers.count();
for(var i=0; i < observerCount; i++){
this.observers.get(i).update( context );
* ObserverList
* 内部维护了一个数组,4个方法用于数组的操作,这里相关的内容还是属于subject,因为ObserverList的存在是为了将subject和内部维护的observers分离开来,清晰明了的作用。
function ObserverList(){
this.observerList = [];
ObserverList.prototype.add = function( obj ){
return this.observerList.push( obj );
ObserverList.prototype.count = function(){
return this.observerList.length;
ObserverList.prototype.get = function( index ){
if( index > -1 && index < this.observerList.length ){
return this.observerList[ index ];
ObserverList.prototype.indexOf = function( obj, startIndex ){
var i = startIndex;
while( i < this.observerList.length ){
if( this.observerList[i] === obj ){
return i;
return -1;
ObserverList.prototype.removeAt = function( index ){
this.observerList.splice( index, 1 );
* The Observer
* 提供更新接口,为想要得到通知消息的主体提供接口。
function Observer(){
this.update = function(){
// ...
// Extend an object with an extension
function extend( obj, extension ){
for ( var key in extension ){
obj[key] = extension[key];
// References to our DOM elements
var controlCheckbox = document.getElementById( "mainCheckbox" ),
addBtn = document.getElementById( "addNewObserver" ),
container = document.getElementById( "observersContainer" );
// Concrete Subject
// Extend the controlling checkbox with the Subject class
extend( controlCheckbox, new Subject() );
// Clicking the checkbox will trigger notifications to its observers
controlCheckbox.onclick = function(){
controlCheckbox.notify( controlCheckbox.checked );
addBtn.onclick = addNewObserver;
// Concrete Observer
function addNewObserver(){
// Create a new checkbox to be added
var check = document.createElement( "input" );
check.type = "checkbox";
// Extend the checkbox with the Observer class
extend( check, new Observer() );
// Override with custom update behaviour
check.update = function( value ){
this.checked = value;
// Add the new observer to our list of observers
// for our main subject
controlCheckbox.addObserver( check );
// Append the item to the container
container.appendChild( check );
a. 定义好主体类和观察者类
b. 类实例化成具体对象,绑定方法,观察者在主体对象里注册
c. 操作。主体分发消息给观察者。
发布/订阅模式使用位于希望接收通知的对象(订阅者)和发起事件的对象(发布者)之间的主题/事件频道。这个事件系统允许代码定义特定于应用程序的事件,这些事件可以传递包含订户所需值的自定义参数 这里的想法是避免用户和发布者之间的依赖关系。这里和观察者模式就不一样了。侧重点在于订阅者订阅事件,发布者发布信息,至于订阅者接受信息之后的处理并不关心。但是这个地方的问题在于Subject已经是项目的一个实实在在的构成部分,它不再是一个去规范行为的东西。这也是为什么一开始说是一种架构模式。
var pubsub = {};
(function(myObject) {
// Storage for topics that can be broadcast
// or listened to
var topics = {};
// A topic identifier
var subUid = -1;
// Publish or broadcast events of interest
// with a specific topic name and arguments
// such as the data to pass along
myObject.publish = function( topic, args ) {
if ( !topics[topic] ) {
return false;
var subscribers = topics[topic],
len = subscribers ? subscribers.length : 0;
while (len--) {
subscribers[len].func( topic, args );
return this;
// Subscribe to events of interest
// with a specific topic name and a
// callback function, to be executed
// when the topic/event is observed
myObject.subscribe = function( topic, func ) {
if (!topics[topic]) {
topics[topic] = [];
var token = ( ++subUid ).toString();
token: token,
func: func
return token;
// Unsubscribe from a specific
// topic, based on a tokenized reference
// to the subscription
myObject.unsubscribe = function( token ) {
for ( var m in topics ) {
if ( topics[m] ) {
for ( var i = 0, j = topics[m].length; i < j; i++ ) {
if ( topics[m][i].token === token ) {
topics[m].splice( i, 1 );
return token;
return this;
}( pubsub ));
// A simple message logger that logs any topics and data received through our
// subscriber
var messageLogger = function ( topics, data ) {
console.log( "Logging: " + topics + ": " + data );
// Subscribers listen for topics they have subscribed to and
// invoke a callback function (e.g messageLogger) once a new
// notification is broadcast on that topic
var subscription = pubsub.subscribe( "inbox/newMessage", messageLogger );
// Publishers are in charge of publishing topics or notifications of
// interest to the application. e.g:
pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", "hello world!" );
// or
pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", ["test", "a", "b", "c"] );
// or
pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", {
sender: "[email protected]",
body: "Hey again!"
// We can also unsubscribe if we no longer wish for our subscribers
// to be notified
pubsub.unsubscribe( subscription );
// Once unsubscribed, this for example won't result in our
// messageLogger being executed as the subscriber is
// no longer listening
pubsub.publish( "inbox/newMessage", "Hello! are you still there?" );