一、数据导入: 把系统文件的内容存储到数据库的表里
mysql> load data infile "目录/文件名" into table 库.表名 fields
terminated by "字段间隔符号" lines terminated by "\n";
/etc/passwd studb.user
用户名:密码占位符 : uid : gid : 描述信息 : 家目录 : shell
create database studb;
create table studb.user(
name varchar(50),
password char(1),
uid int(2),
gid int(2),
comment varchar(100),
homedir char(100),
shell char(25),
desc studb.user;
select * from studb.user;
alter table studb.user add id int(2) primary key auto_increment
二、数据导出 : 把表记录存储到系统文件里。
mysql> sql查询 into outfile "目录/文件名";
mysql> sql查询 into outfile "目录/文件名" fields terminated by "
符号" lines terminated by "符号";
三、管理表记录 studb.user
insert into 库.表 values (字段值列表);
insert into 库.表 values (字段值列表),(字段值列表);
insert into 库.表(字段名列表) values (字段值列表);
insert into 库.表(字段名列表) values (字段值列表),(字段值列表
select 字段名列表 from 库.表;
select 字段名列表 from 库.表 where 条件;
select from user;
select from user where name="mysql";
数值比较 > >= < <= = !=
字段名 符号 值
select name from user where uid=15;
select * from user where id=10;
字符比较 = !=
字段名 符号 "值"
select name,shell from user where shell!="/bin/bash";
select id,name from user where name="apache";
字段名 between 值1 and 值2 在...之间
select * from user where id between 10 and 15;
select name from user where uid between 1 and 10;
字段名 in (值列表) 在...里
select id,name from user where name in ("apache","root","bob");
select id,name,uid from user where uid in (10,15,9,12);
字段名 not in (值列表) 不在...里
select name from user where uid not in (0,1,5,7);
select * from user where name not in ("root","mysql","bin");
匹配空 is null
字段名 is null
匹配非空 is not null
字段名 is not null
select id from user where name is null;
select id,name,shell from user where shell is not null;
insert into user(name)values(""),("null"),(null);
select id,name from user where name="";
select id,name from user where name="null";
distinct 不显示重复值
distinct 字段名
select distinct shell from user;
select distinct shell from user where uid<=10;
逻辑匹配 : 有多个条件
逻辑与 and 多个条件必须都成立
逻辑或 or 多个条件有一个条件成立即可
逻辑非 ! 取反
条件1 && 条件2 && 条件N
条件1 || 条件2 || 条件N
select name from user where name="zhangsan" and
uid=500 and shell="/bin/bash";
select name from user where name="zhangsan" or uid=500
or shell="/bin/bash";
数学运算操作 + - * / %
select 字段名 符号 字段名 from 表 where 条件;
select uid+gid from user where name="root";
select name,uid,gid,uid+gid he from user;
select name,uid,gid,uid+gid he from user where name="bin";
alter table user add age tinyint(2) unsigned default 21 after
select name,age,2017-age old from user where name="bob";
select name,uid,gid,(uid+gid)/2 pjz from user where name="bin";
模糊查询 like
where 字段名 like '表达式';
% 0个或多个字符
select name from user where name like ' ';
select name,uid from user where name like ' _' and uid<=10;
select name from user where name like 'a%';
select name from user where name like '%a%';
select id,name from user where name in ("","null") or name is
select id,name from user where name like '%_%';
select id,name from user where name like 'a';
select id,name from user where name like 'j%' or "%y";
where 字段名 regexp '正则表达式';
. ^ $ [ ] * |
insert into user(name) values("bob9"),("j7im"),("1yaya");
select name from user where name regexp '[0-9]';
select name from user where name regexp '^[0-9]';
select name,uid from user where uid regexp '..';
select name,uid from user where uid regexp '^..$';
select name,uid from user where name regexp 'a.t';
select name,uid from user where name regexp '^a.t';
select name,uid from user where name regexp '^r|t$'
统计函数 字段得是数值类型。
求和 求平均值 求最大值 最小值 统计个数
sum(字段名) avg(字段名) max(字段名) min(字段名) count(字段名)
select count(name) from user where shell="/bin/bash";
select max(uid) from user;
select min(gid) from user;
select avg(age) from user;
select sum(gid) from user;
select sum(gid) , count(name) from user;
查询排序 sql查询 order by 字段名 asc/desc;
select name,uid from user where uid between 10 and 50 ;
select name,uid from user where uid between 10 and 50 order
by uid desc;
查询分组 sql查询 group by 字段名;
select shell user where uid between 10 and 50 ;
select shell from user where uid between 10 and 50 group by
select shell from user group by shell;
限制查询显示行数 limit
sql查询 limit 数字; 显示查询结果的前几行
sql查询 limit 数字1 , 数字2; 设置显示行的范围
select from user;
select from user limit 2 ;
select from user limit 2 ,2 ;
select from user order by uid desc;
select from user order by uid desc limit 5;
select from user order by uid desc limit 1;
where嵌套查询 :把内层的查询结果作为外层查询的查询条件。
select 字段名列表 from 表名 where 条件 ( select 字段名列表 from
表名 where 条件 );
显示用户名和uid uid字段的值 大于 uid字段的平均值。
select name,uid from user where uid > ( select avg(uid) from
user );
select name from user where name not in (select user from
mysql.user );
select name from user where name in (select user from
mysql.user where user="zhangsan");
select name from user where name not in (select user from
mysql.user where user="zhangsan";);
复制表: 作用: 快速建表 、 备份表
create table 库.表 sql查询;
create database dbbak;
create table dbbak.user2 select from studb.user;
create table dbbak.user3 select from studb.user where 1 = 2;
create table dbbak.user4 select name,uid from studb.user limit
select 字段名列表 from 表名列表; 迪卡尔集
select 字段名列表 from 表名列表 where 条件;
create table studb.t1 select name,uid,shell from user limit 3;
create table studb.t2 select name,uid,homedir from user limit 4;
show tables;
select from t1; select from t2;
select * from t1,t2 where t1.uid = t2.uid and t1.name=t2.name;
select t1.* , t2.homedir from t1,t2 where t1.uid = t2.uid and
select 字段名列表 from 表A left join 表B on 条件;
select 字段名列表 from 表A right join 表B on 条件;
create table studb.t3 select name,uid,shell from user limit 3;
create table studb.t4 select name,uid,shell from user limit 5;
show tables;
select from t3; select from t4;
select from t3 left join t4 on t3.uid=t4.uid;
select from t3 right join t4 on t3.uid=t4.uid;
数值比较 字符比较 范围内匹配 匹配空 匹配非空 逻辑匹配
正则匹配 模糊查询
去掉字段重复值 数学计算 统计函数 分组 排序 限制行数