UVaoj 213:解码程序





    第三步,读取msg。由于输入的任意性(行随意),可以想象必须边读边操作边输出得到答案。所以根据步骤,我们做一个函数readint(num)用来读取msg中前num个数并返回其十进制值。这样就可以做一个循环,不断用readint(3)先获取接下来的编码长度(存为len),然后再不断readint(len)直到其值是2^len - 1时跳出……当readint(3)得到0时意味着此次循环结束。但是注意,末尾可能有换行符!所以用getchar()获取,得到的要么是EOF(最外围的循环结束),要么是换行符。


char header[6666];
char table[8][(1<<7)];//(len, value) -> char_in_header

int my_getline(char *header){
	//get the line of the stdin, terminated by '\n' or '\r' or EOF; return the length of the string
	int temp;
	int i = 0;
	while(EOF != (temp = getchar())){
		if(temp !='\n' && temp != '\r'){
			*(header + i) = (char)temp;
		else break;
	//attention: put '\0' at the end
	*(header + i) = '\0';
	if(temp == EOF) return EOF;
	else return i;

int readbit(int num){
	//read num bits(0 or 1) from stdin, return the decimal value
	char temp;
	int ans = 0;
	int times = 0;
	while(times < num && (temp = getchar())){
		if(temp != '\r' && temp != '\n'){
			ans += (temp - '0') * (1<<(num - times));
	return ans;

int main()
	//freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
	//freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);
	while(EOF != my_getline(header)){//input the header
		//cope with the header map to the bit codes
		int ptr = 0;
		for(int i = 1; header[ptr]; i++){
			int range = (1<

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