
" text Object
daw = delete a word
      ==a==n object: include tail space

ciw = change inner word
      ==i==nner object: just content self
      exclude tail word space

" word/sentence/paragraph
    textObject      specification
    w               word
    s               sentence
    p               paragraph
" chunk object
    ]/[             []block
    )/( b           block
    >/< >/<         <>block
    }/{ B           Block
    t               tag block: <>  

" visual mode
    viw             select word
    vis             select sentence
    vip             select paragraph
    vi(             select content in (
    vi[             select content in [
    vit             select content in tab 

    v2i{            select content in 2{
    v3aw            select 3 word
    v3iw            select 3 word, exclude tail space
v operator can substitute to c x d y etc. operator effect on text Object


" macro
    if you write a thing once,it is okay. However if you're writing
t twice or more times, then you should find a better way to do it. 

qa                  start record macro and reg to a
q                   stop record macro
n@a                 execute n times macro a
@@                  redo last operation
:n,mnormal @a       n to m row execute reg a
:let @a= '          edit macro reg a

" best operation
    normalize cursor pos: 0
    execute edit and operator
    move cursor to easy back pos: j

" macro save
    viminfo/vimrc file
    save history and not null reg 
    vim launch read
    easy to cover
