最近老师在讲 tkinter,所以我做了一个抽奖小游戏。
基于tkinter中的button,text,PIL ,time.Canvas
Ball类 初始化画布、运动小球大小、运动的起点。
ball类-》draw() 控制小球的运动。这里用到一个方法叫canvas.coords。这个方法可以获取运动小球当前在画布上的坐标。并返回一个数组。比如 pos=self.canvas.coords 。左边:pos[0],右边pos[2],上边:pos[1],下边:pos[3].用if和pos 可以控制小球的上下左右运动。
self.canvas.move(self.id,self.x,self.y) #获取某个对象在画布的坐标,返回一个数组(两个坐标,左上角的坐标和右下角的两个坐标) pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id) getNowPoint(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],pos[3]) #打印获取的坐标 #如果最上面的纵轴坐标在顶上,则往下移动一个像素 if pos[1] <=30 and self.y==-80: self.x = 80 self.y=0 print("pos1" + str(self.x) + ":pos1:" + str(self.y)) #如果最下面的纵轴坐标在底上,则向左移动 elif pos[3] > 300 and self.x==0 and self.y==80: self.x = -80 self.y=0 print("pos3" + str(self.x) + ":pos3:" + str(self.y)) #宽度控制# #如果在左边框了,那么向右边移动3像素 elif pos[0] <30 and self.x== -80: self.x = 0 self.y= -80 print("pos0" + str(self.x) + ":pos0:" + str(self.y)) #如果到右边框了,左移动3像素 elif pos[2] > 300 and self.y==0: self.x = 0 self.y=80 print("pos2:" + str(self.x) + "pos2:" + str(self.y))
img44 = Image.open("px.jpg") img_file44 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img44) canvas.create_image(200, 200, image=img_file44)(参数1,2 图片的位置x,y,参数3是图片)
老师教的显示canvas上的内容要用mainloop(),所以一开始不知道怎么让小球动起来,最后查阅了很多资料发现。其实不用mainloop也行。可以使用tk.update() 刷新tk上的内容。所以这里我们要用一个while让小球每动一次窗体就刷新一次。time.sleep()控制小球运动速度。
from tkinter import * import random import time from PIL import Image, ImageTk # #创建一个类,这个类含有两个参数,一个是画布,一个是球的颜色 # count = 0 #a = eval(input('time:')) #b = a global isStop global num isStop=0 def stopplay(): global isStop isStop=1 def startplay(): global isStop isStop = 0 class Ball: def __init__(self,canvas,color): self.canvas = canvas self.id = canvas.create_oval(0,0,35,35,fill=color) self.canvas.move(self.id,10,5) self.x = 80 self.y = 0 def draw(self): if isStop==0: self.canvas.move(self.id,self.x,self.y) #获取某个对象在画布的坐标,返回一个数组(两个坐标,左上角的坐标和右下角的两个坐标) pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id) getNowPoint(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],pos[3]) #打印获取的坐标 #如果最上面的纵轴坐标在顶上,则往下移动一个像素 if pos[1] <=30 and self.y==-80: self.x = 80 self.y=0 print("pos1" + str(self.x) + ":pos1:" + str(self.y)) #如果最下面的纵轴坐标在底上,则向左移动 elif pos[3] > 300 and self.x==0 and self.y==80: self.x = -80 self.y=0 print("pos3" + str(self.x) + ":pos3:" + str(self.y)) #宽度控制# #如果在左边框了,那么向右边移动3像素 elif pos[0] <30 and self.x== -80: self.x = 0 self.y= -80 print("pos0" + str(self.x) + ":pos0:" + str(self.y)) #如果到右边框了,左移动3像素 elif pos[2] > 300 and self.y==0: self.x = 0 self.y=80 print("pos2:" + str(self.x) + "pos2:" + str(self.y)) if isStop==1: print("停止") self.canvas.move(self.id, self.x, self.y) # 获取某个对象在画布的坐标,返回一个数组(两个坐标,左上角的坐标和右下角的两个坐标) pos = self.canvas.coords(self.id) print(pos) def getNowPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2): global num print("现在在") print(x1,y1,x2,y2) row=(x1-10)/80 line=(y1-5)/80 num=str(int(row))+str(int(line)) print("点"+str(int(row))+str(int(line))) #return num def drawPath(): for i in range(5): for j in range(5): if i==0 or i==4: point = (20+80*j, 20+ 80 * i, 35+80*j, 35+ 80 * i) oil = canvas.create_oval(point, fill='lightblue') elif j==0 or j==4: # print("$") point = (20+80*j,20+ 80 * i, 35+80*j , 35+ 80 * i) oil = canvas.create_oval(point, fill='lightblue') #创建画布 tk = Tk() tk.title("Game_ball") tk.resizable(0,0) tk.wm_attributes("-topmost",1) #bd=0,highlightthickness=0 画布之外没有边框 canvas = Canvas(tk,width=500,height=400,bd=0,highlightthickness=0) canvas.pack() tk.update() point=(30,30,45,45) #创建对象 ball = Ball(canvas,'red') drawPath() #一直保持循环 btn_start = Button(tk,text='start',width='20',command=startplay) btn_start.pack() btn_end=Button(tk,text='end',width='20',command=stopplay) btn_end.pack() global txt txt="" text1=Text(tk,width=30,height=4) while 1: if isStop==0: txt = " " text1.insert(INSERT, txt) text1.delete(0.0,INSERT) imgtt = Image.open("tt.jpg") img_filett = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imgtt) canvas.create_image(200, 200, image=img_filett) while 1: ball.draw() #快速刷新屏幕 tk.update_idletasks() tk.update() time.sleep(0.1) if isStop==1: break if isStop==1: txt="要加油哦" print("num" + num) print(type(num)) print(type("04")) if num=="00" or num=="40" or num== "04" or num== "44": if num=="00": img00=Image.open("3.jpg") img_file00=ImageTk.PhotoImage(img00) canvas.create_image(200,200,image=img_file00) text1.insert(INSERT,"恭喜获得键盘!!!!") text1.tag_configure('bold',font=('Arial', 20, 'bold', 'italic')) elif num=="40": img40 = Image.open("4.jpg") img_file40 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img40) canvas.create_image(200, 200, image=img_file40) text1.insert(INSERT, "恭喜获得耳机!!!!") text1.tag_configure('bold', font=('Arial', 20, 'bold', 'italic')) text1.pack() elif num=="04": img04 = Image.open("mac.jpg") img_file04 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img04) canvas.create_image(200, 200, image=img_file04) text1.insert(INSERT, "恭喜获得MAC!!!!") text1.tag_configure('bold', font=('Arial', 20, 'bold', 'italic')) text1.pack() elif num=="44": img44 = Image.open("px.jpg") img_file44 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img44) canvas.create_image(200, 200, image=img_file44) text1.insert(INSERT, "恭喜获得IPHONE XS MAX!!!!") text1.tag_configure('bold', font=('Arial', 20, 'bold', 'italic')) text1.pack() else: #L1 = Label(tk, text=txt, font=('宋体', '28')) #L1.pack() text1.insert(INSERT,txt) text1.tag_configure('bold', font=('Arial', 20, 'bold', 'italic')) text1.pack() while 1: #ball.draw() # 快速刷新屏幕 tk.update_idletasks() tk.update() time.sleep(0.1) #print("num"+num) if isStop == 0: break