
Today, I woke up feeling awesome. I turned to face the sunrise in the window, and as I stretched and let out a big yawn. Only for my boyfriend to say "Baby, turn back over. Your breath smells like turds." FML

晚上跟我男朋友一起睡的,他靠近窗户,此为前提,清晨醒来的时候感觉全身舒坦就对着初起的阳光伸了伸懒腰然后深出了一口浊气,还没等我懒腰深完就看到我男朋友一脸惊恐的看着我“亲爱的,你是吃屎了么?”。   FML

Today, it was the last day of school, and I said goodbye to one of my students. She then told me how to correctly pronounce her name. I'd said it wrong all year. FML


Today, my younger sister said that she was going to pray for her brother's HIV. I have Primary Immune Disease (PID) not HIV. School will be very interesting tomorrow. FML


Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. Within minutes, they said I needed to leave. Their reason? Apparently, I was mocking her dad's speech impediment. I also have one but they wouldn't believe me. FML


Today, I finally got to conduct my first questioning of a suspect, who had been arrested in connection with a car theft. As I recited the Miranda warning to him, my mind went totally blank, and after a few seconds, he sarcastically continued the speech for me. FML


Today, I set my alarm half-an-hour earlier so I could masturbate. That's how horny and single I am. FML

一句话证明自己单身 --------------------- 老子每天把闹钟提前半小时好撸一把。FML

Today, my best friend set me up on a blind date with someone he said was very hot. I'm not exactly what you call fit, so I haven't been dating lately. As soon as I got to the restaurant, I spotted the girl. She looked me up and down, said, "You have GOT to be kidding me" and left. FML

相亲被人给涮了,今儿,我一哥们(特不靠谱)跟我讲介绍一个特正点的妹子给我认识,楼主也相亲好久了一直没遇到合适的,想着见见就见见呗,然后就去了,到了餐馆,我找来找去最后确定一个女孩儿应该是我哥们介绍的,心中暗喜真挺不错的,结果还没落座呢,“不好意思,我刚接到电话公司加班。”人家妹子连句话的机会都没给就直接走了。   FML

Today, I got frustrated looking for jobs and decided to take a quiz on best-fitting careers. My results speak for themselves. FML

找工作不顺利,于是参加最适合职业生涯的测验。结果特么的居然告诉我没有合适的。   FML

