UVa 10382 - Watering Grass(贪心算法,区间覆盖问题)

Problem E
Watering Grass
standard input
Output: standard output
Time Limit: 3 seconds

n sprinklers are installed in a horizontal strip of grass l meters long andw meters wide. Each sprinkler is installed at the horizontal center line of the strip. For each sprinkler we are given its position as the distance from the left end of the center line and its radius of operation.

What is the minimum number of sprinklers to turn on in order to water the entire strip of grass?


Input consists of a number of cases. The first line for each case contains integer numbersn, l and w with n <= 10000. The next n lines contain two integers giving the position of a sprinkler and its radius of operation. (The picture above illustrates the first case from the sample input.)



For each test case output the minimum number of sprinklers needed to water the entire strip of grass. If it is impossible to water the entire strip output -1.

Sample input

8 20 2

5 3

4 1

1 2

7 2

10 2

13 3

16 2

19 4

3 10 1

3 5

9 3

6 1

3 10 1

5 3

1 1

9 1


Sample Output




(Regionals 2002 Warm-up Contest, Problem setter: Piotr Rudnicku)





using namespace std;

#define MAX_SIZE 10000

struct Sprinkler
	double left;
	double right;
	bool operator < (const Sprinkler &s) const
		return left < s.left;

int WaterTheGrass(int m, int l)
	double rightmost = 0.0;
	int count = 0;
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < m; i = j)
		if (sprinklers[i].left > rightmost) break;
		for (j = i+1; j < m && sprinklers[j].left <= rightmost; ++j)
			if (sprinklers[j].right > sprinklers[i].right)
				i = j;
		rightmost = sprinklers[i].right;
		if (rightmost >= l) break;
	if (rightmost >= l)
		return count;
	return -1;

int main(void)
	int n, l;
	double w;
	while (cin >> n >> l >> w)
		w /= 2.0;
		int i, m = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
			int p, r;
			scanf("%d%d", &p, &r);
			if (r > w)
				double halfCoveredLen = sqrt((double)r*r - w*w);	//注意转化为double型,错了好几次...
				sprinklers[m].left = (double)p - halfCoveredLen;
				sprinklers[m++].right = (double)p + halfCoveredLen;
		sort(sprinklers, sprinklers+m);
		cout << WaterTheGrass(m, l) << endl;
	return 0;
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