parse_form(Tokens) -> {ok, AbsForm} | {error, ErrorInfo} Types: Tokens = [token()] AbsForm = abstract_form() ErrorInfo = error_info() This function parses Tokens as if it were a form. It returns: //针对form {ok, AbsForm} The parsing was successful. AbsForm is the abstract form of the parsed form. {error, ErrorInfo} An error occurred. parse_exprs(Tokens) -> {ok, ExprList} | {error, ErrorInfo} Types: Tokens = [token()] ExprList = [abstract_expr()] ErrorInfo = error_info() This function parses Tokens as if it were a list of expressions. It returns: //针对list {ok, ExprList} The parsing was successful. ExprList is a list of the abstract forms of the parsed expressions. {error, ErrorInfo} An error occurred. parse_term(Tokens) -> {ok, Term} | {error, ErrorInfo} Types: Tokens = [token()] Term = term() ErrorInfo = error_info() This function parses Tokens as if it were a term. It returns: //针对term {ok, Term} The parsing was successful. Term is the Erlang term corresponding to the token list. {error, ErrorInfo} An error occurred.
{ok, Tokens, EndLine} = erl_scan:string("test() -> ok."). {ok,[{atom,1,test}, {'(',1}, {')',1}, {'->',1}, {atom,1,ok}, {dot,1}], 1} erl_parse:parse_form(Tokens). {ok,{function,1,test,0,[{clause,1,[],[],[{atom,1,ok}]}]}}
{ok, Tokens2, EndLine2} = erl_scan:string("[a,b,c]."). {ok,[{'[',1}, {atom,1,a}, {',',1}, {atom,1,b}, {',',1}, {atom,1,c}, {']',1}, {dot,1}], 1} erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens2). {ok,[{cons,1, {atom,1,a}, {cons,1,{atom,1,b},{cons,1,{atom,1,c},{nil,1}}}}]} erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens2). {ok,[a,b,c]}
tokens(AbsTerm) -> Tokens tokens(AbsTerm, MoreTokens) -> Tokens Types: AbsTerm = abstract_expr() MoreTokens = Tokens = [token()] This function generates a list of tokens representing the abstract form AbsTerm of an expression. Optionally, it appends MoreTokens.
Expr. {cons,1, {atom,1,a}, {cons,1,{atom,1,b},{cons,1,{atom,1,c},{nil,1}}}} erl_parse:tokens(Expr). [{'[',1}, {atom,1,a}, {',',1}, {atom,1,b}, {',',1}, {atom,1,c}, {']',1}]
-module(file_2). -export([compile/1]). -spec file_2:compile(Code) -> {ok, Module} | {error} when Code:: string(), Module :: module(). compile(Code) -> {ok, M, Bin} = compile:forms(scan_tokens(Code)), case code:load_binary(M, "nofile", Bin) of {module, Module} -> {ok, Module}; {error, _} -> {error} end. scan_tokens(Code) -> case erl_scan:tokens([], Code, 1) of {done, {ok, Token, _}, Remain} -> {ok,Form} = erl_parse:parse_form(Token), [Form | scan_tokens(Remain)]; {more, _} -> [] end.