public enum SexEnum { BOY("01","boy","男"), GIRL("02","girl","女") ; private String code; private String type; private String message; private static MapenumMap = Maps.newHashMap(); static{ Stream.of(SexEnum.values()).parallel().forEach(obj -> { enumMap.put(obj.getCode(), obj); }); } private SexEnum(String code, String type, String message) { this.code = code; this.type = type; this.message = message; } //省略get/set方法。。。 public static SexEnum getEnumByCode(String code) { return StringUtils.isBlank(code) ? null : enumMap.get(code); } }
/** * 使用/guest/getEnumByCode?sex=BOY,传值方式
*/ @GetMapping("/guest/getEnumByCode") public String getEnumByCode(@RequestParam("sex") SexEnum sexEnum){ return sexEnum.getMessage()+":"+sexEnum.getCode(); }
但是,假如客户端传来的参数值不是枚举值对应的字符串,而是诸如01、02编码之类的值,Spring就没法 做自动对应了。这种情况下该如何处理呢?
public interface Converter{ /** * Convert the source object of type {@code S} to target type {@code T}. * @param source the source object to convert, which must be an instance of {@code S} (never {@code null}) * @return the converted object, which must be an instance of {@code T} (potentially {@code null}) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source cannot be converted to the desired target type */ T convert(S source); }
下面给出一个字符串转换为SexEnum枚举的converter实现。需要注意的是,在Spring MVC和Spring Boot中,由于从客户端接收到的请求都被视为String类型,所以只能用String转枚举的converter。
@SpringBootConfiguration public class CustomConverter implements Converter{ @Override public SexEnum convert(String code) { return SexEnum.getEnumByCode(code); } }
/** * 使用/guest/getEnumByCode?sex=01,传值方式
*/ @GetMapping("/guest/getEnumByCode") public String getEnumByCode(@RequestParam("sex") SexEnum sexEnum){ return sexEnum.getMessage()+":"+sexEnum.getCode(); }
public interface ConverterFactoryConverterFactory接口里面就定义了一个产生Converter的getConverter方法,参数是目标类型的class。我们可以看到ConverterFactory中一共用到了三个泛型,S、R、T,其中S表示原类型,R表示目标类型,T是类型R的一个子类。{ /** * Get the converter to convert from S to target type T, where T is also an instance of R. * @paramthe target type * @param targetType the target type to convert to * @return A converter from S to T */ Converter getConverter(ClasstargetType); }
/** * ClassName:BaseEnum
* Function: 公共枚举类接口
* Date: 2017年12月25日 下午2:31:52
* @author [email protected] */ public interface BaseEnum { public String getCode(); }
public enum SexEnum implements BaseEnum{ BOY("01","boy","男"), GIRL("02","girl","女") ; private String code; private String type; private String message; private static MapenumMap = Maps.newHashMap(); static{ Stream.of(SexEnum.values()).parallel().forEach(obj -> { enumMap.put(obj.getCode(), obj); }); } private SexEnum(String code, String type, String message) { this.code = code; this.type = type; this.message = message; } public String getCode() { return code; } public void setCode(String code) { this.code = code; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public static SexEnum getEnumByCode(String code) { return StringUtils.isBlank(code) ? null : enumMap.get(code); } }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes","unchecked"}) public class CustomConverterFactory implements ConverterFactory{ private static final Map converterMap = Maps.newHashMap(); @Override public Converter getConverter(Class targetType) { Converter converter = converterMap.get(targetType); if(converter == null){ converter = new CodeConverterToEnum<>(targetType); converterMap.put(targetType, converter); } return converter; } /** * * ClassName: StrToEnum
* Function: Spring接收到的参数值为字符串类型,Spring会根据枚举的值与传入的字符串进行对应
* date: 2017年12月25日 下午3:59:15
* * @author [email protected] * @version CustomConverterFactory@param* @since V1.0 */ class CodeConverterToEnum implements Converter { private Map enumMap = Maps.newHashMap(); public CodeConverterToEnum(Class enumType) { T[] enums = enumType.getEnumConstants(); for(T e : enums) { enumMap.put(e.getCode(), e); } } @Override public T convert(String source) { return enumMap.get(source); } } }
@SpringBootConfiguration public class WebMvcConfigurer extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) { registry.addConverterFactory(customConverterFactory()); } /** * customConverterFactory: 绑定枚举类型参数
* @author [email protected] */ @Bean public CustomConverterFactory customConverterFactory(){ return new CustomConverterFactory(); } }
@RestController public class EnumController { /** * 使用/guest/getEnumByCode?sex=01,传值方式
*/ @GetMapping("/guest/getEnumByCode") public String getEnumByCode(@RequestParam("sex") SexEnum sexEnum){ return sexEnum.getMessage()+":"+sexEnum.getCode(); } /** * 使用/guest/getEnumByCodeByPath/01,传值方式
*/ @GetMapping("/guest/getEnumByCodeByPath/{sex}") public String getEnumByCodeByPath(@PathVariable("sex") SexEnum sexEnum){ return sexEnum.getMessage()+":"+sexEnum.getCode(); } /** * 使用/guest/selectByObj?name=abc&age=20&sex=01,传值方式
*/ @GetMapping("/guest/selectByObj") public String selectByObj(SimpleRequest simple){ return simple.getSex().getMessage()+":"+simple.getSex().getCode(); } @GetMapping("/guest/listEnums") public Object listEnums(){ return SexEnum.values(); } }