MongoDB Install For MacOS


Install MongoDB

The easiest way to install MongoDB is to use a package manager or the pre-built binaries:

Package managers

If you use the Homebrew package manager, run:

$ brew update

$ brew install mongodb


If you use MacPorts you can install with:

$ sudo port install mongodb

This will take a while to install.

32-bit binaries

Note: 64-bit is recommended (if you have a 64-bit system).

$ curl > mongo.tgz

$ tar xzf mongo.tgz


Replace x.y.z with the current stable version.

64-bit binaries

$ curl > mongo.tgz

$ tar xzf mongo.tgz


Replace x.y.z with the current stable version.

Create a data directory

By default MongoDB will store data in /data/db, but it won't automatically create that directory. To create it, do:

$ mkdir -p /data/db


You can also tell MongoDB to use a different data directory, with the --dbpath option.

Run and connect to the server

First, start the MongoDB server in one terminal:

$ ./mongodb-xxxxxxx/bin/mongod


In a separate terminal, start the shell, which will connect to localhost by default:

$ ./mongodb-xxxxxxx/bin/mongo

> { a : 1 } )



Congratulations, you've just saved and retrieved your first document with MongoDB!
