部署FIM 2010 R2—2服务账号和其他准备

  1. Create an e-mail-enabled domain service account to run the FIM Service component.




    2. Create a domain service account to run the FIM Synchronization Service.


    3. Create a FIM Service Management Agent account.


4. 配置fimma允许本地登录,

部署FIM 2010 R2—2服务账号和其他准备_第1张图片

部署FIM 2010 R2—2服务账号和其他准备_第2张图片

    5. Configure the service accounts that are running the FIM server components in a secure manner.

    6. If you are running the Exchange Web Service and Internet Information Services (IIS) default Web site (FIM Portal) on the same server, ensure that both are not configured to use port 80.

    7. Ensure that there is a default Office SharePoint Web site installed.

    8.Ensure that English is installed in SharePoint Services.

    9.Select the correct identity for the SharePoint Application Pool.

    10.Implement Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for FIM Portal.

    11. Configure the server running SQL.

确保SQL Server Agent设置为自动启动,如下图,


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