ArrayDeque 源码分析


[color=violet]1.[/color] 两个重要的索引:head和tail

// 第一个元素的索引
private transient int head;
// 下个要添加元素的位置,为末尾元素的索引 + 1
private transient int tail;

[color=violet]2.[/color] 构造方法

public ArrayDeque() {
elements = (E[]) new Object[16]; // 默认的数组长度大小

public ArrayDeque(int numElements) {
allocateElements(numElements); // 需要的数组长度大小

public ArrayDeque(Collection c) {
allocateElements(c.size()); // 根据集合来分配数组大小
addAll(c); // 把集合中元素放到数组中

[color=violet]3.[/color] 分配合适大小的数组

private void allocateElements(int numElements) {
int initialCapacity = MIN_INITIAL_CAPACITY;
// 找到大于需要长度的最小的2的幂整数。
// Tests "<=" because arrays aren't kept full.
if (numElements >= initialCapacity) {
initialCapacity = numElements;
initialCapacity |= (initialCapacity >>> 1);
initialCapacity |= (initialCapacity >>> 2);
initialCapacity |= (initialCapacity >>> 4);
initialCapacity |= (initialCapacity >>> 8);
initialCapacity |= (initialCapacity >>> 16);

if (initialCapacity < 0) // Too many elements, must back off
initialCapacity >>>= 1;// Good luck allocating 2 ^ 30 elements
elements = (E[]) new Object[initialCapacity];

[color=violet]4.[/color] 扩容

// 扩容为原来的2倍。
private void doubleCapacity() {
assert head == tail;
int p = head;
int n = elements.length;
int r = n - p; // number of elements to the right of p
int newCapacity = n << 1;
if (newCapacity < 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Sorry, deque too big");
Object[] a = new Object[newCapacity];
// 既然是head和tail已经重合了,说明tail是在head的左边。
System.arraycopy(elements, p, a, 0, r); // 拷贝原数组从head位置到结束的数据
System.arraycopy(elements, 0, a, r, p); // 拷贝原数组从开始到head的数据
elements = (E[])a;
head = 0; // 重置head和tail为数据的开始和结束索引
tail = n;

// 拷贝该数组的所有元素到目标数组
private T[] copyElements(T[] a) {
if (head < tail) { // 开始索引大于结束索引,一次拷贝
System.arraycopy(elements, head, a, 0, size());
} else if (head > tail) { // 开始索引在结束索引的右边,分两段拷贝
int headPortionLen = elements.length - head;
System.arraycopy(elements, head, a, 0, headPortionLen);
System.arraycopy(elements, 0, a, headPortionLen, tail);
return a;

[color=violet]5.[/color] 添加元素

public void addFirst(E e) {
if (e == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
// 本来可以简单地写成head-1,但如果head为0,减1就变为-1了,和elements.length - 1进行与操作就是为了处理这种情况,这时结果为elements.length - 1。
elements[head = (head - 1) & (elements.length - 1)] = e;
if (head == tail) // head和tail不可以重叠

public void addLast(E e) {
if (e == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
// tail位置是空的,把元素放到这。
elements[tail] = e;
// 和head的操作类似,为了处理临界情况 (tail为length - 1时),和length - 1进行与操作,结果为0。
if ( (tail = (tail + 1) & (elements.length - 1)) == head)

public boolean offerFirst(E e) {
return true;

public boolean offerLast(E e) {
return true;

[color=violet]6.[/color] 删除元素


public E removeFirst() {
E x = pollFirst();
if (x == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return x;

public E removeLast() {
E x = pollLast();
if (x == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return x;

public E pollFirst() {
int h = head;
E result = elements[h]; // Element is null if deque empty
if (result == null)
return null;
// 表明head位置已为空
elements[h] = null; // Must null out slot
head = (h + 1) & (elements.length - 1); // 处理临界情况(当h为elements.length - 1时),与后的结果为0。
return result;

public E pollLast() {
int t = (tail - 1) & (elements.length - 1); // 处理临界情况(当tail为0时),与后的结果为elements.length - 1。
E result = elements[t];
if (result == null)
return null;
elements[t] = null;
tail = t; // tail指向的是下个要添加元素的索引。
return result;


public boolean removeFirstOccurrence(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return false;
int mask = elements.length - 1;
int i = head;
E x;
while ( (x = elements[i]) != null) {
if (o.equals(x)) {
return true;
i = (i + 1) & mask; // 从头到尾遍历
return false;

public boolean removeLastOccurrence(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return false;
int mask = elements.length - 1;
int i = (tail - 1) & mask; // 末尾元素的索引
E x;
while ( (x = elements[i]) != null) {
if (o.equals(x)) {
return true;
i = (i - 1) & mask; // 从尾到头遍历
return false;

private void checkInvariants() { // 有效性检查
assert elements[tail] == null; // tail位置没有元素
assert head == tail ? elements[head] == null :
(elements[head] != null &&
elements[(tail - 1) & (elements.length - 1)] != null); // 如果head和tail重叠,队列为空;否则head位置有元素,tail-1位置有元素。
assert elements[(head - 1) & (elements.length - 1)] == null; // head-1的位置没有元素。

private boolean delete(int i) {
final E[] elements = this.elements;
final int mask = elements.length - 1;
final int h = head;
final int t = tail;
final int front = (i - h) & mask; // i前面的元素个数
final int back = (t - i) & mask; // i后面的元素个数

// Invariant: head <= i < tail mod circularity
if (front >= ((t - h) & mask)) // i不在head和tail之间
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

// Optimize for least element motion
if (front < back) { // i的位置靠近head,移动开始的元素,返回false。
if (h <= i) {
System.arraycopy(elements, h, elements, h + 1, front);
} else { // Wrap around
System.arraycopy(elements, 0, elements, 1, i);
elements[0] = elements[mask]; // 处理边缘元素
System.arraycopy(elements, h, elements, h + 1, mask - h);
elements[h] = null;
head = (h + 1) & mask; // head位置后移
return false;
} else { // i的位置靠近tail,移动末尾的元素,返回true。
if (i < t) { // Copy the null tail as well
System.arraycopy(elements, i + 1, elements, i, back);
tail = t - 1;
} else { // Wrap around
System.arraycopy(elements, i + 1, elements, i, mask - i);
elements[mask] = elements[0];
System.arraycopy(elements, 1, elements, 0, t);
tail = (t - 1) & mask;
return true;


[color=violet]7.[/color] 获取元素

public E getFirst() {
E x = elements[head];
if (x == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return x;

public E getLast() {
E x = elements[(tail - 1) & (elements.length - 1)]; // 处理临界情况(当tail为0时),与后的结果为elements.length - 1。
if (x == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return x;

public E peekFirst() {
return elements[head]; // elements[head] is null if deque empty

public E peekLast() {
return elements[(tail - 1) & (elements.length - 1)];

[color=violet]8.[/color] 队列操作

public boolean add(E e) {
return true;

public boolean offer(E e) {
return offerLast(e);

public E remove() {
return removeFirst();

public E poll() {
return pollFirst();

public E element() {
return getFirst();

public E peek() {
return peekFirst();

[color=violet]9.[/color] 栈操作

public void push(E e) {

public E pop() {
return removeFirst();

[color=violet]10.[/color] 集合方法

public int size() {
return (tail - head) & (elements.length - 1); // 和elements.length - 1进行与操作是为了处理当tail < head时的情况。

public boolean isEmpty() {
return head == tail; // tail位置的元素一定为空,head和tail相等,也为空。

// 向前迭代器
public Iterator iterator() {
return new DeqIterator();

// 向后迭代器
public Iterator descendingIterator() {
return new DescendingIterator();

private class DeqIterator implements Iterator {

private int cursor = head;

private int fence = tail; // 迭代终止索引,同时也为了检测并发修改。

private int lastRet = -1; // 最近的next()调用返回的索引。据此可以定位到需要删除元素的位置。

public boolean hasNext() {
return cursor != fence;

public E next() {
if (cursor == fence)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
E result = elements[cursor];
// This check doesn't catch all possible comodifications,
// but does catch the ones that corrupt traversal
if (tail != fence || result == null)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
lastRet = cursor;
cursor = (cursor + 1) & (elements.length - 1); // 游标位置加1
return result;

public void remove() {
if (lastRet < 0)
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (delete(lastRet)) { // 如果将元素从右往左移,需要将游标减1。
cursor = (cursor - 1) & (elements.length - 1); // 游标位置回退1。
fence = tail; // 重置阀值。
lastRet = -1;

private class DescendingIterator implements Iterator {

private int cursor = tail; // 游标开始索引为tail
private int fence = head; // 游标的阀值为head
private int lastRet = -1;

public boolean hasNext() {
return cursor != fence;

public E next() {
if (cursor == fence)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
cursor = (cursor - 1) & (elements.length - 1); // tail是下个添加元素的位置,所以要减1才是尾节点的索引。
E result = elements[cursor];
if (head != fence || result == null)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
lastRet = cursor;
return result;

public void remove() {
if (lastRet < 0)
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (!delete(lastRet)) { // 如果从左往右移,需要将游标加1。
cursor = (cursor + 1) & (elements.length - 1);
fence = head;
lastRet = -1;

public boolean contains(Object o) {
if (o == null)
return false; // ArrayDeque不可以存储null元素
int mask = elements.length - 1;
int i = head;
E x;
while ( (x = elements[i]) != null) {
if (o.equals(x))
return true;
i = (i + 1) & mask; // 处理临界情况
return false;

public boolean remove(Object o) {
return removeFirstOccurrence(o);

public void clear() {
int h = head;
int t = tail;
if (h != t) { // clear all cells
head = tail = 0; // 重置首尾索引
int i = h;
int mask = elements.length - 1;
do {
elements[i] = null; // 清除元素
i = (i + 1) & mask;
} while (i != t);

public Object[] toArray() {
return copyElements(new Object[size()]); // 把所有元素拷贝到新创建的Object数组上,所以对返回数组的修改不会影响该双端队列。

public T[] toArray(T[] a) {
int size = size();
if (a.length < size) // 目标数组大小不够
a = (T[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(
a.getClass().getComponentType(), size); // 利用反射创建类型为T,大小为size的数组。
copyElements(a); // 拷贝所有元素到目标数组。
if (a.length > size)
a[size] = null; // 结束标识
return a;

[color=violet]11.[/color] Object方法

public ArrayDeque clone() {
try {
ArrayDeque result = (ArrayDeque) super.clone();
result.elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, elements.length); // 深度复制。
return result;

} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AssertionError();
