这个类始创于 QtCore 4.6 版本
virtual bool event(QEvent * event)
virtual void updateCurrentValue(const QVariant & value)
virtual void updateState(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State oldState)
这是一个源自 Qt 的动画效果类
QPropertyAnimation 插入 Qt 的属性,将属性保存在 QVariants 当中,
QPropertyAnimation interpolates over Qt properties. As property values are stored in QVariants,
QPropertyAnimation 继承自 QVariantAnimation, 支持父类的动画效果成为了超级类.
the class inheritsQVariantAnimation, and supports animation of the same meta types as its super class.
窗口部件必须是继承自 QObject, 这是实现动画效果的基本条件.
A class declaring properties must be a QObject. To make it possible to animate a property,
它一定要提供一个控制对象(当然, QPropertyAnimation 本身 也可以成为这个属性值),这样才可以使窗口部件实现动画的效果.
it must provide a setter(so that QPropertyAnimation can set the property's value). Note that this makes it possible to animate many of Qt's widgets.
Let's look at an example:
QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(myWidget, "geometry");
animation->setStartValue(QRect(0, 0, 100, 30));
animation->setEndValue(QRect(250, 250, 100, 30));
the property name and the QObject instance of which property should be animated are passed to the constructor.
You can then specify the start and end value of the property.
The procedure is equal for properties in classes you have implemented yourself
只要确认好你的 QVariantAnimation 和你的 QVariant 即可.
just check with QVariantAnimation that your QVariant type is supported.
The QVarianAnimation class description explains how to set up the animation in detail.
要注意的是,如果没有设置一个起始的坐标值,属性会将当前窗口控件创建的值,作为起始值.Note, however, that if a start value is not set, the property will start at the value it had when the QPropertyAnimation instance was created.
QPropertyAnimation 有自己的魅力.
QPropertyAnimation works like a charm on its own,
相对于复杂的动画例如:包含多个窗口部件对象的,规定使用 QAnimationGroup 类
For complex animations that. for instance.contain several objects, QAnimationGroup is provided.
QAnimationGroup 是包含多个动画的动画组
An animation group is an animation that can contain other animations.
and that can manage when its animations are played.
可以查阅在 QParallelAnimationGroup 里的例子.
Look at QParallelAnimationGroup for an example.
也可以查阅 QVarianAnimation QAnimationGroup 等动画框架.
See also QVarianAnimation, QAnimationGroup, and The Animation Framework.