

Next week, we are going to relicense our open source projects React, Jest, Flow, and Immutable.js under the MIT license. We're relicensing these projects because React is the foundation of a broad ecosystem of open source software for the web, and we don't want to hold back forward progress for nontechnical reasons.

经过几周对我们社区的失望和不确定性后,我们做出了这个决定。虽然我们仍然相信我们的 BSD+Patents

This decision comes after several weeks of disappointment and uncertainty for our community. Although we still believe our BSD + Patents license provides some benefits to users of our projects, we acknowledge that we failed to decisively convince this community.


In the wake of uncertainty about our license, we know that many teams went through the process of selecting an alternative library to React. We're sorry for the churn. We don't expect to win these teams back by making this change, but we do want to leave the door open. Friendly cooperation and competition in this space pushes us all forward, and we want to participate fully.

这一转变自然引起了对Facebook其他开源项目的疑问。我们许多受欢迎的开源项目目前仍会保持BSD + Patents 授权许可。我们也在重新评估这些项目的授权许可,但每个项目都是不同的,并且替代的授权选项取决于多种因素。

This shift naturally raises questions about the rest of Facebook's open source projects. Many of our popular projects will keep the BSD + Patents license for now. We're evaluating those projects' licenses too, but each project is different and alternative licensing options will depend on a variety of factors.

我们将在下周React 16的发布中更新授权许可证。我们已经在React 16上花了超过一年的时间来将它的内核完全重写,以此解锁更强大的功能,使用React构建用户界面的开发者将大大获益。我们稍后很快会跟大家分享我们是如何重写React的,同时希望我们的工作能够激励开发者们,不管他们是否使用React。我们希望之前的授权许可的争议能成为过去,从新回到我们真正关心的事情:创造伟大的产品。

We'll include the license updates with React 16's release next week. We've been working on React 16 for over a year, and we've completely rewritten its internals in order to unlock powerful features that will benefit everyone building user interfaces at scale. We'll share more soon about how we rewrote React, and we hope that our work will inspire developers everywhere, whether they use React or not. We're looking forward to putting this license discussion behind us and getting back to what we care about most: shipping great products.


