windows中 Vim 运行python命令崩溃的解决方法

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Finally solved the problem.

It turned out that Python uses PYTHONPATH variable to resolve the PYTHON folder (used to load python libraries and so on). Here is the default value for Python 2.7:


The variable can be set using one of the following:

1. Windows registry

Set the default value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\2.7\PythonPath key

2. Environment variable

Create environment variable PYTHONPATH and set the value (same as you edit global PATH)

3. _vimrc file

This is the most portable way. Edit your _vimrc (i.e. open vim and enter :e $MYVIMRC command) and set the variable:

let $PYTHONPATH = "C:\\Python27\\Lib;C:\\Python27\\DLLs;C:\\Python27\\Lib\\lib-tk"

