ios开发-AVPlayer 音乐播放自定义经典例题


@import   AVFoundation;

@interface   MYYViewController :   UIViewController < UITableViewDelegate , UITableViewDataSource ]] > 

@property ( nonatomic , strong ) IBOutlet   UITableView   *tableView;



#import  "MYYViewController.h"
@interface  MYYViewController  ()
@property ( nonatomic , strong ) NSMutableArray  *songList;
@property ( nonatomic , strong ) NSOperationQueue  *downloaQueue;
@property ( nonatomic , strong ) AVPlayer  *player;


@implementation  MYYViewController
void )awakeFromNib{
super  awakeFromNib ];
  self . songList  = [[ NSMutableArray  alloc ] init ];
  self . downloaQueue  = [[ NSOperationQueue  alloc ]  init ];
- (
void )viewDidLoad
super  viewDidLoad ];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
#define KURLFormat @ ""
  for  ( NSInteger  i =  1 ; i<= 60 ; i++) {
  MYYMusicInfo  *item = [[ MYYMusicInfo  alloc ] init ];
  NSString  *url = [[ NSString  alloc ]  initWithFormat : KURLFormat , @( i ) . description ];
url  = url;
musicName  =  @( i ) . description ;
progress  =  0.0f ;
self . songList  addObject :item];

- (
void )didReceiveMemoryWarning
super  didReceiveMemoryWarning ];
  // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

#pragma mark-table

NSInteger )tableView:( UITableView  *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:( NSInteger )section{
  return  self . songList . count ;

UITableViewCell  *)tableView:( UITableView  *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:( NSIndexPath  *)indexPath{
  MYYTableViewCell  *cell =  nil ;
    cell = (
MYYTableViewCell  *)[tableView  dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier : @"song"  forIndexPath :indexPath];
  MYYMusicInfo  *item =  self . songList [indexPath. row ];
delegate  = cell;
item  = item;
  return  cell;

void )tableView:( UITableView  *)tableView didEndDisplayingCell:( UITableViewCell  *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:( NSIndexPath  *)indexPath{
  MYYMusicInfo  *item =  self . songList [indexPath. row ];
delegate  =  nil ;

void )tableView:( UITableView  *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:( NSIndexPath  *)indexPath{
  deselectRowAtIndexPath :indexPath  animated : YES ];
  //点击要先置空 (进行下一个的时候)
     [self.player pause];
     self.player = nil;
     NSURL *songURL = [NSURL URLWithString:self.songList[indexPath.row]];
     self.player =[[AVPlayer alloc]initWithURL:songURL];
     [self.player play];

  MYYMusicInfo  *item =  self . songList [indexPath. row ];
  if  (item. isDownloading ) {
  return ;
  if  (!item. isDownloading  && item. isFinished ) {
  self . player  = [[ AVPlayer  alloc ] initWithURL :[ NSURL  fileURLWithPath :item. url ]];
self . player  play ];
  return ;
  MYYDownLoadOperation  *downLoadOp = [[ MYYDownLoadOperation  alloc ] initWithInfo :item ];
self . downloaQueue  addOperation :downLoadOp];

//    UITableView *tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
//    [tableView registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:@"MYYTableViewCell" bundle:nil] forCellReuseIdentifier:@"song"];
//    [tableView registerClass:NSClassFromString(@"MYYTableViewCell") forCellReuseIdentifier:@"song"];
//    tableView.delegate = self;
//    tableView.dataSource = self;
//    [self.view addSubview:tableView];




@class  MYYMusicInfo ;

@protocol   MYYMusicProtocol< NSObject  > 

void )musicDownLoadRefresh:( MYYMusicInfo  *)music;


@interface  MYYMusicInfo :  NSObject

@property ( nonatomic , strong ) NSString  *url;

@property ( nonatomic , assign ) CGFloat  progress;
@property ( nonatomic , strong ) NSString   *musicName;

@property ( nonatomic , weak ) id < MYYMusicProtocol >delegate;

@property ( nonatomic , assign ) BOOL  isDownloading;

@property ( nonatomic , assign ) BOOL  isFinished;


#import  "MYYMusicInfo.h"

@implementation  MYYMusicInfo

- (
instancetype )init
  self  = [ super  init ];
  if  ( self ) {
  self . isDownloading  =  NO ;
  self . isFinished  =  NO ;
  return  self ;

void )setProgress:( CGFloat )progress{
  _progress  =  progress;
self . delegate  musicDownLoadRefresh : self ];

@interface  MYYTableViewCell :  UITableViewCell < MYYMusicProtocol  > 
@property  ( nonatomic  , strong )  IBOutlet  UIView   *progressView;
@property  ( nonatomic  , strong )  IBOutlet  UILabel   *nameLabel;
@property  ( nonatomic  , strong )  IBOutlet  UILabel   *progressLabel;
@property ( nonatomic , strong ) MYYMusicInfo  *item;


#import  "MYYTableViewCell.h"

@implementation  MYYTableViewCell

- (
instancetype )initWithCoder:( NSCoder  *)coder
  self  = [ super  initWithCoder :coder];
  if  ( self ) {
  return  self ;

- (
void )awakeFromNib
  // Initialization code

- (
void )setSelected:( BOOL )selected animated:( BOOL )animated
super  setSelected :selected  animated :animated];

  // Configure the view for the selected state

void )musicDownLoadRefresh:( MYYMusicInfo  *)music{
  CGRect  rect =  self . progressView . frame ;
size . width  = music. progress  * 320 ;
  self . progressView . frame  = rect;
  NSLog ( @"%@" , NSStringFromCGRect (rect));
  self . nameLabel . text  = music. musicName ;
  self . progressLabel . text  = [ NSString  stringWithFormat : @"%.2f" ,music. progress  * 100 ];
  NSLog ( @"%.2f" ,music. progress  * 100 );
void )setItem:( MYYMusicInfo  *)item{
  if  ( _item  == item) {
  return ;
  _item  = item;
self  musicDownLoadRefresh : _item ];



@interface  MYYDownLoadOperation :  NSOperation < NSURLConnectionDataDelegate ]] > 
@property ( nonatomic , strong ) MYYMusicInfo  *musicInfo;

instancetype )initWithInfo:( MYYMusicInfo  *)musicInfo;


#import  "MYYDownLoadOperation.h"

@implementation  MYYDownLoadOperation
  NSMutableData   *mutableData;
  //声明bool值 用来判断当前是否在下载,如果下载runloop一直存在,结束后,runloop消失
  BOOL   isDownLoading;
  NSInteger  maxLength;

instancetype )initWithInfo:( MYYMusicInfo  *)musicInfo
  self  = [ super  init ];
  if  ( self ) {
  self . musicInfo  = musicInfo;
  return  self ;

void )main{
  self . musicInfo . isDownloading  =  YES ;
  NSURL  *url = [ NSURL  URLWithString : self . musicInfo . url ];
  NSURLRequest  *request = [ NSURLRequest  requestWithURL :url];
NSURLConnection  connectionWithRequest :request  delegate : self ];
  //只要再下载中 ,runloop就一直存在
  while  ( self . musicInfo . isDownloading )
NSRunLoop  currentRunLoop ] runUntilDate :[ NSDate  distantFuture ]];
void )connection:( NSURLConnection  *)connection didReceiveResponse:( NSURLResponse  *)response{
  mutableData  = [[ NSMutableData  alloc ] init ];
  NSHTTPURLResponse   *httpRespone = ( NSHTTPURLResponse  *)response;
  NSDictionary  *dictionary = [httpRespone  allHeaderFields ];
  //http协议中规定了很多的关键字,其中content-length 就是代表文件的大小
  maxLength  = [dictionary[ @"Content-Length" ] integerValue ];
void )connection:( NSURLConnection  *)connection didReceiveData:( NSData  *)data{
mutableData    appendData :data];
  CGFloat   progess = ( CGFloat ) mutableData . length  /  maxLength ;
  self . musicInfo . progress  = progess;

void )connectionDidFinishLoading:( NSURLConnection  *)connection{
  //下载完成,修改下载状态 = NO
  self . musicInfo . isDownloading  =  NO ;
  self . musicInfo . isFinished  =  YES ;
  NSArray  *document =  NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains ( 9 ,  1 ,  1 );
  NSString  *documentPath = document[ 0 ];
  NSString  *filePath = [documentPath  stringByAppendingFormat : @"/%@.mp3" , self . musicInfo . musicName ];
  self . musicInfo . url  = filePath;
mutableData  writeToFile :filePath  atomically : YES ];
void )connection:( NSURLConnection  *)connection didFailWithError:( NSError  *)error{
  self . musicInfo . isDownloading  =  NO ;

