spark 源码学习之job cancel 与job desc

spark 源码学习之job cancel 与job desc

spark 页面中的kill按钮在跑一些大的任务想去cancel任务的时候还是蛮有用的,最近我的项目中想集成这部分功能,就去阅读了下相关源码,下面记录下spark 的stage cancel和job cancel以及如何命名job的源码阅读部分

  • spark 源码学习之job cancel 与job desc
      • 页面
      • sparkContext
      • DagScheduler
      • TaskSchedulerImpl
      • CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend
      • local 下的处理
      • cluster 模式下
      • job desc


首先我们从页面进去 ,页面大概长这样

找到相关源码,在中的kill 方法

  def handleKillRequest(request: HttpServletRequest): Unit = {
    if (killEnabled && parent.securityManager.checkModifyPermissions(request.getRemoteUser)) {
      val killFlag = Option(request.getParameter("terminate")).getOrElse("false").toBoolean
      val stageId = Option(request.getParameter("id")).getOrElse("-1").toInt
      if (stageId >= 0 && killFlag && progressListener.activeStages.contains(stageId)) {
      // Do a quick pause here to give Spark time to kill the stage so it shows up as
      // killed after the refresh. Note that this will block the serving thread so the
      // time should be limited in duration.


进入org.apache.spark.SparkContext ,和cancel相关的代码为:

   * Cancel active jobs for the specified group. See [[org.apache.spark.SparkContext.setJobGroup]]
   * for more information.
  def cancelJobGroup(groupId: String) {

  /** Cancel all jobs that have been scheduled or are running.  */
  def cancelAllJobs() {

  /** Cancel a given job if it's scheduled or running */
  private[spark] def cancelJob(jobId: Int) {

  /** Cancel a given stage and all jobs associated with it */
  private[spark] def cancelStage(stageId: Int) {


接着我们会发现调用的方法为org.apache.spark.scheduler.DagScheduler中的cancelStage,所以我们看一下相关实现,这里看到会向eventProccessLop中发送一个post请求,这里的eventProccessLopDAGSchedulerEventProcessLoop,这个类的构造方法把当前的DagScheduler传进去了,我们发现在类DAGSchedulerEventProcessLoopdoOnReceive方法中处理相关逻辑,这个类也是二传手,他去调用的是DAGSchedulerhandleStageCancellation方法,传入的是stageId,又调回去了,最终会调用到failJobAndIndependentStages方法的taskScheduler.cancelTasks(stageId, shouldInterruptThread)

   * Cancel a job that is running or waiting in the queue.
  def cancelJob(jobId: Int): Unit = {
    logInfo("Asked to cancel job " + jobId)

   * Cancel all jobs in the given job group ID.
  def cancelJobGroup(groupId: String): Unit = {
    logInfo("Asked to cancel job group " + groupId)

   * Cancel all jobs that are running or waiting in the queue.
  def cancelAllJobs(): Unit = {

  private[scheduler] def handleStageCancellation(stageId: Int) {
    stageIdToStage.get(stageId) match {
      case Some(stage) =>
        val jobsThatUseStage: Array[Int] = stage.jobIds.toArray
        jobsThatUseStage.foreach { jobId =>
          handleJobCancellation(jobId, s"because Stage $stageId was cancelled")
      case None =>
        logInfo("No active jobs to kill for Stage " + stageId)

  /** Fails a job and all stages that are only used by that job, and cleans up relevant state. */
  private def failJobAndIndependentStages(
      job: ActiveJob,
      failureReason: String,
      exception: Option[Throwable] = None): Unit = {
    val error = new SparkException(failureReason, exception.getOrElse(null))
    var ableToCancelStages = true

    val shouldInterruptThread =
      if ( == null) false
      else, "false").toBoolean

    // Cancel all independent, running stages.
    val stages = jobIdToStageIds(job.jobId)
    if (stages.isEmpty) {
      logError("No stages registered for job " + job.jobId)
    stages.foreach { stageId =>
      val jobsForStage: Option[HashSet[Int]] = stageIdToStage.get(stageId).map(_.jobIds)
      if (jobsForStage.isEmpty || !jobsForStage.get.contains(job.jobId)) {
          "Job %d not registered for stage %d even though that stage was registered for the job"
            .format(job.jobId, stageId))
      } else if (jobsForStage.get.size == 1) {
        if (!stageIdToStage.contains(stageId)) {
          logError(s"Missing Stage for stage with id $stageId")
        } else {
          // This is the only job that uses this stage, so fail the stage if it is running.
          val stage = stageIdToStage(stageId)
          if (runningStages.contains(stage)) {
            try { // cancelTasks will fail if a SchedulerBackend does not implement killTask
              taskScheduler.cancelTasks(stageId, shouldInterruptThread)//关键调用
              markStageAsFinished(stage, Some(failureReason))
            } catch {
              case e: UnsupportedOperationException =>
                logInfo(s"Could not cancel tasks for stage $stageId", e)
              ableToCancelStages = false



  override def cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean): Unit = synchronized {
    logInfo("Cancelling stage " + stageId)
    taskSetsByStageIdAndAttempt.get(stageId).foreach { attempts =>
      attempts.foreach { case (_, tsm) =>
        // There are two possible cases here:
        // 1. The task set manager has been created and some tasks have been scheduled.
        //    In this case, send a kill signal to the executors to kill the task and then abort
        //    the stage.
        // 2. The task set manager has been created but no tasks has been scheduled. In this case,
        //    simply abort the stage.
        tsm.runningTasksSet.foreach { tid =>
          val execId = taskIdToExecutorId(tid)
          backend.killTask(tid, execId, interruptThread)
        tsm.abort("Stage %s cancelled".format(stageId))
        logInfo("Stage %d was cancelled".format(stageId))



SchedulerBackend的子类中实现了killTask的是CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend, killTaskdriverEndpoint发送KillTask这种msg,最终通过netty传输

  override def killTask(taskId: Long, executorId: String, interruptThread: Boolean) {
    driverEndpoint.send(KillTask(taskId, executorId, interruptThread))

local 下的处理


  override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
    case ReviveOffers =>

    case StatusUpdate(taskId, state, serializedData) =>
      scheduler.statusUpdate(taskId, state, serializedData)
      if (TaskState.isFinished(state)) {
        freeCores += scheduler.CPUS_PER_TASK

    case KillTask(taskId, interruptThread) =>
      executor.killTask(taskId, interruptThread)

cluster 模式下

先是Dirver处理,处理逻辑在DriverEndpoint 中,

    override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
      case StatusUpdate(executorId, taskId, state, data) =>
        scheduler.statusUpdate(taskId, state, data.value)
        if (TaskState.isFinished(state)) {
          executorDataMap.get(executorId) match {
            case Some(executorInfo) =>
              executorInfo.freeCores += scheduler.CPUS_PER_TASK
            case None =>
              // Ignoring the update since we don't know about the executor.
              logWarning(s"Ignored task status update ($taskId state $state) " +
                s"from unknown executor with ID $executorId")

      case ReviveOffers =>

      case KillTask(taskId, executorId, interruptThread) =>
        executorDataMap.get(executorId) match {
          case Some(executorInfo) =>
            executorInfo.executorEndpoint.send(KillTask(taskId, executorId, interruptThread))
          case None =>
            // Ignoring the task kill since the executor is not registered.
            logWarning(s"Attempted to kill task $taskId for unknown executor $executorId.")


    case KillTask(taskId, _, interruptThread) =>
      if (executor == null) {
        exitExecutor(1, "Received KillTask command but executor was null")
      } else {
        executor.killTask(taskId, interruptThread)


job desc

cancel的源码基本看差不多了,下面就是我们那个取消的需求了,我们发现其实cancel stage都没开放出来,而他开放的是cancelJobGroup,那么我们看相关实现就找到了setJobGroupsetJobDescription

  /** Set a human readable description of the current job. */
  def setJobDescription(value: String) {
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_DESCRIPTION, value)

   * Assigns a group ID to all the jobs started by this thread until the group ID is set to a
   * different value or cleared.
   * Often, a unit of execution in an application consists of multiple Spark actions or jobs.
   * Application programmers can use this method to group all those jobs together and give a
   * group description. Once set, the Spark web UI will associate such jobs with this group.
   * The application can also use [[org.apache.spark.SparkContext.cancelJobGroup]] to cancel all
   * running jobs in this group. For example,
   * {{{
   * // In the main thread:
   * sc.setJobGroup("some_job_to_cancel", "some job description")
   * sc.parallelize(1 to 10000, 2).map { i => Thread.sleep(10); i }.count()
   * // In a separate thread:
   * sc.cancelJobGroup("some_job_to_cancel")
   * }}}
   * If interruptOnCancel is set to true for the job group, then job cancellation will result
   * in Thread.interrupt() being called on the job's executor threads. This is useful to help ensure
   * that the tasks are actually stopped in a timely manner, but is off by default due to HDFS-1208,
   * where HDFS may respond to Thread.interrupt() by marking nodes as dead.
  def setJobGroup(groupId: String, description: String, interruptOnCancel: Boolean = false) {
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_DESCRIPTION, description)
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_GROUP_ID, groupId)
    // Note: Specifying interruptOnCancel in setJobGroup (rather than cancelJobGroup) avoids
    // changing several public APIs and allows Spark cancellations outside of the cancelJobGroup
    // APIs to also take advantage of this property (e.g., internal job failures or canceling from
    // JobProgressTab UI) on a per-job basis.
    setLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_INTERRUPT_ON_CANCEL, interruptOnCancel.toString)


  def getGroupDescByXQL(xql: String): String =
       |xql : $xql

 def getGroupIdByXQLId(id: Long): String = s"xqlId:$id"


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