
---------------------        uclinuxboacgi程序示例        --------------------

/* htmllib.c

 * HTML common library functions for the CGI programs. */


#include "htmllib.h"

void htmlHeader(char *title)


  printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n%s",



void htmlBody()




void htmlFooter()




void addTitleElement(char *title)




", title);



/* template.c */


#include "cgivars.h"

#include "htmllib.h"

#define DEBUG             1

int template_page(char **postvars, int form_method) {

       int i;

       addTitleElement("Demo CGI");

       if(form_method == POST) {

              for (i=0; postvars[i]; i+= 2) {



  • DEBUG: [%s] = [%s]\n", postvars[i], postvars[i+1]);




           /* GET */


    ", "/cgi-bin/cgi_demo");






           return 0; 



    /* cgivars.c

     * (C) Copyright 2000, Moreton Bay (http://www.moretonbay.com).

     * see HTTP (www.w3.org) and RFC    */





    #include "cgivars.h"


    /* local function prototypes */

    char hex2char(char *hex);

    void unescape_url(char *url);

    char x2c(char *what);


    /* hex2char */

    /* RFC */

    char hex2char(char *hex) {

           char char_value;

           char_value = (hex[0] >= 'A' ? ((hex[0] & 0xdf) - 'A') + 10 : (hex[0] - '0'));

           char_value *= 16;

           char_value += (hex[1] >= 'A' ? ((hex[1] & 0xdf) - 'A') + 10 : (hex[1] - '0'));

           return char_value;



    /* unescape_url */

    /* RFC */

    void unescape_url(char *url) {

           int n, k;

           for(n=0, k=0;url[k];++n, ++k) {

                  if((url[n] = url[k]) == '%') {

                         url[n] = hex2char(&url[k+1]);

                         k += 2;



           url[n] = '\0';



    /* getRequestMethod

     * retn:   from_method (GET or POST) on success,

     *                  -1 on failure.  */

    int getRequestMethod() {

           char *request_method;

           int form_method;

           request_method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");

           if(request_method == NULL)

                  return -1;

           if (!strcmp(request_method, "GET") || !strcmp(request_method, "HEAD") ) {

                  form_method = GET;

           } else if (!strcmp(request_method, "POST")) {

                  form_method = POST;

           } else {

                  /* wtf was it then?!! */

                  return -1;


           return form_method;


    /* getGETvars

     * retn:   getvars */

    char **getGETvars() {

           int i;

           char **getvars;

           char *getinput;

           char **pairlist;

           int paircount = 0;

           char *nvpair;

           char *eqpos;

           getinput = getenv("QUERY_STRING");

           if (getinput)

                  getinput = strdup(getinput);

           /* Change all plusses back to spaces */

         for(i=0; getinput && getinput[i]; i++)

                  if(getinput[i] == '+')

                         getinput[i] = ' ';

         pairlist = (char **) malloc(256*sizeof(char **));

           paircount = 0;

         nvpair = getinput ? strtok(getinput, "&") : NULL;

           while (nvpair) {

                  pairlist[paircount++]= strdup(nvpair);


                         pairlist = (char **) realloc(pairlist,(paircount+256)*sizeof(char **));

                    nvpair = strtok(NULL, "&");


         pairlist[paircount] = 0;

         getvars = (char **) malloc((paircount*2+1)*sizeof(char **));

           for (i= 0; i

                  if(eqpos=strchr(pairlist[i], '=')) {

                               *eqpos = '\0';

                              unescape_url(getvars[i*2+1] = strdup(eqpos+1));

                    } else {

                         unescape_url(getvars[i*2+1] = strdup(""));


                  unescape_url(getvars[i*2] = strdup(pairlist[i]));


         getvars[paircount*2] = 0;




           if (getinput)


           return getvars;


    /* getPOSTvars

     * retn:   postvars */

    char **getPOSTvars() {

           int i;

           int content_length;

           char **postvars;

           char *postinput;

           char **pairlist;

           int paircount = 0;

           char *nvpair;

           char *eqpos;

           postinput = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");

           if (!postinput)


           if(!(content_length = atoi(postinput)))


           if(!(postinput = (char *) malloc(content_length+1)))


           if (!fread(postinput, content_length, 1, stdin))


           postinput[content_length] = '\0';


                  if(postinput[i] == '+')

                         postinput[i] = ' ';

           pairlist = (char **) malloc(256*sizeof(char **));

           paircount = 0;

           nvpair = strtok(postinput, "&");

           while (nvpair) {

                  pairlist[paircount++] = strdup(nvpair);


                             pairlist = (char **) realloc(pairlist, (paircount+256)*sizeof(char **));

                  nvpair = strtok(NULL, "&");


           pairlist[paircount] = 0;

           postvars = (char **) malloc((paircount*2+1)*sizeof(char **));

           for(i = 0;i

                   if(eqpos = strchr(pairlist[i], '=')) {

                               *eqpos= '\0';

                          unescape_url(postvars[i*2+1] = strdup(eqpos+1));

                   } else {

                               unescape_url(postvars[i*2+1] = strdup(""));


                   unescape_url(postvars[i*2]= strdup(pairlist[i]));


           postvars[paircount*2] = 0;





           return postvars;


    /* cleanUp

     * free the mallocs */

    int cleanUp(int form_method, char **getvars, char **postvars) {

           int i;

           if (postvars) {





           if (getvars) {





           return 0;



    /* cgi.c */



    #include "cgivars.h"

    #include "htmllib.h"

    #include "template.h"


    int main() {

        char **postvars = NULL; /* POST request data repository */

        char **getvars = NULL; /* GET request data repository */

    int form_method; /* POST = 1, GET = 0 */ 

        form_method = getRequestMethod();

        if(form_method == POST) {

            getvars = getGETvars();

            postvars = getPOSTvars();

        } else if(form_method == GET) {

            getvars = getGETvars();


        htmlHeader("Demo Web Page");


        template_page(postvars, form_method);


        cleanUp(form_method, getvars, postvars);






    EXEC = cgi_demo

    OBJS = cgi.o cgivars.o htmllib.o template.o

    all: $(EXEC)


           $(ROMFSINST) $(ROOTDIR)/vendors/Generic/httpd /home/httpd    //拷贝文件

           $(ROMFSINST) /home/httpd/cgi-bin/cgi_demo  //表示将当前文件夹下的文件拷贝到对应目录

    $(EXEC): $(OBJS)

           $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)


           -rm -f $(EXEC) *.elf *.gdb *.o

    $(OBJS): cgivars.h htmllib.h template.h






    # A minimal config that makes the home page

    # an unauthenticated CGI


    ServerName uClinux

    DocumentRoot /home/httpd

    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/httpd/cgi-bin/

    Alias /img /home/httpd/img

    # Auth /cgi-bin/cgi_demo /etc/config/config

    AddType text/plain  txt

    AddType image/gif gif

    AddType text/html  html

    AddType text/html  htm

    AddType text/xml   xml

    AddType image/jpeg      jpe

    AddType image/jpeg      jpeg

    AddType image/jpeg      jpg

    AddType image/x-icon   ico



    A test web page

    Test Page

    If you are seeing this page,  then your web server is working,  and now

    you need to create some nice pages to replace this one :-).

    If everything has built correctly then the

    /cgi-bin/cgi_demo>CGI Demo should be here.



    ROMFS_DIRS = bin dev etc home lib mnt proc usr var




    ROMFS_DIRS = bin dev etc home lib mnt proc usr var home/httpd \

    home/httpd/cgi-bin     //因为上面make  romfs的缘故,也可以修改上面的romfs的那个位置(黑体字位置)





    /**************************       template.c      ****************************/


    #include "cgivars.h"

    #include "htmllib.h"


    #define DEBUG           1

    int template_page(char **getvars, int form_method) {

            int i;


            addTitleElement("The Embedded Web Servers Of LED Control Test");



    The Response Of CGI






    Can you look your expectant result?








            return 0;



    /*******************************    cgi.c    **********************************/



    #include "cgivars.h"

    #include "htmllib.h"

    #include "template.h"

    static volatile unsigned int *iopctl = (volatile unsigned int *)(0x01d20010);

    static volatile unsigned int *iopdat = (volatile unsigned int *)(0x01d20014);


    void out(int arg)


        *iopctl &= ~(1u<<(2*arg+1));

        *iopctl |= 1u<<(2*arg);



    int main() {

        char **postvars = NULL;    /* POST request data repository */

        char **getvars = NULL;     /* GET request data repository */

        int form_method;           /* POST = 1, GET = 0 */


    form_method = getRequestMethod();

    if(form_method == POST) {

        getvars = getGETvars();

        postvars = getPOSTvars();


    else if(form_method == GET)


        getvars = getGETvars();


        htmlHeader("Demo Web Page");





            int i=0;



               if (strcmp(getvars[i],"R1")==0)



                        *iopdat |= 1u<<1;


                        *iopdat &= ~(1u<<1);


               if (strcmp(getvars[i],"R2")==0)



                        *iopdat |= 1u<<2;


                        *iopdat &= ~(1u<<2);


               if (strcmp(getvars[i],"R3")==0)



                        *iopdat |= 1u<<3;


                        *iopdat &= ~(1u<<3);


               i += 2;



        template_page(getvars, form_method);


        cleanUp(form_method, getvars, postvars);




    /********************************   Makefile    *******************************/

    EXEC = cgi_test

    OBJS = cgi.o cgivars.o htmllib.o template.o


    all: $(EXEC)



            $(ROMFSINST) /home/cgi-bin/cgi_test


    $(EXEC): $(OBJS)

            $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)



            -rm -f $(EXEC) *.elf *.gdb *.o


    $(OBJS): cgivars.h htmllib.h template.h


    /**********************************    html     *******************************/

    </span>单选框网页实例<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">




















             " name="B1" />




    说明:这个是基于s3c44b0uClinux(linux 2.4 kernel)系统设计的 




  • 你可能感兴趣的:(arm)