半桶水开发 CMPP2.0 with Spring + JPA 3

  • 半桶水开发 CMPP2.0 with Spring + JPA  1
  • 半桶水开发 CMPP2.0 with Spring + JPA  2
  • 半桶水开发 CMPP2.0 with Spring + JPA  3


 * @author rikugun
public interface DeliverDao {
*  保存一个下发的短信
* @param SpSmsDeliver
    public void create(SpSmsDeliver spSmsDeliver) throws PreexistingEntityException, Exception;

* 获取实体
* @return List
    public List findSpSmsDeliverEntities();

* 获取实体 最大记录和起始记录
* @param int int
* @return List
    public List findSpSmsDeliverEntities(int maxResults, int firstResult);

    public SpSmsDeliver findSpSmsDeliver(Long id);

    public int getSpSmsDeliverCount();

 * @author rikugun
public interface LogDao {

    public void create(SpSmsLog spSmsLog) throws PreexistingEntityException, Exception;

    public void edit(SpSmsLog spSmsLog) throws NonexistentEntityException, Exception;

    public void destroy(Long id) throws NonexistentEntityException;

    public List findSpSmsLogEntities();

    public List findSpSmsLogEntities(int maxResults, int firstResult);

    public SpSmsLog findSpSmsLog(Long id);

    public SpSmsLog findByLsh(String lsh);

    public int getSpSmsLogCount();

 * @author rikugun
public interface SendDao {
    public void create(SpSmsSend spSmsSend) throws PreexistingEntityException, Exception;

    public void edit(SpSmsSend spSmsSend) throws NonexistentEntityException, Exception;

    public void destroy(Long id) throws NonexistentEntityException;

    public List findSpSmsSendEntities();

    public List findSpSmsSendEntities(int maxResults, int firstResult);

    public List findSpSmsSendEntities(int maxResults, int firstResult,String ql);

    public List findCMPPEntities(int maxResults, int firstResult);

    public SpSmsSend findSpSmsSend(Long id);

    public int getSpSmsSendCount();
