達爾文所未知的 BBC Four

達爾文所未知的 BBC Four_第1张图片
What Darwin Didn't Know poster

中文名稱(Chinese name):


英文名稱(English name):

What Darwin Didn't Know

文字撰寫(Written presented):

阿爾芒·馬裏耶·利萊(Armand Marie Leroi)

講 述 者(Narrator):

阿爾芒·馬裏耶·利萊(Armand Marie Leroi)


彼得·柯林斯(Peter Collins)

制片人/導演(Produced / directd):

蒂姆·蘭伯特(Tim Lambert)



Museum national d'histoire naturelle, paris


Natural history museum, london

制作公司(Production company):




勞倫斯·加德納(Lawrence Gardner)

制作經理(Production manager):

喬恩·布裏斯特(Jon Briest)

執行制片人(executive producer):

安妮·萊金(Anne Laking)

影片類型(Film type):



MVGroup / HDTV

發布日期(Release date):



影片數目(Number of films):



英國(United Kingdom)



技術規格(Technical Specs):

視頻編解碼器(Video Codec):XviD ISO MPEG-4

視頻比特率(Video Bitrate):1658 kb / s

視頻分辨率(Video Resolution):720 x 464

音頻編解碼器(Audio Codec):0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3

音頻比特率(Audio BitRate):120 kb / s 2ch VBR 48000Hz

音頻語言(Audio Languages):英語(English)



Bilingual subtitles(Produced by JENTSON STUDIO)

運行時間(RunTime Per Part):1小時30分鐘(1h 30min)

文件大小(Part Size):2.18GIB

播放日期(Playback date):

最後一次播放時間2011年6月22日(星期三)22:25英國廣播公司(BBC)第四臺(BBC Four)。




Explores the revolutionary ideas of Charles Darwin on the evolution of species from their very beginnings, to the publication of his On The Origin Of Species, and all the way up to our present day understanding. Many new factors since Darwin have only enriched our knowledge of how the diversity of life on Earth evolves, such as the many scientific breakthroughs in understanding DNA.

—The Animal Mother

內容簡介(Content validity):




進化生物學家阿爾芒·馬裏耶·利萊教授(Armand Marie Leroi)列出了科學努力的成果,這些努力帶來了達爾文理論的勝利複興。他認為,隨著進化發展生物學的新科學(evo devo),也許可以將這一理論引入一個新的層次——不僅僅是解釋過去發生的變化,而且開始預測未來可能發生的變化。

Documentary which tells the story of evolution theory since Darwin postulated it in 1859 in 'On the Origin of Species'. The theory of evolution by natural selection is now scientific orthodoxy, but when it was unveiled it caused a storm of controversy, from fellow scientists as well as religious people.

They criticised it for being short on evidence and long on assertion and Darwin, being the honest scientist that he was, agreed with them. He knew that his theory was riddled with 'difficulties', but he entrusted future generations to complete his work and prove the essential truth of his vision, which is what scientists have been doing for the past 150 years.

Evolutionary biologist Professor Armand Marie Leroi charts the scientific endeavour that brought about the triumphant renaissance of Darwin's theory. He argues that, with the new science of evolutionary developmental biology (evo devo), it may be possible to take that theory to a new level - to do more than explain what has evolved in the past, and start to predict what might evolve in the future.(文字來源:BBC Four)

人物簡介(Character profile):

達爾文所未知的 BBC Four_第2张图片
Prof Armand Marie Lerol, Imprial College, London

阿爾芒·馬裏耶·利萊教授(Prof Armand Marie Lerol)


他是一位荷蘭公民,出生在新西蘭的惠靈頓市。他青年時代是在新西蘭、南非和加拿大度過的。他於1989獲加拿大哈利法克斯市戴爾豪斯大學授予理學學士學位,並於1993獲加利福尼亞大學歐文分校博士學位。隨後,在紐約阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦醫學院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)的博士後研究中,作線蟲生物實驗。

2001年,他被任命為倫敦帝國學院講師。他曾經寫了幾本書,包括變種人:《論遺傳多樣性與人體》(On Genetic Variety and the Human Body)2004年獲得了英國《衛報》第一圖書獎。2004年,他將《論遺傳多樣性與人體》的書改編為電視系列紀錄片《人類突變體》在英國廣播公司第四頻道上播放。

利萊為第四頻道制作了另外兩部電視系列紀錄片:《外星世界》(Alien Worlds 2005)和《是什麼讓我們成為人類?》(What Makes Us Human 2006)。盡管他在電視上露面,利萊還是對電視創意的真實性表示懷疑。在與電視導演馬丁·杜爾金(Martin Durkin)的電子郵件交流中,關於後者的紀錄片《全球變暖的大騙局》(The Great Global Warming Swindle),利萊寫道:“在他們自己的設備上,電視制片人根本不能被信任說出真相。” 2009年1月,利萊與英國廣播公司第四頻道繼續合作制作了新的紀錄片《達爾文所未知的》(What Darwin Didn't Know),它記錄了自1859年《物種起源》出版以來,進化論在進化領域的最新進展。

2010年1月利萊與英國廣播公司第四頻道繼續合作制作了另一部紀錄片《亞裏士多德的瀉湖》(Aristotle's Lagoon),拍攝於希臘萊斯博斯島,並暗示亞裏士多德是世界上第一個生物學家。


Armand Marie Leroi (born 16 July 1964)is an author, broadcaster, and professor of evolutionary developmental biology at Imperial College in London.

A Dutch citizen, Leroi was born in Wellington, New Zealand. His youth was spent in New Zealand, South Africa and Canada. He was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree by Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada in 1989, and a Ph.D. by the University of California, Irvine in 1993. This was followed by postdoctoral work at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as an experimental organism.

In 2001, he was appointed lecturer at Imperial College, London. He has written several books, including Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body for which he was awarded the Guardian First Book Award in 2004. In 2004 he adapted his book into a television documentary series for Britain's Channel 4 entitled Human Mutants.

Leroi has presented two other TV documentary series for Channel 4: "Alien Worlds" in 2005, and "What Makes Us Human" in 2006. Despite his TV appearances, Leroi has expressed scepticism about the truthfulness of television creatives. In an email exchange with TV director Martin Durkin, concerning the latter's documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, Leroi wrote: "left to their own devices, TV producers simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth".

In January 2009 Leroi presented the BBC4 documentary What Darwin Didn't Know, which charts the progress in the field of Evolutionary Theory since the original publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859.

In January 2010 Leroi presented the BBC4 documentary Aristotle's Lagoon, filmed on the Greek island of Lesbos and suggesting that Aristotle was the world's first biologist.

In 2012 he collaborated on the DarwinTunes evolutionary music project, using natural selection to create music.(文字來源:Wikipedia)

達爾文所未知的 BBC Four_第3张图片

文字:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO) 制作

視頻:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO) 紀錄片數據庫BBC-014號


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