soft raid on ubuntu 7.10

today I decide setup soft raid with my new 1u box
the hardware config is:
amd 4400 cpu 64bit
harddisk 2 * sata 250g
8gb ram

finally I decide to setup ubuntu 7.10 on my box
though gentoo maybe good for performance
the reason that I didn't choose gentoo for my production env cos
1. maybe need too much time, compare to other distribution, to configure the server, you need compile everything by yourself
2. I find that freeimage lib can not work on the gentoo amd 64bit, I need image_science, rmagick may cos memory leak.
3. I do not have much time with system admin for that server, every time when you upgrade gentoo, you'll need time to reconfig /etc/config file
4. ubuntu server version not as worse as you think, you also can recompile the package.

ok soft raid on ubuntu 7.10
first of all, you need make sure all the hd is recognize by your motherboard
then boot with your ubuntu server cd
you need pay attention with country select if you in china pick up china location

in the partition step
select manual
both /dev/sda /dev/sdb
64mb for /boot
246gb for /
the rest for swap

then select soft raid option
create md
make sure you create raid1 for /boot cos grub can not setup with raid0
then the rest
