asihttp 源码分析 之二 main




[[self cancelledLock] lock]


[[self cancelledLock] unlock]




// A HEAD request generated by an ASINetworkQueue may have set the error already. If so, we should not proceed.
//这个方法为使用ASINetworkQueue 队列是的专用方法,在发起同步请求时毫无意义

  if ([self error]) {
   [self setComplete:YES];
   [self markAsFinished];


  [self setComplete:NO];
  [self setDidUseCachedResponse:NO];

  if (![self url]) {
   [self failWithError:ASIUnableToCreateRequestError];
  // Must call before we create the request so that the request method can be set if needs be
//当发起的同步请求时mainRequest一定是为nil的。只有在使用  ASINetworkQueue 时,mainRequest的值才是有意义的

if (![self mainRequest]) {
   [self buildPostBody]; //改方法的工作很重要,下面介绍一下

  if (![[self requestMethod] isEqualToString:@"GET"]) {
   [self setDownloadCache:nil];



2:buildPostBody 方法



// This function will be called either just before a request starts, or when postLength is needed, whichever comes first
// postLength must be set by the time this function is complete

- (void)buildPostBody


 //haveBuiltPostBody 一个标志,默认为no。


 if ([self haveBuiltPostBody]) {
 // Are we submitting the request body from a file on disk
 if ([self postBodyFilePath]) {
  // If we were writing to the post body via appendPostData or appendPostDataFromFile, close the write stream
  if ([self postBodyWriteStream]) {
   [[self postBodyWriteStream] close];
   [self setPostBodyWriteStream:nil];

  NSString *path;
  if ([self shouldCompressRequestBody]) {
   if (![self compressedPostBodyFilePath]) {
    [self setCompressedPostBodyFilePath:[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] globallyUniqueString]]];
    NSError *err = nil;
    if (![ASIDataCompressor compressDataFromFile:[self postBodyFilePath] toFile:[self compressedPostBodyFilePath] error:&err]) {
     [self failWithError:err];
   path = [self compressedPostBodyFilePath];
  } else {
   path = [self postBodyFilePath];
  NSError *err = nil;
  [self setPostLength:[[[[[NSFileManager alloc] init] autorelease] attributesOfItemAtPath:path error:&err] fileSize]];
  if (err) {
   [self failWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:NetworkRequestErrorDomain code:ASIFileManagementError userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Failed to get attributes for file at path '%@'",path],NSLocalizedDescriptionKey,error,NSUnderlyingErrorKey,nil]]];
 // Otherwise, we have an in-memory request body
 } else {
  if ([self shouldCompressRequestBody]) {
   NSError *err = nil;
   NSData *compressedBody = [ASIDataCompressor compressData:[self postBody] error:&err];
   if (err) {
    [self failWithError:err];
   [self setCompressedPostBody:compressedBody];
   [self setPostLength:[[self compressedPostBody] length]];
  } else {
   [self setPostLength:[[self postBody] length]];
 if ([self postLength] > 0) {
  if ([requestMethod isEqualToString:@"GET"] || [requestMethod isEqualToString:@"DELETE"] || [requestMethod isEqualToString:@"HEAD"]) {
   [self setRequestMethod:@"POST"];
  [self addRequestHeader:@"Content-Length" value:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%llu",[self postLength]]];
     [self setHaveBuiltPostBody:YES];



该方法会设置一下http请求头信息,如果设置了postbodyfilepath,requestmethod 会被设置为post方式。





if ([self downloadCache]) {

   // If this request should use the default policy, set its policy to the download cache's default policy
   if (![self cachePolicy]) {
    [self setCachePolicy:[[self downloadCache] defaultCachePolicy]];

   // If have have cached data that is valid for this request, use that and stop
   if ([[self downloadCache] canUseCachedDataForRequest:self]) {
    [self useDataFromCache];

   // If cached data is stale, or we have been told to ask the server if it has been modified anyway, we need to add headers for a conditional GET
   if ([self cachePolicy] & (ASIAskServerIfModifiedWhenStaleCachePolicy|ASIAskServerIfModifiedCachePolicy)) {

    NSDictionary *cachedHeaders = [[self downloadCache] cachedResponseHeadersForURL:[self url]];
    if (cachedHeaders) {
     NSString *etag = [cachedHeaders objectForKey:@"Etag"];
     if (etag) {
      [[self requestHeaders] setObject:etag forKey:@"If-None-Match"];
     NSString *lastModified = [cachedHeaders objectForKey:@"Last-Modified"];
     if (lastModified) {
      [[self requestHeaders] setObject:lastModified forKey:@"If-Modified-Since"];


首先来看一下 downloadCache是怎么设置的,还记得- (id)initWithURL:(NSURL *)newURL方法吗?? 在这个方法里有这么一句 [self setDownloadCache:[[self class] defaultCache]];


关于 ASIDownloadCache 我们后面介绍。


该方法主要是从本地cache中取得一个和http头文件相关的属性If-None-Match、Last-Modified,等等,是为了http header文件的组合。



[self applyAuthorizationHeader];

该方法从 findSessionAuthenticationCredentials 、username、 password、domain 查找信息 添加到requestHeaders中,用于http组合header。


好了,经过以上几步繁琐的过程,http 头文件的信息,终于差不多了,下面是最重要的一步了。


if ([self configureProxies]) {
   [self startRequest];


[self configureProxies] 设置代理。


 [self startRequest]; 请求开始了。


你可能感兴趣的:(asihttp 源码分析 之二 main)