【Qt】 5_SM4加解密客户端 实例开发 - 可使用


  1. 支持 cbc&ebc 模式;
  2. 支持任意待加密数据长度(PKCS7Padding);
  3. 仅支持 ASCII;
  4. 开发环境:Qt 5.12.1.

源代码 & 可执行文件


 * \brief          SM4 context structure
#ifndef SM4_H
#define SM4_H

#define SM4_ENCRYPT     0
#define SM4_DECRYPT     1

#define SM4_RESTART     1
#define SM4_KEEP        0

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * \brief          SM4-CBC buffer encryption/decryption
 * \param ctx      SM4 context
 * \param dec_en   SM4_ENCRYPT or SM4_DECRYPT
 * \param flag     SM4_RESTART or SM4_KEEP
 * \param iv       initialization vector (updated after use)
 * \param length   length of the input data
 * \param input    buffer holding the input data
 * \param output   buffer holding the output data
unsigned int sm4_cbc(unsigned char key[16],
                    int dec_en,
                    int flag,
                    unsigned char iv[16],
                    unsigned int  length,
                    unsigned char *input,
                    unsigned char *output );

 * \brief          SM4-CBC buffer encryption/decryption
 * \param ctx      SM4 context
 * \param dec_en   SM4_ENCRYPT or SM4_DECRYPT
 * \param flag     SM4_RESTART or SM4_KEEP
 * \param length   length of the input data
 * \param input    buffer holding the input data
 * \param output   buffer holding the output data
unsigned int sm4_ecb(unsigned char key[16],
         int dec_en,
         int flag,
         unsigned int length,
         unsigned char *input,
         unsigned char *output);

#ifdef __cplusplus




 * SM4 Encryption alogrithm (SMS4 algorithm)
 * GM/T 0002-2012 Chinese National Standard ref:http://www.oscca.gov.cn/
 * thanks to Xyssl
 * thnaks and refers to http://hi.baidu.com/numax/blog/item/80addfefddfb93e4cf1b3e61.html
 * author:goldboar
 * email:[email protected]
 * 2012-4-20

// Test vector 1
// plain: 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10
// key:   01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10
//        round key and temp computing result:
//        rk[ 0] = f12186f9 X[ 0] = 27fad345
//            rk[ 1] = 41662b61 X[ 1] = a18b4cb2
//            rk[ 2] = 5a6ab19a X[ 2] = 11c1e22a
//            rk[ 3] = 7ba92077 X[ 3] = cc13e2ee
//            rk[ 4] = 367360f4 X[ 4] = f87c5bd5
//            rk[ 5] = 776a0c61 X[ 5] = 33220757
//            rk[ 6] = b6bb89b3 X[ 6] = 77f4c297
//            rk[ 7] = 24763151 X[ 7] = 7a96f2eb
//            rk[ 8] = a520307c X[ 8] = 27dac07f
//            rk[ 9] = b7584dbd X[ 9] = 42dd0f19
//            rk[10] = c30753ed X[10] = b8a5da02
//            rk[11] = 7ee55b57 X[11] = 907127fa
//            rk[12] = 6988608c X[12] = 8b952b83
//            rk[13] = 30d895b7 X[13] = d42b7c59
//            rk[14] = 44ba14af X[14] = 2ffc5831
//            rk[15] = 104495a1 X[15] = f69e6888
//            rk[16] = d120b428 X[16] = af2432c4
//            rk[17] = 73b55fa3 X[17] = ed1ec85e
//            rk[18] = cc874966 X[18] = 55a3ba22
//            rk[19] = 92244439 X[19] = 124b18aa
//            rk[20] = e89e641f X[20] = 6ae7725f
//            rk[21] = 98ca015a X[21] = f4cba1f9
//            rk[22] = c7159060 X[22] = 1dcdfa10
//            rk[23] = 99e1fd2e X[23] = 2ff60603
//            rk[24] = b79bd80c X[24] = eff24fdc
//            rk[25] = 1d2115b0 X[25] = 6fe46b75
//            rk[26] = 0e228aeb X[26] = 893450ad
//            rk[27] = f1780c81 X[27] = 7b938f4c
//            rk[28] = 428d3654 X[28] = 536e4246
//            rk[29] = 62293496 X[29] = 86b3e94f
//            rk[30] = 01cf72e5 X[30] = d206965e
//            rk[31] = 9124a012 X[31] = 681edf34
// cypher: 68 1e df 34 d2 06 96 5e 86 b3 e9 4f 53 6e 42 46
// test vector 2
// the same key and plain 1000000 times coumpting
// plain:  01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10
// key:    01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef fe dc ba 98 76 54 32 10
// cypher: 59 52 98 c7 c6 fd 27 1f 04 02 f8 04 c3 3d 3f 66

//#include "svdpi.h"
 * 32-bit integer manipulation macros (big endian)
#ifndef GET_ULONG_BE
#define GET_ULONG_BE(n,b,i)                             \
{                                                       \
    (n) = ( (unsigned long) (b)[(i)    ] << 24 )        \
        | ( (unsigned long) (b)[(i) + 1] << 16 )        \
        | ( (unsigned long) (b)[(i) + 2] <<  8 )        \
        | ( (unsigned long) (b)[(i) + 3]       );       \

#ifndef PUT_ULONG_BE
#define PUT_ULONG_BE(n,b,i)                             \
{                                                       \
    (b)[(i)    ] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 24 );       \
    (b)[(i) + 1] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >> 16 );       \
    (b)[(i) + 2] = (unsigned char) ( (n) >>  8 );       \
    (b)[(i) + 3] = (unsigned char) ( (n)       );       \

 *rotate shift left marco definition/home/tim/work/sm4/rand_sim/sm4/testbench/dpi_c
#define  SHL(x,n) (((x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) << n)
#define ROTL(x,n) (SHL((x),n) | ((x) >> (32 - n)))

#define SWAP(a,b) { unsigned long t = a; a = b; b = t; t = 0; }

 * Expanded SM4 S-boxes
 * Sbox table: 8bits input convert to 8 bits output*/

static const unsigned char SboxTable[16][16] =

/* System parameter */
static const unsigned long FK[4] = {0xa3b1bac6,0x56aa3350,0x677d9197,0xb27022dc};

/* fixed parameter */
static const unsigned long CK[32] =

 * private function:
 * look up in SboxTable and get the related value.
 * args:    [in] inch: 0x00~0xFF (8 bits unsigned value).
static unsigned char sm4Sbox(unsigned char inch)
    unsigned char *pTable = (unsigned char *)SboxTable;
    unsigned char retVal = (unsigned char)(pTable[inch]);
    return retVal;

 * private F(Lt) function:
 * "T algorithm" == "L algorithm" + "t algorithm".
 * args:    [in] a: a is a 32 bits unsigned value;
 * return: c: c is calculated with line algorithm "L" and nonline algorithm "t"
static unsigned long sm4Lt(unsigned long ka)
    unsigned long bb = 0;
    unsigned long c = 0;
    unsigned char a[4];
    unsigned char b[4];
    b[0] = sm4Sbox(a[0]);
    b[1] = sm4Sbox(a[1]);
    b[2] = sm4Sbox(a[2]);
    b[3] = sm4Sbox(a[3]);
    c =bb^(ROTL(bb, 2))^(ROTL(bb, 10))^(ROTL(bb, 18))^(ROTL(bb, 24));
    return c;

 * private F function:
 * Calculating and getting encryption/decryption contents.
 * args:    [in] x0: original contents;
 * args:    [in] x1: original contents;
 * args:    [in] x2: original contents;
 * args:    [in] x3: original contents;
 * args:    [in] rk: encryption/decryption key;
 * return the contents of encryption/decryption contents.
static unsigned long sm4F(unsigned long x0, unsigned long x1, unsigned long x2, unsigned long x3, unsigned long rk)
    return (x0^sm4Lt(x1^x2^x3^rk));

/* private function:
 * Calculating round encryption key.
 * args:    [in] a: a is a 32 bits unsigned value;
 * return: sk[i]: i{0,1,2,3,...31}.
static unsigned long sm4CalciRK(unsigned long ka)
    unsigned long bb = 0;
    unsigned long rk = 0;
    unsigned char a[4];
    unsigned char b[4];
    b[0] = sm4Sbox(a[0]);
    b[1] = sm4Sbox(a[1]);
    b[2] = sm4Sbox(a[2]);
    b[3] = sm4Sbox(a[3]);
    rk = bb^(ROTL(bb, 13))^(ROTL(bb, 23));
    return rk;

static void sm4_setkey( unsigned long SK[32], unsigned char key[16] )
    unsigned long MK[4];
    unsigned long k[36];
    unsigned long i = 0;

    GET_ULONG_BE( MK[0], key, 0 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( MK[1], key, 4 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( MK[2], key, 8 );
    GET_ULONG_BE( MK[3], key, 12 );
    k[0] = MK[0]^FK[0];
    k[1] = MK[1]^FK[1];
    k[2] = MK[2]^FK[2];
    k[3] = MK[3]^FK[3];
    for(; i<32; i++)
        k[i+4] = k[i] ^ (sm4CalciRK(k[i+1]^k[i+2]^k[i+3]^CK[i]));
        SK[i] = k[i+4];

 * SM4 standard one round processing
static void sm4_one_round( unsigned long sk[32], unsigned char input[16], unsigned char output[16] )
    unsigned long i = 0;
    unsigned long ulbuf[36];

    memset(ulbuf, 0, sizeof(ulbuf));
    GET_ULONG_BE( ulbuf[0], input, 0 )
    GET_ULONG_BE( ulbuf[1], input, 4 )
    GET_ULONG_BE( ulbuf[2], input, 8 )
    GET_ULONG_BE( ulbuf[3], input, 12 )
        ulbuf[i+4] = sm4F(ulbuf[i], ulbuf[i+1], ulbuf[i+2], ulbuf[i+3], sk[i]);

static unsigned char pbIV[16];
static unsigned long sk[32];

void sm4_enc_128bit(unsigned long sk[32], unsigned char input[16], unsigned char output[16])
    sm4_one_round( sk, input, output);

void sm4_dec_128bit(unsigned long sk[32], unsigned char input[16], unsigned char output[16])
    int i;
    unsigned long sk_temp[32];

    for( i = 0; i < 32; i ++ )
        sk_temp[i] = sk[31-i] ;
    sm4_one_round( sk_temp, input, output);

 * SM4 PKCS7Padding
unsigned int sm4_PKCS7Padding(unsigned char* buf, unsigned int length)
    unsigned char padding_count = 0;
    unsigned int i = 0;

    padding_count = 16 - ((length % 16 == 0) ? 0 : (length % 16));

    for(i=length; i 0)
            for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
                temp[i] = (unsigned char)( input[i] ^ pbIV[i] );
            sm4_enc_128bit(sk, temp, output);
            memcpy( pbIV, output, 16 );

            input  += 16;
            output += 16;
            length -= 16;
    else                // dencryption
        len_t = length;
        while (length > 0)
            memcpy( temp, input, 16 );
            sm4_dec_128bit( sk, input, output );

            for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
                output[i] = (unsigned char)( output[i] ^ pbIV[i] );
            memcpy( pbIV, temp, 16 );

            input  += 16;
            output += 16;
            length -= 16;
        output -= len_t;
        len_t = sm4_PKCS7Restore(output, len_t);

    return len_t;

 * SM4 ecb mode
unsigned int sm4_ecb(unsigned char key[16],
         int dec_en,
         int flag,
         unsigned int length,
         unsigned char *input,
         unsigned char *output)
    unsigned int  len_t;

        sm4_setkey(sk, key);

    if (dec_en==0)
        length = sm4_PKCS7Padding(input, length);
        len_t = length;
        while (length > 0)
            sm4_enc_128bit(sk,input,output);    //encryption

            input  += 16;
            output += 16;
            length -= 16;
        len_t = length;
        while (length > 0)
            sm4_dec_128bit(sk,input,output);    //decryption

            input  += 16;
            output += 16;
            length -= 16;

        output -= len_t;
        len_t = sm4_PKCS7Restore(output, len_t);

    return len_t;
