2、perl AnyEvent中的watcher
在AnyEvent中有5中watcher,分别是IO,timer,signal, child, idle.
2.1 io watcher
复制代码 代码如下:
use AnyEvent;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
#open my $file , '<' , 'test.txt' or die "$!" ;
open F , '<' , 'test.txt' or die "$!" ;
my $io_watcher = AnyEvent->io (
fh => *F,
poll => 'r',
cb => sub {
chomp (my $input = sysread F ,my $buf ,1024); # read a line
warn "read: $buf\n" if $input >0 ; # output what has been read
#$cv->send if /quit/ ; # quit program if /quit/i
$cv->recv; # wait until user enters /quit/i
timer watcher
AnyEvent 的timer的一部分其实像javascript的setInterval :
复制代码 代码如下:
use 5.016;
use AnyEvent ;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar ;
my $w = AnyEvent->timer(
after => 0 , #多少秒之后触发事件
interval => 2 , #多少秒触发事件
cb => sub {
say AnyEvent->time ," ",AnyEvent->now ;
signal watcher
前面我们在的文章中写到了perl中对于信号的处理 《perl信号处理简单学习》,这里主要是AnyEvent中对于这些事件的处理。
复制代码 代码如下:
use 5.016;
use AnyEvent ;
#say for keys %SIG; 看一下又多少信号
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar ;
my $w = AnyEvent->signal(
signal => 'INT',
cb => sub {
say AnyEvent->time ," ",AnyEvent->now ;
exit 1 ;
child watcher
复制代码 代码如下:
use AnyEvent;
my $done = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $pid = fork or exit 5;
my $w = AnyEvent->child (
pid => $pid,
cb => sub {
my ($pid, $status) = @_;
warn "pid $pid exited with status $status";
# do something else, then wait for process exit
idle watcher
就是如果main loop在空闲的时候做些什么呢?
复制代码 代码如下:
use AnyEvent;
my @lines; # read data
my $idle_w;
$cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $io_w = AnyEvent->io (fh => \*STDIN, poll => 'r', cb => sub {
push @lines, scalar
# start an idle watcher, if not already done
$idle_w ||= AnyEvent->idle (cb => sub {
# handle only one line, when there are lines left
if (my $line = shift @lines) {
print "handled when idle: $line";
} else {
# otherwise disable the idle watcher again
undef $idle_w;