1. 前端:JavaScript+ HTML+CSS/SCSS 使用的框架是Angularjs
2. 前端开发完交付给测试之前,需要自己先写单元测试,不涉及接口测试,只针对自己关心的逻辑,使用的框架是jasmine
App: 跨平台开发 : nativescript + Angular
Phone Gap is to launch a web app inside an iOS or Android web view.
Detailed Evaluation: PhoneGap Evaluation
NativeScript is to run a NativeScript runtime on JavaScript virtual machine on iOS and Android. Your JavaScript code is directly run on native OS without a web view wrapper.
Detailed Evaluation: NativeScript Evaluation
Detailed Evaluation: React Native Evaluation
Telerik platform is a set of tools which can help development/build/testing/deployment of NativeScript apps.
Detailed Evaluation: Telerik Platform (And Other Tools) Evaluation
Sidekick is free tool that can build/run/debug/release your NativeScript apps. But it doesn't have QR code support.
This tool supports cloud build which means you can build iOS on windows machine.
The free license only supports 400 cloud build per user account per month. But it provides commercial license for more cloud builds.
Hybrid app is using a web view as a wrapper of a web application. So most of our existing web app code can be reused. If not reusable, at least we use that as reference. But people are getting away from this due to the fact of how hard it is to have a native graphic and performance.
For native app, the user experience is awesome with native graphic and better performance than web view. But the learning cost is high for us since we don't have the experience before.
There is no absolute right or wrong between NativeScript and React Native. It is totally a personal interest. They both can do the job. It is like the endless debate between Angular vs React in web app.
For Angular1 vs React, I do think React is better. But for Angular2 vs React, I have no comments since I think both frameworks are awesome!
But some articles do have some opinion on when to use NativeScript and when to use React Native. And there are suggestion recommending combine NativeScript with React Native too.