

Part1:Get a tree widget

Here are many useful tree widgets :http://www.ajaxline.com/best-javascript-tree-widgets


I chose the one which is easiest to use ---- dtree, through which I can create a powful tree by just importing the given dtree.js file.


Here is the official website of dtree and you can find api and examples:





d.add(10,9,'The trip to Iceland','example01.html','Pictures of Gullfoss and Geysir');

d.add(11,9,'Mom\'s birthday','javascript:alert(\'bb\')');


这里javascript里面只能写单引号,再转意,因为dtree.js文件中用了双引号,如果写成javascript:alert(" bb" ),是搞不定的。



Part2:Write an ASP widget to get the data from webserver and pass them to dtree.

see the workout ~



First,write an asp page to allow the tree to be showed when certain button is clicked.



 Second, the cs file to fulfill the AddBtn_Click event, which would fetch the data from the web server and draw the proper tree with the help of dtree js.



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using com.Origin.Base.test.mywork.Tree;
public partial class tree_Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    private ITreeReaderFactory factory = new XMLTreeRreaderFactory(@"D:\\menu.xml");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    public ITreeNode fetchRoot()
        ITreeNode root = null;
        ITreeReader reader = factory.createTreeReader();
        root = reader.createTree();
        return root;
    public void AddBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 

        string rootName = (string)fetchRoot().getAttribute("name");
        string str = "";
        str += "";
        str += "";
    public static string convertToDTree(ITreeNode root, string parent)
        string name = (string)root.getAttribute("name");
        string url = (string)root.getAttribute("url");
        string add = "";
        if (parent == null)
            add = "d.add('" + name + "',-1,'" + name + "');";
            add = "d.add('" + name + "','" + parent + "','" + name + "');";

        IList subNodes = root.getSubNodes();
        if (subNodes == null)
            return add;
            for (int i = 0; i < subNodes.Count; i++)
                ITreeNode node = subNodes[i];
                add += convertToDTree(node, name);
        return add;



OK~ the function is ...potboiled . Because there are many flaws and hard to be used. Next time I will make it widget and the path of the XML will not be hard coded any more. Also allow users to decide the words to math the key of name , url and so on. In conclusion , I will try to make the hard codes not be hard in the next version.


  • treeSolution-v0.1.0.rar (147.1 KB)
  • 下载次数: 14
