


Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.
A word is defined as a sequence of non-space characters.
The input string does not contain leading or trailing spaces and the words are always separated by a single space.
For example,
Given s = "the sky is blue",
return "blue is sky the".
Could you do it in-place without allocating extra space?

简而言之就是:”the sky is blue”―>”blue is sky the”


逐字翻转字符串,例如:"the sky is blue"―>"blue is sky the"




第一次翻转,整体翻转:”the sky is blue” -> “eulb si yks eht”

第二次翻转,单词翻转:”eulb si yks eht” -> “blue is sky the”

所以,首先可以实现一个可以翻转局部和全部字符串的算法,传入字符数组、startIndex 和 endIndex ,其中 startIndex 和 endIndex 分别为要翻转的字符串的起始下标和结束下标,也就是要翻转 startIndex 和 endIndex 之间(包含)的字符,代码如下:

func _reverseStr( _ chars:inout [Character], _ startIndex:Int, _ endIndex:Int){
 var startIndex = startIndex
 var endIndex = endIndex
 if startIndex <= endIndex {
  let tempChar = chars[endIndex]
  chars[endIndex] = chars[startIndex]
  chars[startIndex] = tempChar
  startIndex += 1
  endIndex -= 1


func reverseWords(_ str:String) -> String{
 var chars = [Character](str.characters)
 //首先翻转整个字符串所有字符,"the sky is blue" -> "eulb si yks eht"
 //然后翻转每个单词中的字符,"eulb si yks eht" -> "blue is sky the"
 var startIndex = 0
 for endIndex in 0 ..< chars.count {
  if endIndex == chars.count - 1 || chars[endIndex + 1] == " " {
   _reverseStr(&chars, startIndex, endIndex)
   startIndex = endIndex + 2
 return String(chars)


func _reverseStr( _ chars:inout [Character], _ startIndex:Int, _ endIndex:Int){
 var startIndex = startIndex
 var endIndex = endIndex
 if startIndex <= endIndex {
  let tempChar = chars[endIndex]
  chars[endIndex] = chars[startIndex]
  chars[startIndex] = tempChar
  startIndex += 1
  endIndex -= 1
func reverseWords(_ str:String) -> String{
 var chars = [Character](str.characters)
 //首先翻转整个字符串所有字符,"the sky is blue" -> "eulb si yks eht"
 //然后翻转每个单词中的字符,"eulb si yks eht" -> "blue is sky the"
 var startIndex = 0
 for endIndex in 0 ..< chars.count {
  if endIndex == chars.count - 1 || chars[endIndex + 1] == " " {
   _reverseStr(&chars, startIndex, endIndex)
   startIndex = endIndex + 2
 return String(chars)
reverseWords("the sky is blue") //return "blue is sky the"


