Creating and Downloading Development Provisioning Profiles

Creating and Downloading Development Provisioning Profiles

A Provisioning Profile is a collection of digital entities that uniquely ties developers and devices to an authorized iOS Development Team and enables a device to be used for testing. A Development Provisioning Profile must be installed on each device on which you wish to run your application code. Each Development Provisioning Profile will contain a set of iOS Development Certificates, Unique Device Identifiers and an App ID.

Devices specified within the provisioning profile can be used for testing only by those individuals whose iOS Development Certificates are included in the profile. A single device can contain multiple provisioning profiles.

Creating a Development Provisioning Profile
  1. In the ‘Provisioning’ section of the Portal, Team Admins should click 'Add' on the Development tab.
  2. Enter a name for the provisioning profile.
  3. Specify which devices will be associated with the provisioning profile. You must specify a device in order for that device to utilize the provisioning profile. If a device's UDID is not included in the provisioning profile the profile and your application cannot be installed on that device.
  4. Specify which iOS Development Certificates will be associated with the provisioning profile. You must specify an iOS Development Certificate in order for the application code signed with that same certificate to run on the device.
  5. Specify a single App ID for the Development Provisioning Profile. Each Development Provisioning Profile can specify only ONE App ID, therefore, if you have applications requiring different Keychain access, you will need to create a separate Development Provisioning Profile for each of those applications. If you are installing a suite of applications with the same required Keychain access or have a set of applications not requiring access to the Keychain, use an App ID containing the wild-card asterisk character to build all of your applications.
  6. Click ‘Submit’ to generate your Development Provisioning Profile.

Installing a Development Provisioning Profile

All Team Agents, Admins and Members can download a Development Provisioning Profile from the ‘Provisioning’ section of the Portal after it has been created. Only those developers whose Apple device IDs and iOS Development Certificates are included in the provisioning profile will be able to install and test their application on their device.

  1. In the ‘Provisioning’ section of the Provisioning Portal, click the download button next to the desired provisioning profile.
  2. Drag the downloaded file onto the Xcode application icon in the dock or into the ‘Organizer’ window within Xcode. This will automatically copy the .mobileprovision file to the proper directory. Alternatively, you can drag the .mobileprovision file onto the iTunes icon in the dock or copy the file to ‘~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles’. If the directory does not exist you will need to create it. Click on the ‘+’ button in the Provisioning section of the Organizer window to install your .mobileprovision file.

Building and Installing your Development Application

Now that you have an approved iOS Development Certificate, an assigned Apple device and a properly installed Development Provisioning Profile, Xcode can now build your application and install it on your development device. If you have a single iOS Development Certificate and iOS Development Provisioning Profile, you don’t need to change any settings in Xcode to start running your applications. To compile and install your code:

  1. Launch Xcode and open your project.
  2. In the Project Window, select ‘Device - iPhone OS’ from the ‘Device | Debug’ drop down menu in the upper-left hand corner.

  3. Highlight the project Target and select the ‘Info’ icon from the top menu bar.
  4. In the Target Info window, navigate to the ‘Build’ pane. Click the ‘Any iOS Device’ pop-up menu below the ‘Code Signing Identity’ field and select the iOS Development Certificate/Provisioning Profile pair you wish to sign and install your code with. Your iOS Development certificate will be in bold with the Provisioning Profile associated with it in grey above. In the example below, ‘iOS Developer: Team Leader’ is the Development Certificate and ‘My First Development Provisioning Profile’ is the .mobileprovision file paired with it.

    Note: If the private key for your iOS Development certificate is missing, or if your iOS Development certificate is not included in a provisioning profile, you will be unable to select the iOS Development Certificate/Provisioning Profile pair and you will see the following. Re-installing the private key or downloading a provisioning profile with your iOS Development certificate included in it will correct this.

  5. In the Properties Pane of the Target Info window, enter the Bundle Identifier portion of your App ID. If you have used an explicit App ID you must enter the Bundle Identifier portion of the App ID in the Identifier field. For example enter com.domainname.applicationname if your App ID is If you have used a wildcard asterisk character in your App ID, replace the asterisk with whatever string you choose.

    Here are example App IDs and what should be input into the Identifier field in Xcode.

    • Example App ID:
      Identifier to enter in Xcode: com.domainname.applicationname

    • Example App ID:*
      Identifier to enter in Xcode: com.domainname.

    • Example App ID: A1B2C3D4E5.*
      Identifier to enter in Xcode:

  6. Click ‘Build and Go’ to install the application on your Apple device.
