eclipse 启动时 progress 出现 卡在

Android SDK Content Loader: (0%)

Loading data for Android 2.2 (100%)



  1. 关闭eclipse所有相关进程,从任务管理器关掉!

  2. 打开系统用户目录,我的是win10系统打开目录为C:\Users\(自己用户名)

    Open %USERPROFILE%/ on Windows or simply ~ on Linux/OS X (You can locate this folder from the Desktop) 

  3. 打开系统用户目录的.android文件夹,找不到.android文件夹的话,要打开查看隐藏文件夹选项

    Go to .android folder (This may be a hidden folder)

  4. 删除cache文件夹

    Delete the folder cache which is located inside .android folder

  5. 删除ddms.cfg文件

    Delete the file ddms.cfg which is located inside .android folder

  6. 重启eclipse

    Start Eclipse