So you've heard about IRC being a nice place to get anime but don't know how to use it? Well, that's the purpose of this guide, to teach you some basics of using IRC. Note that I'm not an IRC expert myself, I taught myself how to use IRC with the help of the help files and some help from some nice people I met online, it isn't hard to learn. Now on to the guide!
Note: All menus are in bold, menu items/options in italics and commands to be typed in in red. All things to be replaced with whatever is relevant is in .
Some IRC terms I used are explained at the end of the guide.
~ Step 1: Get yourself an IRC Client ~
A client is a program that lets you connect to IRC networks, much like the Direct Connect client if you use DC. For Windows users, hop over to and download and install MIRC 6.1, it's very popular and relatively simple to use. The main advantage of using it is as it is so common, if you get lost there are many people who can tell you what needs to be done easily.
A personal note here, I don't recommend using Trillian for IRC purposes. Another thing, once you get started on IRC, you will notice many people using these so-called "scripts". Resist the temptation to get yourself one, they have too many options most people will never need and testing out all the options by yourself will quite likely get you banned from channels. Stick to the plain vanilla MIRC, god knows I use it and it works just fine. Only use a script if you plan to set up a fserve (No, I'm not going to explain how you do that).
~ Step 2: Setting up the program ~
Now, run the program of course. We need to set up the client before you can use it for leeching purposes (yes, this guide is oriented towards leeching, so some options aren't really what you would do if you are planning only to chat with IRC). Go to the File menu and select Options and let's get started!
PS: Any options I do not mention here you can go ahead and tinker with, I will only touch on the most important ones.
I'm starting from the top down on the options, sub-menus are the ones you get when you expand the "+" signs next to the menus.
First off the Connect options. Type in a Full name, Email address, Nickname and Alternative nickname (note that none of them has to be real). While you're at it tick the Invisible mode checkbox too, this will keep some (sadly not all) spammers from getting you when you're on IRC.
Little Extra: Guide to choosing nicknames.
Note to all you ASCII-savvy people, IRC does not recognise special characters in nicks. Also, spaces aren't recognised, use the underscore ("_"). Choose a unique nick, this will solve a LOT of problems.
Next, expand the Connect options and go to the Options sub-menu. Check the Reconnect upon disconnection option (disconnection is a common phenomenon, this helps a LOT). You might also want to uncheck the annoying Pop up connect dialog on startup option.
Leave the Local Info menu alone unless you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing (in which case, why are you reading?)
Now, next we have the Identd sub-menu, enter in a User ID of choice and for System just put in UNIX (don't bother with specific OSes on the system one, you just need to fill something in and UNIX is the safest choice). Check the Enable Identd server option, and go ahead and check the other 2 options if you want to.
Last on the Connect menu is the Firewall sub-menu, only do something here if you have a firewall and know how to get around it.
From now on I will skip many of the menus as they aren't of importance. We move on to the IRC menu. There is only one important option to check here, tick the Rejoin channels on connect option. Expand the IRC menu and go to the Options sub-menu, and tick the Hide ping? pong! event. This will prevent your status window from being filled by the inane "ping? pong!" messages when you leave your IRC client idling (try leaving this off if you want to see what I mean).
Next we skip to the DCC menu. In the On Send Request part, choose Auto-get file and for If file exists choose Resume. In the On Chat Request choose Auto-accept.
Now go to the Folders sub-menu and change the DCC Ignore option to Disabled and uncheck the Turn ignore back on in: option. Next choose default from the DCC get folders section and click the Edit button. Click the Into this folder and choose a folder you want your downloads to end up in.
Optional: You can also go to the Server sub-menu and check all the options. Set the Listen on Port to 59 (unless you know a specific port your PC can listen on).
IMPORTANT! Make sure you read this!
A quick explanation on what you just did by setting those DCC options
I've said this once already and I will say it again, this guide is oriented towards leeching. The things I told you to do in the DCC options part reflect that heavily, if you plan to use IRC just to chat it would be a better idea to set the options to Ignore whereever possible and set the DCC Ignore to all for safety purposes. By using the options I've mentioned above, your client will automatically accept any incoming files and any incoming DCC Chats (think of the DCC chat as a private conversation, it is also used to get into Fserves(explained below)). Now, it's a good idea to scan everything you receive with an antivirus if you plan on doing this. The flipside is if you don't use these options you have to sit at your PC attending to your IRC client all the time. Turning on the auto-get enables you to just queue something and leave the PC running to download by itself when it's your turn (bar any netsplits/disconnects).
Now, that being said we are done with the options and we can move on to the next part!
~ Step 3: Connecting to a server and joining a channel ~
Now once you click on the "OK" button after you're done with the options, you should be back at the MIRC window with a blank white window. In the titlebar of this window it should say "Status
Quick example: My current IRC titlebars say "MircX katydid" and "#akatsuki-manga". MircX is the name of the network, katydid is my nick, and #akatsuki-manga is a channel.
Now we come to a DOS-like part. To connect to a server, you type
Or you can use
/server -m
to make it pop up in a new status window (one of MIRC 6's spiffy features, you can connect to multiple servers using the same client).
What servers are there? Well, here's some popular servers with anime-serving channels on them:
Enterthegame aka ETG:
EFNet: Go to EFNet's server list and choose one to connect to, I have problems connecting to EFNet otherwise.
Note that ETG has a "No licensed anime" policy, don't set up a fserve there with licensed anime, you could get yourself and the channel you serve in banned from the network doing that.
This list of servers will also help you use such resources like Envirosphere, a fansub resource which lists fansub groups, latest releases and most importantly, the IRC servers and channels where fansub groups are located. Nothing like getting anime from the source

Once you are connected to a server you can join a channel located on that network.
To join a channel, similarly you use the command
Note that most channels have a "#" in their name.
Some channels are locked ("keyed" in IRC-speak) and you need to use
to get in; note that nobody usually gives out the key, if you want in you will have to look for it yourself.
Quick example:
If I wanted to go to A-M's IRC channel, I would type the following in the status window:
/join #akatsuki-manga
Note: These two commands (/server and /join)also work in the channel window.
Also, if you're a lazy bum like me and have some basic programming skills, read the part in the Help file about Aliases, these are shortcuts you can make for commands you use all the time.
IMPORTANT! Make sure you read this!
How to not get banned straight away
Whenever you join a channel the topic will be listed. READ IT! Very often the topic will contain some important rules, and not following them will get you kicked or banned from the channel. Also, if there is something along the lines of "Type !rules for rules", go ahead and follow the instructions. Be very careful when you are in a main anime distribution channel or the channel of a fansubbing group, many of them have "bots" to enforce their rules.