DatagramChannelImpl 解析二(报文发送与接收):
//添加到多播组inetaddress public MembershipKey join(InetAddress inetaddress, NetworkInterface networkinterface) throws IOException { return innerJoin(inetaddress, networkinterface, null); } //添加到多播组,只接受源地址为inetaddress1的报文 public MembershipKey join(InetAddress inetaddress, NetworkInterface networkinterface, InetAddress inetaddress1) throws IOException { if(inetaddress1 == null) throw new NullPointerException("source address is null"); else return innerJoin(inetaddress, networkinterface, inetaddress1); }
private MembershipKey innerJoin(InetAddress inetaddress, NetworkInterface networkinterface, InetAddress inetaddress1) throws IOException { //非多播地址抛出异常 if(!inetaddress.isMulticastAddress()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group not a multicast address"); //如果地址为ip6,但加入的多播组地址为ip4,则抛出参数异常 if(inetaddress instanceof Inet4Address) { if(family == StandardProtocolFamily.INET6 && !Net.canIPv6SocketJoinIPv4Group()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("IPv6 socket cannot join IPv4 multicast group"); } else if(inetaddress instanceof Inet6Address) { //如果多播地址为ip6,协议非INET6,抛出异常 if(family != StandardProtocolFamily.INET6) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only IPv6 sockets can join IPv6 multicast group"); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Address type not supported"); } //如果多播组源地址不为空,则校验源地址 if(inetaddress1 != null) { if(inetaddress1.isAnyLocalAddress())//源地址含通配符,address == 0; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source address is a wildcard address"); if(inetaddress1.isMulticastAddress())//源地址为多播地址 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source address is multicast address"); if(inetaddress1.getClass() != inetaddress.getClass())//源地址与多播地址类型不同 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source address is different type to group"); } SecurityManager securitymanager = System.getSecurityManager(); if(securitymanager != null) //检查多播地址权限,接受和连接权限 securitymanager.checkMulticast(inetaddress); Object obj = stateLock; JVM INSTR monitorenter ; Object obj1; if(!isOpen())//确保通道打开 throw new ClosedChannelException(); if(registry == null) { //多播关系注册器为null,则创建 registry = new MembershipRegistry(); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_229; } //检查多播成员关系注册器中是否存在多播地址为inetaddress,网络接口为networkinterface, //源地址为inetaddress1,多播成员关系key obj1 = registry.checkMembership(inetaddress, networkinterface, inetaddress1); if(obj1 != null) //有则直接返回 return ((MembershipKey) (obj1)); //否则根据网络协议族family,网络接口,源地址构造MembershipKeyImpl if(family == StandardProtocolFamily.INET6 && ((inetaddress instanceof Inet6Address) || Net.canJoin6WithIPv4Group())) {//Ip6 int i = networkinterface.getIndex(); if(i == -1) throw new IOException("Network interface cannot be identified"); byte abyte0[] = Net.inet6AsByteArray(inetaddress); byte abyte1[] = inetaddress1 != null ? Net.inet6AsByteArray(inetaddress1) : null; //加入多播组 int l = Net.join6(fd, abyte0, i, abyte1); if(l == -2) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); obj1 = new MembershipKeyImpl.Type6(this, inetaddress, networkinterface, inetaddress1, abyte0, i, abyte1); } else {//Ip4 Inet4Address inet4address = Net.anyInet4Address(networkinterface); if(inet4address == null) throw new IOException("Network interface not configured for IPv4"); int j = Net.inet4AsInt(inetaddress); int k = Net.inet4AsInt(inet4address); int i1 = inetaddress1 != null ? Net.inet4AsInt(inetaddress1) : 0; //加入多播组 int j1 = Net.join4(fd, j, k, i1); if(j1 == -2) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); obj1 = new MembershipKeyImpl.Type4(this, inetaddress, networkinterface, inetaddress1, j, k, i1); } //添加多播成员关系key到注册器 registry.add(((MembershipKeyImpl) (obj1))); obj1; obj; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; return; Exception exception; exception; throw exception; }
if(inetaddress1.isAnyLocalAddress())//源地址含通配符,address == 0; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source address is a wildcard address"); if(inetaddress1.isMulticastAddress())//源地址为多播地址 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source address is multicast address");
public final class Inet4Address extends InetAddress { final static int INADDRSZ = 4; /**是否为多播地址 * Utility routine to check if the InetAddress is an * IP multicast address. IP multicast address is a Class D * address i.e first four bits of the address are 1110. * @return aboolean
indicating if the InetAddress is * an IP multicast address * @since JDK1.1 */ public boolean isMulticastAddress() { return ((address & 0xf0000000) == 0xe0000000); } /** 是否为统配符地址 * Utility routine to check if the InetAddress in a wildcard address. * @return aboolean
indicating if the Inetaddress is * a wildcard address. * @since 1.4 */ public boolean isAnyLocalAddress() { return address == 0; } /** * Utility routine to check if the InetAddress is a loopback address. *是否为环路地址 * @return aboolean
indicating if the InetAddress is * a loopback address; or false otherwise. * @since 1.4 */ private static final int loopback = 2130706433; /* */ public boolean isLoopbackAddress() { /* 127.x.x.x */ byte[] byteAddr = getAddress(); return byteAddr[0] == 127; } ... }
public class InetAddress implements { /** * Specify the address family: Internet Protocol, Version 4 * @since 1.4 */ static final int IPv4 = 1; /** * Specify the address family: Internet Protocol, Version 6 * @since 1.4 */ static final int IPv6 = 2; /* Specify address family preference */ static transient boolean preferIPv6Address = false; /** * @serial */ String hostName; /** * Holds a 32-bit IPv4 address. * * @serial */ int address; /** * Specifies the address family type, for instance, '1' for IPv4 * addresses, and '2' for IPv6 addresses. * * @serial */ int family; }
//加入多播组 int j1 = Net.join4(fd, j, k, i1);
static int join4(FileDescriptor filedescriptor, int i, int j, int k) throws IOException { return joinOrDrop4(true, filedescriptor, i, j, k); } private static native int joinOrDrop4(boolean flag, FileDescriptor filedescriptor, int i, int j, int k) throws IOException;
//加入多播组 int l = Net.join6(fd, abyte0, i, abyte1);
static int join6(FileDescriptor filedescriptor, byte abyte0[], int i, byte abyte1[]) throws IOException { return joinOrDrop6(true, filedescriptor, abyte0, i, abyte1); } private static native int joinOrDrop6(boolean flag, FileDescriptor filedescriptor, byte abyte0[], int i, byte abyte1[]) throws IOException;
void block(MembershipKeyImpl membershipkeyimpl, InetAddress inetaddress) throws IOException { //如果断言,开启,则判断多播关系key通道是否为本通道 if(!$assertionsDisabled && != this) throw new AssertionError(); //断言源地址是否为null if(!$assertionsDisabled && membershipkeyimpl.sourceAddress() != null) throw new AssertionError(); synchronized(stateLock) { //如果多播成员关系无效 if(!membershipkeyimpl.isValid()) throw new IllegalStateException("key is no longer valid"); if(inetaddress.isAnyLocalAddress())//如果源地址为统配地址 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source address is a wildcard address"); if(inetaddress.isMulticastAddress())//如果源地址为多播地址 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source address is multicast address"); if(inetaddress.getClass() !=如果多播地址与源地址类型不同 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source address is different type to group"); int i; //如果为多播组为IP6 if(membershipkeyimpl instanceof MembershipKeyImpl.Type6) { MembershipKeyImpl.Type6 type6 = (MembershipKeyImpl.Type6)membershipkeyimpl; //委托给net i = Net.block6(fd, type6.groupAddress(), type6.index(), Net.inet6AsByteArray(inetaddress)); } else { //如果为多播组为IP4 MembershipKeyImpl.Type4 type4 = (MembershipKeyImpl.Type4)membershipkeyimpl; //委托给net i = Net.block4(fd, type4.groupAddress(), type4.interfaceAddress(), Net.inet4AsInt(inetaddress)); } if(i == -2) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
i = Net.block4(fd, type4.groupAddress(), type4.interfaceAddress(), Net.inet4AsInt(inetaddress));
static int block4(FileDescriptor filedescriptor, int i, int j, int k) throws IOException { return blockOrUnblock4(true, filedescriptor, i, j, k); } private static native int blockOrUnblock4(boolean flag, FileDescriptor filedescriptor, int i, int j, int k) throws IOException;
i = Net.block6(fd, type6.groupAddress(), type6.index(), Net.inet6AsByteArray(inetaddress));
static int block6(FileDescriptor filedescriptor, byte abyte0[], int i, byte abyte1[]) throws IOException { return blockOrUnblock6(true, filedescriptor, abyte0, i, abyte1); } static native int blockOrUnblock6(boolean flag, FileDescriptor filedescriptor, byte abyte0[], int i, byte abyte1[]) throws IOException;
void unblock(MembershipKeyImpl membershipkeyimpl, InetAddress inetaddress) { //如果断言,开启,则判断多播关系key通道是否为本通道 if(!$assertionsDisabled && != this) throw new AssertionError(); //断言源地址是否为null if(!$assertionsDisabled && membershipkeyimpl.sourceAddress() != null) throw new AssertionError(); synchronized(stateLock) { if(!membershipkeyimpl.isValid())//如果多播成员关系无效 throw new IllegalStateException("key is no longer valid"); try { if(membershipkeyimpl instanceof MembershipKeyImpl.Type6) { //如果为多播组为IP6 MembershipKeyImpl.Type6 type6 = (MembershipKeyImpl.Type6)membershipkeyimpl; Net.unblock6(fd, type6.groupAddress(), type6.index(), Net.inet6AsByteArray(inetaddress)); } else { //如果为多播组为IP4 MembershipKeyImpl.Type4 type4 = (MembershipKeyImpl.Type4)membershipkeyimpl; Net.unblock4(fd, type4.groupAddress(), type4.interfaceAddress(), Net.inet4AsInt(inetaddress)); } } catch(IOException ioexception) { throw new AssertionError(ioexception); } } }
Net.unblock4(fd, type4.groupAddress(), type4.interfaceAddress(), Net.inet4AsInt(inetaddress));
static void unblock4(FileDescriptor filedescriptor, int i, int j, int k) throws IOException { blockOrUnblock4(false, filedescriptor, i, j, k); }
Net.unblock6(fd, type6.groupAddress(), type6.index(), Net.inet6AsByteArray(inetaddress));
static void unblock6(FileDescriptor filedescriptor, byte abyte0[], int i, byte abyte1[]) throws IOException { blockOrUnblock6(false, filedescriptor, abyte0, i, abyte1); }
void drop(MembershipKeyImpl membershipkeyimpl) { label0: { //如果断言,开启,则判断多播关系key通道是否为本通道 if(!$assertionsDisabled && != this) throw new AssertionError(); synchronized(stateLock) { //如果多播成员关系key无效,调到label0 if(membershipkeyimpl.isValid()) break label0; } return; } try { if(membershipkeyimpl instanceof MembershipKeyImpl.Type6) { //如果为多播组为IP6 MembershipKeyImpl.Type6 type6 = (MembershipKeyImpl.Type6)membershipkeyimpl; Net.drop6(fd, type6.groupAddress(), type6.index(), type6.source()); } else { //如果为多播组为IP6 MembershipKeyImpl.Type4 type4 = (MembershipKeyImpl.Type4)membershipkeyimpl; Net.drop4(fd, type4.groupAddress(), type4.interfaceAddress(), type4.source()); } } catch(IOException ioexception) { throw new AssertionError(ioexception); } //使多播成员关系key无效 membershipkeyimpl.invalidate(); //从报文通道注册器移除多播成员关系key registry.remove(membershipkeyimpl); obj; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; goto _L1 exception; throw exception; _L1: }
Net.drop4(fd, type4.groupAddress(), type4.interfaceAddress(), type4.source());
static void drop4(FileDescriptor filedescriptor, int i, int j, int k) throws IOException { joinOrDrop4(false, filedescriptor, i, j, k); } private static native int joinOrDrop4(boolean flag, FileDescriptor filedescriptor, int i, int j, int k) throws IOException;
Net.drop6(fd, type6.groupAddress(), type6.index(), type6.source());
static void drop6(FileDescriptor filedescriptor, byte abyte0[], int i, byte abyte1[]) throws IOException { joinOrDrop6(false, filedescriptor, abyte0, i, abyte1); } private static native int joinOrDrop6(boolean flag, FileDescriptor filedescriptor, byte abyte0[], int i, byte abyte1[]) throws IOException;
DatagramChannelImpl 解析四(地址绑定,关闭通道等):