





+ oryx
| - app # 基于oryx平台实现的可复用的als、kmeans、rdf算法应用和一个wordcount例子
     | - conf # 样例的conf
     | - example # wordcount代码
     | - oryx-app # als、kmeans、rdf算法应用代码
     | - oryx-app-api # 各应用的可定制复用接口
     | - oryx-app-common # 各应用的公用代码
     | - oryx-app-mllib # als、kmeans、rdf应用的底层算法实现
     | - oryx-app-serving # als、kmeans、rdf应用的的servinglayer实现
| - deploy # 与部署运行相关的代码
     | - bin # 启动脚本
     | - oryx-batch # BatchLayer的二进制main函数
     | - oryx-serving # ServingLayer的二进制main函数
     | - oryx-speed # SpeedLayer的二进制main函数
| - framework # 框架主要代码实现
     | - kafka-util # kafka相关功能
     | - oryx-api # 框架的API接口
     | - oryx-common # 框架的公用功能
     | - oryx-lambda # 框架BatchLayer/SpeedLayer运行、调度、数据分发逻辑代码,这里是框架的主体代码
     | - oryx-lambda-serving # 框架ServingLayer的运行逻辑主体代码
     | - oryx-ml # 机器学习特别定制的BatchLayer接口,实现了一些机器学习相关的通用逻辑
| - src # 文档等其他文件



# A very basic example config file configuring only the essential elements to
# run the example "word count" application
# Values are examples, appropriate for Cloudera quickstart VM:
kafka-brokers = "quickstart.cloudera:9092"
zk-servers = "quickstart.cloudera:2181"
hdfs-base = "hdfs:///user/cloudera/OryxWordCountExample"
oryx {
  id = "WordCountExample"
  input-topic {
    broker = ${kafka-brokers}
    lock = {
      master = ${zk-servers}
  update-topic {
    broker = ${kafka-brokers}
    lock = {
      master = ${zk-servers}
  batch {
    streaming {
      generation-interval-sec = 60
      num-executors = 1
      executor-cores = 2
      executor-memory = "1g"
    update-class = "com.cloudera.oryx.example.batch.ExampleBatchLayerUpdate"
    storage {
      data-dir =  ${hdfs-base}"/data/"
      model-dir = ${hdfs-base}"/model/"
    ui {
      port = 4040
  speed {
    streaming {
      num-executors = 1
      executor-cores = 2
      executor-memory = "1g"
    model-manager-class = "com.cloudera.oryx.example.speed.ExampleSpeedModelManager"
    ui {
      port = 4041
  serving {
    memory = "1000m"
    model-manager-class = "com.cloudera.oryx.example.serving.ExampleServingModelManager"
    application-resources = "com.cloudera.oryx.example.serving"
    api {
      port = 8080


1. deploy

1.1. bin

  • bin目录下是架构的启动脚本,用途包括
    • 启动batch/speed/serving Layer
    • 按照配置文件配置kafka
    • kafka的输入和输出功能
usage: oryx-run.sh command [--option value] ...
  where command is one of:
    batch        Run Batch Layer
    speed        Run Speed Layer
    serving      Run Serving Layer
    kafka-setup  Inspect ZK/Kafka config and configure Kafka topics
    kafka-tail   Follow output from Kafka topics
    kafka-input  Push data to input topic
  and options are one of:
    --layer-jar  Oryx JAR file, like oryx-{serving,speed,batch}-x.y.z.jar
                 Defaults to any oryx-*.jar in working dir
    --conf       Oryx configuration file, like oryx.conf. Defaults to 'oryx.conf'
    --app-jar    User app JAR file
    --jvm-args   Extra args to Oryx JVM processes (including drivers and executors)
    --deployment Only for Serving Layer now; can be 'yarn' or 'local', Default: local.
    --input-file Only for kafka-input. Input file to send
    --help       Display this messag

1.2. oryx-batch/oryx-serving/oryx-speed

  • 这几个目录是对应层的启动主函数,都只是简单的调用了frame的对应层的启动函数而已。

  • batch

    try (BatchLayer batchLayer = new BatchLayer<>(ConfigUtils.getDefault())) {
  • speed
    try (SpeedLayer speedLayer = new SpeedLayer<>(ConfigUtils.getDefault())) {
  • serving
    try (ServingLayer servingLayer = new ServingLayer(ConfigUtils.getDefault())) {

2. framework

2.0. AbstractSparkLayer


2.0.1. 类的定义和主要函数

 * Encapsulates commonality between Spark-based layer processes,
 * {@link com.cloudera.oryx.lambda.batch.BatchLayer} and
 * {@link com.cloudera.oryx.lambda.speed.SpeedLayer}
 * @param  input topic key type
 * @param  input topic message type
public abstract class AbstractSparkLayer<K,M> implements Closeable {
  protected AbstractSparkLayer(Config config);
  protected abstract String getConfigGroup();
  protected abstract String getLayerName();
  protected final JavaStreamingContext buildStreamingContext();
  protected final JavaInputDStream> buildInputDStream(JavaStreamingContext streamingContext);
  private static void fillInLatestOffsets(Map offsets, Map kafkaParams);

2.0.2. AbstractSparkLayer主要函数

  1. AbstractSparkLayer构造函数 - 主要功能是读取conf并初始化成员变量。
   protected AbstractSparkLayer(Config config) {
     log.info("Configuration:\n{}", ConfigUtils.prettyPrint(config));

     String group = getConfigGroup();
     this.config = config;
     String configuredID = ConfigUtils.getOptionalString(config, "oryx.id");
     this.id = configuredID == null ? generateRandomID() : configuredID;
     this.streamingMaster = config.getString("oryx." + group + ".streaming.master");
     this.inputTopic = config.getString("oryx.input-topic.message.topic");
     this.inputTopicLockMaster = config.getString("oryx.input-topic.lock.master");
     this.inputBroker = config.getString("oryx.input-topic.broker");
     this.updateTopic = ConfigUtils.getOptionalString(config, "oryx.update-topic.message.topic");
     this.updateTopicLockMaster = ConfigUtils.getOptionalString(config, "oryx.update-topic.lock.master");

     // 加载对应的类,整个框架用了很多反射手段
     this.keyClass = ClassUtils.loadClass(config.getString("oryx.input-topic.message.key-class"));
     this.messageClass = ClassUtils.loadClass(config.getString("oryx.input-topic.message.message-class"));
     this.keyDecoderClass = (Class>) ClassUtils.loadClass(config.getString("oryx.input-topic.message.key-decoder-class"), Decoder.class);
     this.messageDecoderClass = (Class>) ClassUtils.loadClass(config.getString("oryx.input-topic.message.message-decoder-class"), Decoder.class);

     // streaming的计算周期
     this.generationIntervalSec = config.getInt("oryx." + group + ".streaming.generation-interval-sec");

     // 注意这里,可以添加额外的spark配置,这里会统一读取,并在初始化StreamingContext时设置。
     this.extraSparkConfig = new HashMap<>();
     for (Map.Entry e : config.getConfig("oryx." + group + ".streaming.config").entrySet()) {
       extraSparkConfig.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().unwrapped());

     Preconditions.checkArgument(generationIntervalSec > 0);
  1. 需要基类重载的标示函数 - 用于基类判断子类的类别
    * @return layer-specific config grouping under "oryx", like "batch" or "speed"
   protected abstract String getConfigGroup();

    * @return display name for layer like "BatchLayer"
   protected abstract String getLayerName();
  1. buildStreamingContext - 初始化StreamingContext
   protected final JavaStreamingContext buildStreamingContext() {
     log.info("Starting SparkContext with interval {} seconds", generationIntervalSec);

     // 初始化sparkconf
     SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf();

     // 下面两部是给测试使用的,正常情况下不会有这种情况发生
     // Only for tests, really
     if (sparkConf.getOption("spark.master").isEmpty()) {
       log.info("Overriding master to {} for tests", streamingMaster);
     // Only for tests, really
     if (sparkConf.getOption("spark.app.name").isEmpty()) {
       String appName = "Oryx" + getLayerName();
       if (id != null) {
         appName = appName + "-" + id;
       log.info("Overriding app name to {} for tests", appName);

     // 设置上面获取的额外的spark设置
     for (Map.Entry e : extraSparkConfig.entrySet()) {
       sparkConf.setIfMissing(e.getKey(), e.getValue().toString());

     // 设置一些设置,防止关闭应用时长时间无响应
     // Turn this down to prevent long blocking at shutdown
     sparkConf.setIfMissing("spark.streaming.gracefulStopTimeout", Long.toString(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(generationIntervalSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
     sparkConf.setIfMissing("spark.cleaner.ttl", Integer.toString(20 * generationIntervalSec));

     // 新建sparkcontext 
     long generationIntervalMS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(generationIntervalSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
     JavaSparkContext jsc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate(sparkConf));

     // 新建StreamingContext,注意计算间隔为generationIntervalMS
     return new JavaStreamingContext(jsc, new Duration(generationIntervalMS));
  1. buildInputDStream - 根据StreamingContext初始化Kafka的DStream并返回
   protected final JavaInputDStream> buildInputDStream(JavaStreamingContext streamingContext) {
     // 检查并询问是否创建对应的KafkaTopic
     Preconditions.checkArgument(com.cloudera.oryx.kafka.util.KafkaUtils.topicExists(inputTopicLockMaster, inputTopic), "Topic %s does not exist; did you create it?", inputTopic);
     if (updateTopic != null && updateTopicLockMaster != null) {
       Preconditions.checkArgument(com.cloudera.oryx.kafka.util.KafkaUtils.topicExists(updateTopicLockMaster, updateTopic), "Topic %s does not exist; did you create it?", updateTopic);

     Map kafkaParams = new HashMap<>();
     //kafkaParams.put("zookeeper.connect", inputTopicLockMaster);
     String groupID = getGroupID();
     kafkaParams.put("group.id", groupID);
     // Don't re-consume old messages from input by default
     kafkaParams.put("auto.offset.reset", "largest");
     kafkaParams.put("metadata.broker.list", inputBroker);
     // Newer version of metadata.broker.list:
     kafkaParams.put("bootstrap.servers", inputBroker);

     // 获取Topic上次消费到的offset,信息保存在inputTopicLockMaster参数配置的zk中
     Map offsets = com.cloudera.oryx.kafka.util.KafkaUtils.getOffsets(inputTopicLockMaster, groupID, inputTopic);
     fillInLatestOffsets(offsets, kafkaParams);
     log.info("Initial offsets: {}", offsets);

     // Ugly compiler-pleasing acrobatics:
     Class> streamClass = (Class>) (Class) MessageAndMetadata.class;

     // 创建Kafka的DStream
     return KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(streamingContext, keyClass, messageClass, keyDecoderClass, messageDecoderClass, streamClass, kafkaParams, offsets, Functions.>identity());
  1. fillInLatestOffsets - 填充Kafka需要的offset数据结构
   private static void fillInLatestOffsets(Map offsets, Map kafkaParams) {
     if (offsets.containsValue(null)) {

       Set needOffset = new HashSet<>();
       for (Map.Entry entry : offsets.entrySet()) {
         if (entry.getValue() == null) {
       log.info("No initial offsets for {}; reading from Kafka", needOffset);

       // The high price of calling private Scala stuff:
       scala.collection.immutable.Map kafkaParamsScalaMap = (scala.collection.immutable.Map)scala.collection.immutable.Map$.MODULE$.apply(JavaConversions.mapAsScalaMap(kafkaParams).toSeq());
       scala.collection.immutable.Set needOffsetScalaSet = (scala.collection.immutable.Set)scala.collection.immutable.Set$.MODULE$.apply(JavaConversions.asScalaSet(needOffset).toSeq());

       KafkaCluster kc = new KafkaCluster(kafkaParamsScalaMap);
       Map leaderOffsets = JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap(kc.getLatestLeaderOffsets(needOffsetScalaSet).right().get());
       for (Map.Entry entry : leaderOffsets.entrySet()) {
         TopicAndPartition tAndP = entry.getKey();
         // Can't reference LeaderOffset class, so, hack away:
         String leaderOffsetString = entry.getValue().toString();
         Matcher m = Pattern.compile("LeaderOffset\\([^,]+,[^,]+,([^)]+)\\)").matcher(leaderOffsetString);
         offsets.put(tAndP, Long.valueOf(m.group(1)));

2.1. SpeedLayer


2.1.1. SpeedLayer类定义和主要函数


 * Main entry point for Oryx Speed Layer.
 * @param  type of key read from input topic
 * @param  type of message read from input topic
 * @param  type of update message read/written
public final class SpeedLayer<K,M,U> extends AbstractSparkLayer<K,M> {
   public SpeedLayer(Config config);

   // 类别标示,实现基类接口
   protected abstract String getConfigGroup();
   protected abstract String getLayerName();

   // 任务启停,实现基类接口
   public synchronized void start();
   public void await();
   public synchronized void close();

   // 加载对应的类
   private SpeedModelManager loadManagerInstance();
   private Decoder loadDecoderInstance();

2.1.2. 主要函数

  1. public SpeedLayer(Config config) - 加载SpeedLayer的配置
   public SpeedLayer(Config config) {
     // UpdateTopic的kafka配置
     this.updateBroker = config.getString("oryx.update-topic.broker");
     this.updateTopic = config.getString("oryx.update-topic.message.topic");
     this.maxMessageSize = config.getInt("oryx.update-topic.message.max-size");
     this.updateTopicLockMaster = config.getString("oryx.update-topic.lock.master");

     // 用户实现的逻辑类 
     this.modelManagerClassName = config.getString("oryx.speed.model-manager-class");

     // update topic的解码类 
     this.updateDecoderClass = (Class>) ClassUtils.loadClass(config.getString("oryx.update-topic.message.decoder-class"), Decoder.class);
     Preconditions.checkArgument(maxMessageSize > 0);
  1. 重载的标示函数 - 用于基类判断子类的类别
   protected String getConfigGroup() {
     return "speed";

   protected String getLayerName() {
     return "SpeedLayer";
  1. public synchronized void start(); - 启动streaming任务
   public synchronized void start() {
     String id = getID();
     if (id != null) {
       log.info("Starting Speed Layer {}", id);

     // 初始化StreamingContext,调用基类的函数
     streamingContext = buildStreamingContext();
     log.info("Creating message stream from topic");

     // 创建InputTopic的DStream
     JavaInputDStream> dStream = buildInputDStream(streamingContext);

     // 映射为KVPair格式 
     JavaPairDStream pairDStream = dStream.mapToPair(new MMDToTuple2Fn());

     // 创建UpdateTopic, 注意这里创建时,从最小的点开始消费
     consumer = Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector(new ConsumerConfig(
             "group.id", "OryxGroup-" + getLayerName() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
             "zookeeper.connect", updateTopicLockMaster,
             "fetch.message.max.bytes", maxMessageSize,
             // Do start from the beginning of the update queue
             "auto.offset.reset", "smallest"

     // 创建stream并映射为KVPair格式 
     KafkaStream stream = consumer.createMessageStreams(Collections.singletonMap(updateTopic, 1), new StringDecoder(null), loadDecoderInstance()).get(updateTopic).get(0);
     final Iterator> transformed = Iterators.transform(stream.iterator(),
         new Function, KeyMessage>() {
           public KeyMessage apply(MessageAndMetadata input) {
             return new KeyMessageImpl<>(input.key(), input.message());

     // 加载用户的逻辑类
     modelManager = loadManagerInstance();

     // 创建UpdateTopic的消费线程,注意这里没有使用DStream消费UpdateTopic,而是使用了一个单独线程进行消费
     new Thread(new LoggingRunnable() {
       public void doRun() {
         try {
           // 调用consume函数消费stream
           modelManager.consume(transformed, streamingContext.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration());
         } catch (Throwable t) {
           log.error("Error while consuming updates", t);
     }, "OryxSpeedLayerUpdateConsumerThread").start();

     // 对于InputTopic,进行RDD的正常变换,对于InputTopic可以使用DStream的API。这里用到了`SpeedLayerUpdate`函数类。
     pairDStream.foreachRDD(new SpeedLayerUpdate<>(modelManager, updateBroker, updateTopic));

     // 记录消费进度,这里用到了`UpdateOffsetsFn`函数类。
     dStream.foreachRDD(new UpdateOffsetsFn(getGroupID(), getInputTopicLockMaster()));
     log.info("Starting Spark Streaming");

     // 启动StreamingContext
 // `SpeedLayerUpdate`函数类 - 用作在SpeedLayer和用户函数之间加了一层调用函数。
  * Main Spark Streaming function for the speed layer that collects and publishes update to
  * a Kafka topic.
  * @param  type of key read from input topic
  * @param  type of message read from input topic
  * @param  type of update message read/written
 public final class SpeedLayerUpdate<K,M,U> implements Function<JavaPairRDD<K,M>,Void> {
   private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpeedLayerUpdate.class);

   private final SpeedModelManager modelManager;
   private final String updateBroker;
   private final String updateTopic;

   public SpeedLayerUpdate(SpeedModelManager modelManager,
                           String updateBroker,
                           String updateTopic) {
     this.modelManager = modelManager;
     this.updateBroker = updateBroker;
     this.updateTopic = updateTopic;

   // 主要行为 - 处理InputTopic的每个RDD
   public Void call(JavaPairRDD newData) throws IOException { 
     if (newData.isEmpty()) {
       log.debug("RDD was empty");
     } else {
       // 调用用户的RDD处理逻辑
       Iterable updates = modelManager.buildUpdates(newData); 
       // 分发输出,默认写到UpdateTopic中
       if (updates != null) { 
         try (TopicProducer producer = new TopicProducerImpl<>(updateBroker, updateTopic, true)) { 
           // 注意这里,写入producer的时候,带着"UP"标签。
           for (U update : updates) { producer.send("UP", update);} 
     return null; 
 // `UpdateOffsetsFn`函数类 - 用作更新zk中的消费OFFSET。
  * Function that reads offset range from latest RDD in a streaming job, and updates
  * Zookeeper/Kafka with the latest offset consumed.
  * @param  RDD element's key type (not used)
  * @param  RDD element's value type (not used)
 public final class UpdateOffsetsFn<K,M> implements Function<JavaRDD<MessageAndMetadata<K,M>>,Void> {
   private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UpdateOffsetsFn.class);

   private final String group;
   private final String inputTopicLockMaster;

   public UpdateOffsetsFn(String group, String inputTopicLockMaster) {
     this.group = group;
     this.inputTopicLockMaster = inputTopicLockMaster;

    * @param javaRDD RDD whose underlying RDD must be an instance of {@link HasOffsetRanges},
    *  such as {@code KafkaRDD}
    * @return null
   public Void call(JavaRDD> javaRDD) {
     // 读取每个RDD中的OFFSET记录 
     OffsetRange[] ranges = ((HasOffsetRanges)javaRDD.rdd()).offsetRanges();
     Map newOffsets = new HashMap<>(ranges.length);
     for (OffsetRange range : ranges) {
       // 组装KAFKA需要的OFFSET数据格式
       newOffsets.put(new TopicAndPartition(range.topic(), range.partition()), range.untilOffset());
     log.info("Updating offsets: {}", newOffsets);

     // 更新ZK中的OFFSET记录 
     KafkaUtils.setOffsets(inputTopicLockMaster, group, newOffsets);
     return null;


  1. public void await() - 等待StreamingContext程序结束
   public void await() {
     Preconditions.checkState(streamingContext != null);
     log.info("Spark Streaming is running");
     // 等待结束 
  1. public synchronized void close() - 释放资源
   public synchronized void close() {
     // 调用用户的close函数                                                      
     if (modelManager != null) {
       log.info("Shutting down model manager");
       modelManager = null;
     // 关闭UpdateTopic                                                                
     if (consumer != null) { 
       log.info("Shutting down consumer");
       consumer.commitOffsets();  // 注意这里,记录了自己的消费offset
       consumer = null;
     // 关闭StreamingContext
     if (streamingContext != null) {
       log.info("Shutting down Spark Streaming; this may take some time");                 
       streamingContext.stop(true, true);
       streamingContext = null;                                                            


2.1.3. 总结
1. SpeedLayer将InputTopic当作正常的DStream使用,框架封装了Offset的更新等逻辑。
2. UpdateTopic启动了一个单独线程,直接使用kafka的api完成,因此不需要更新zk的Offset记录。
3. BuildUpdate的输出默认输出到UpdateTopic中,并带有”UP”标签。

2.2. BatchLayer


2.2.1. BatchLayer类定义和主要函数

  * Main entry point for Oryx Batch Layer.
  * @param  type of key read from input topic
  * @param  type of message read from input topic
  * @param  type of model message written
 public final class BatchLayer<K,M,U> extends AbstractSparkLayer<K,M> {
   public BatchLayer(Config config);

   // 类别标示,实现基类接口
   protected abstract String getConfigGroup();
   protected abstract String getLayerName();

   // 启动停止任务
   public synchronized void start();
   public void await();
   public synchronized void close();

   // 加载Update类
   private BatchLayerUpdate loadUpdateInstance();

2.2.2. 主要函数说明

  1. public BatchLayer(Config config); - 加载重要参数
   public BatchLayer(Config config) {
     // 数据存储使用的类
     this.keyWritableClass = ClassUtils.loadClass(config.getString("oryx.batch.storage.key-writable-class"), Writable.class);
     this.messageWritableClass = ClassUtils.loadClass(config.getString("oryx.batch.storage.message-writable-class"), Writable.class);
     // Update使用的用户类 
     this.updateClassName = config.getString("oryx.batch.update-class");
     // 数据存储位置 
     this.dataDirString = config.getString("oryx.batch.storage.data-dir");
     this.modelDirString = config.getString("oryx.batch.storage.model-dir"); 
     // 数据存储时间      
     this.maxDataAgeHours = config.getInt("oryx.batch.storage.max-age-data-hours");
     Preconditions.checkArgument(maxDataAgeHours >= 0 || maxDataAgeHours == NO_MAX_DATA_AGE);
  1. 重载的标示函数 - 用于基类判断子类的类别
   protected String getConfigGroup() {
     return "batch";

   protected String getLayerName() {
     return "BatchLayer";
  1. public synchronized void start(); - 启动任务
   public synchronized void start() {
     String id = getID();
     if (id != null) {
       log.info("Starting Batch Layer {}", id);

     // 创建StreamingContext
     streamingContext = buildStreamingContext();

     // 开启检查点!这个很重要!
     Path checkpointPath = new Path(new Path(modelDirString), ".checkpoint");
     log.info("Setting checkpoint dir to {}", checkpointPath);

     // 创建InputDStream
     log.info("Creating message stream from topic");
     JavaInputDStream> dStream = buildInputDStream(streamingContext);
     JavaPairDStream pairDStream = dStream.mapToPair(new MMDToTuple2Fn());

     Class keyClass = getKeyClass();
     Class messageClass = getMessageClass();
     // 使用`BatchUpdateFunction`函数类处理数据,内部逻辑是调用用户的具体实现类来进行。
     pairDStream.foreachRDD(new BatchUpdateFunction<>(getConfig(), keyClass, messageClass, keyWritableClass, messageWritableClass, dataDirString, modelDirString, loadUpdateInstance(), streamingContext));

     // 将接收到的数据存入HDFS,数据保存在dataDirString下
     // "Inline" saveAsNewAPIHadoopFiles to be able to skip saving empty RDDs
     pairDStream.foreachRDD(new SaveToHDFSFunction<>(dataDirString + "/oryx", "data", keyClass, messageClass, keyWritableClass, messageWritableClass, streamingContext.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration()));

     // 更新zk中的offset
     dStream.foreachRDD(new UpdateOffsetsFn(getGroupID(), getInputTopicLockMaster()));

     // 删除HDFS上旧的数据文件,数据保存在dataDirString下
     if (maxDataAgeHours != NO_MAX_DATA_AGE) {
       dStream.foreachRDD(new DeleteOldDataFn>(streamingContext.sparkContext().hadoopConfiguration(), dataDirString, maxDataAgeHours));

     log.info("Starting Spark Streaming");

     // 启动streaming处理


  1. BatchUpdateFunction - 用户处理逻辑的封装类
  * Framework for executing the batch layer update, and storing data to persistent storage,
  * in the context of a streaming framework.
  * @param  type of key read from input topic
  * @param  type of message read from input topic
  * @param  type of model message written
 final class BatchUpdateFunction implements Function2,Time,Void> {
   // 主要调用逻辑
   public Void call(JavaPairRDD newData, Time timestamp) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
     if (newData.isEmpty()) {
       log.info("No data in current generation's RDD; nothing to do");
       return null;

     log.info("Beginning update at {}", timestamp);

     Configuration hadoopConf = sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration();
     if (hadoopConf.getResource("core-site.xml") == null) {
       log.warn("Hadoop config like core-site.xml was not found; " + "is the Hadoop config directory on the classpath?");

     // 读取窗口数据,创建窗口RDD
     JavaPairRDD pastData;
     Path inputPathPattern = new Path(dataDirString + "/*/part-*");
     FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(inputPathPattern.toUri(), hadoopConf);
     FileStatus[] inputPathStatuses = fs.globStatus(inputPathPattern);
     if (inputPathStatuses == null || inputPathStatuses.length == 0) {
       log.info("No past data at path(s) {}", inputPathPattern);
       pastData = null;
     } else {
       log.info("Found past data at path(s) like {}", inputPathStatuses[0].getPath());
       Configuration updatedConf = new Configuration(hadoopConf);
       updatedConf.set(FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR, joinFSPaths(fs, inputPathStatuses));

       // 读取窗口数据
       JavaPairRDD pastWritableData = (JavaPairRDD)sparkContext.newAPIHadoopRDD(updatedConf, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, keyWritableClass, messageWritableClass);
       // 转换为KVPair格式 
       pastData = pastWritableData.mapToPair(new WritableToValueFunction<>(keyClass, messageClass, keyWritableClass, messageWritableClass));

     // 执行用户逻辑,这里由用户决定推送哪些给producer
     if (updateTopic == null || updateBroker == null) {
       log.info("Not producing updates to update topic since none was configured");
       updateInstance.runUpdate(sparkContext, timestamp.milliseconds(), newData, pastData, modelDirString, null);
     } else {
       // This TopicProducer should not be async; sends one big model generally and
       // needs to occur before other updates reliably rather than be buffered
       try (TopicProducer producer = new TopicProducerImpl<>(updateBroker, updateTopic, false)) {
         updateInstance.runUpdate(sparkContext, timestamp.milliseconds(), newData, pastData, modelDirString, producer);

     return null;
  1. SaveToHDFSFunction - 保存到HDFS功能
  * Function that saves RDDs to HDFS -- only if they're non empty, to prevent creation
  * of many small empty files if data is infrequent but the model interval is short.
 final class SaveToHDFSFunction implements Function2,Time,Void> {
   public Void call(JavaPairRDD rdd, Time time) {
     if (rdd.isEmpty()) {
       log.info("RDD was empty, not saving to HDFS");
     } else {
       // 保存文件到`prefix-{timestemp}.suffix/`目录下
       String file = prefix + "-" + time.milliseconds() + "." + suffix;
       log.info("Saving RDD to HDFS at {}", file);
       // 转换KVPair到Writable对象,并保存到HDFS中
       rdd.mapToPair(new ValueToWritableFunction<>(keyClass, messageClass, keyWritableClass, messageWritableClass)
            ).saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(file, keyWritableClass, messageWritableClass, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class, hadoopConf);
     return null;
  1. DeleteOldDataFn - 删除过期数据
  * Function that deletes old data, if applicable, at each batch interval.
  * @param  unused
 public final class DeleteOldDataFn<T> implements Function<JavaRDD<T>,Void> {
   public Void call(JavaRDD ignored) throws IOException {
     // 构造路径,参照上面的SaveToHDFSFunction
     Path dataDirPath = new Path(dataDirString + "/*");
     FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(dataDirPath.toUri(), hadoopConf);
     FileStatus[] inputPathStatuses = fs.globStatus(dataDirPath);
     if (inputPathStatuses != null) {
       long oldestTimeAllowed = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(maxDataAgeHours, TimeUnit.HOURS);
       for (FileStatus status : inputPathStatuses) {
         if (status.isDirectory()) {
           Path subdir = status.getPath();
           Matcher m = DATA_SUBDIR_PATTERN.matcher(subdir.getName());

           // 查看目录时间是否过期,并删除过期目录
           if (m.find() && Long.parseLong(m.group(1)) < oldestTimeAllowed) {
             log.info("Deleting old data at {}", subdir);
             try {
               fs.delete(subdir, true);
             } catch (IOException e) {
               log.warn("Unable to delete {}; continuing", subdir, e);
     return null;
  1. ValueToWritableFunction, WritableToValueFunction, ValueWritableConverter这几个类用作类型转换。
  2. TopicProducerImpl - Kafka的对接类
  * Wraps access to a Kafka message topic {@link Producer}.
  * @param  key type to send
  * @param  message type to send
 public final class TopicProducerImpl<K,M> implements TopicProducer<K,M> {

   private final String updateBroker;
   private final String topic;
   private final boolean async;
   private Producer producer;

   public TopicProducerImpl(String updateBroker, String topic, boolean async) {
     this.updateBroker = updateBroker;
     this.topic = topic;
     this.async = async;

   public String getUpdateBroker() {
     return updateBroker;

   public String getTopic() {
     return topic;

   // 生成一个新的KafkaProducer。注意其中的`"producer.type", async ? "async" : "sync",`决定了是否是异步。
   private synchronized Producer getProducer() {
     // Lazy init; also handles case where object has been serialized and Producer
     // needs to be recreated
     if (producer == null) {
       producer = new Producer<>(new ProducerConfig(ConfigUtils.keyValueToProperties(
           "metadata.broker.list", updateBroker,
           "serializer.class", StringEncoder.class.getName(),
           "producer.type", async ? "async" : "sync",
           "queue.buffering.max.ms", 1000, // Make configurable?
           "batch.num.messages", 100,
           "compression.codec", "gzip",
           "compressed.topics", topic
     return producer;

   public void send(K key, M message) {
     getProducer().send(new KeyedMessage<>(topic, key, message));

   public synchronized void close() {
     if (producer != null) {

2.2.3. 总结

  • BatchLayer使用了SparkStreaming模式,因此可以接入Kafka。
  • BatchLayer将窗口数据缓存在HDFS上,自行管理过期。为什么不使用Streaming本身的Window?Streaming本身的Window数据全部缓存在内存中,这样对内存压力太大。
  • BatchLayer并没有利用起来SparkCore模式,其实可以利用起来这种模式,提供的接口并不会改变,只不过缓存数据的工作需要另起一个streamingjob来进行。

3. ServingLayer



3. app

3.1. WordCount例子

3.1.1. SpeedLayer

  * Also counts and emits counts of number of distinct words that occur with words.
  * Listens for updates from the Batch Layer, which give the current correct count at its
  * last run. Updates these counts approximately in response to the same data stream
  * that the Batch Layer sees, but assumes all words seen are new and distinct, which is only
  * approximately true. Emits updates of the form "word,count".
 public final class ExampleSpeedModelManager implements SpeedModelManager<String,String,String> {
   private final Map distinctOtherWords = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());

   // 消费UpdateTopic的数据,并更新自己的数据Base 
   public void consume(Iterator> updateIterator, Configuration hadoopConf) throws IOException {
     while (updateIterator.hasNext()) {
       KeyMessage km = updateIterator.next();
       String key = km.getKey();
       String message = km.getMessage();
       switch (key) {
         case "MODEL":
           Map model = (Map) new ObjectMapper().readValue(message, Map.class);
           for (Map.Entry entry : model.entrySet()) {
             distinctOtherWords.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
         case "UP":
           // ignore
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown key " + key);

   // 流式计算新数据
   public Iterable buildUpdates(JavaPairRDD newData) {
     List updates = new ArrayList<>();
     for (Map.Entry entry : ExampleBatchLayerUpdate.countDistinctOtherWords(newData).entrySet()) {
       String word = entry.getKey();
       int count = entry.getValue();
       int newCount;
       synchronized (distinctOtherWords) {
         Integer oldCount = distinctOtherWords.get(word);
         newCount = oldCount == null ? count : oldCount + count;
         distinctOtherWords.put(word, newCount);
       updates.add(word + "," + newCount);
     // 返回的是发送到UpdateTopic的数据集合
     return updates;

   public void close() {
     // do nothing

3.1.2. BatchLayer

  * Input keys are ignored. Values are treated as lines of space-separated text. The job
  * counts, for each word, the number of distinct other words that co-occur in some line
  * of text in the input. These are written as a "MODEL" update, where the word-count mapping
  * is written as a JSON string.
 public final class ExampleBatchLayerUpdate implements BatchLayerUpdate<String,String,String> {

   // 创建Batch数据更新
   public void runUpdate(JavaSparkContext sparkContext,
                         long timestamp,
                         JavaPairRDD newData,
                         JavaPairRDD pastData,
                         String modelDirString,
                         TopicProducer modelUpdateTopic) throws IOException {
     JavaPairRDD allData = pastData == null ? newData : newData.union(pastData);
     String modelString;
     try {
       modelString = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(countDistinctOtherWords(allData));
     } catch (JsonProcessingException jpe) {
       throw new IOException(jpe);

     // 发送到UpdateTopic,注意MODEL对应SpeedLayer的consume函数
     modelUpdateTopic.send("MODEL", modelString);

   // 具体逻辑,使用DStream的API
   public static Map countDistinctOtherWords(JavaPairRDD data) {
     return data.values().flatMapToPair(new PairFlatMapFunction() {
       public Iterable> call(String line) {
         List> result = new ArrayList<>();
         Set distinctTokens = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(line.split(" ")));
         for (String a : distinctTokens) {
           for (String b : distinctTokens) {
             if (!a.equals(b)) {
               result.add(new Tuple2<>(a, b));
         return result;
     }).distinct().groupByKey().mapValues(new Function,Integer>() {
       public Integer call(Iterable values) {
         int count = 0;
         for (String v : values) {
         return count;

3.1.3 ServingLayer

  * Reads models and updates produced by the Batch Layer and Speed Layer. Models are maps, encoded as JSON
  * strings, mapping words to count of distinct other words that appear with that word in an input line.
  * Updates are "word,count" pairs representing new counts for a word. This class manages and exposes the
  * mapping to the Serving Layer applications.
 public final class ExampleServingModelManager extends AbstractServingModelManager<String> {
   private final Map distinctOtherWords = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());

   public ExampleServingModelManager(Config config) {

   // 从UpdateTopic中消费Batch和Speed产出的数据,并更新Model
   public void consume(Iterator> updateIterator, Configuration hadoopConf) throws IOException {
     while (updateIterator.hasNext()) {
       KeyMessage km = updateIterator.next();
       String key = km.getKey();
       String message = km.getMessage();
       switch (key) {
         case "MODEL":
           Map model = (Map) new ObjectMapper().readValue(message, Map.class);
           for (Map.Entry entry : model.entrySet()) {

             distinctOtherWords.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
         case "UP":
           String[] wordCount = message.split(",");
           distinctOtherWords.put(wordCount[0], Integer.valueOf(wordCount[1]));
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown key " + key);

   // 获取Model数据
   public ServingModel getModel() {
     return new ExampleServingModel(distinctOtherWords);



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