
       在macOS Sierra之前,mac上一个优秀的markdown编辑软件是Mou,最新的版本是0.8.7 beta, 但是只能支持到OS X 10.7-10.11  .  据说目前开发者已经暂停开发了,在Sierra上的使用估计是要黄了。还有Mou比较坑爹的一点是收费的。
       目前Mou的一个替代品是MacDown,官网地址是:  。logo如下:

      MacDown是macOS上一款开源的Markdown编辑器,在MIT Lisence下进行发行,MacDown也从Mou中吸取了很多。对于我们开发者来说,MacDown也就是免费的。MacDown的使用与Mou基本无异。MacDown的使用主界面如下:

I like Mou. I write Markdown all the time, and since I use macOS on a daily basis, Mou is my go-to editor whenever I wish to generate something with markup. But I had always wanted something more.

It came as a great shock when Chen Luo announced that he felt he could not actively continue the development, and wished to sell the ownership of Mou. No suitable offers surfaced (I honestly do not think there will be, either), and I decided that instead of waiting for others to do something about this, I should act myself.

I don’t have nearly enough money to match Chen Luo’s purposed offer, but I do have my own pocket of tricks and some free time. So I started from scratch, spent some weekends hacking together my own solution. And this is the result.


当Chen Luo声明他不会继续开发Mou,并且要出售Mou的所有权时,我感到非常的震惊。但是一直都没有合适的报价出现。所以我决定与其等待别人来做这件事,还不如我自己来做。

我没有足够的钱来满足Chen Luo提出的报价,但是我有自己的技术和空闲时间,所以我从零开始,花费了几个周末的时间来实现我自己的解决方案,这个MacDown就是最后的结果。

  • 高自定义的Markdown渲染;
  • 代码块中的语法高亮;
  • 复杂的自动完成;

