一、Ubuntu 系统安装步骤:
> Option: * Install Ubuntu Server
> Language: English
> Location: United States
> Configure keyboard: No
> Configure keyboard: English (US)
> Keyboard layout: English (US)
> if your server is connected to LAN with DHCP, the all will continues automatically, if not please setup IP/mask/GW and DNS IPs manually
> hostname: eve-ng
> Domain name (if you don't have, make it example.com)
> fullname of user: user (example, this will be used first time login in to Ubuntu)
> username of your account: user
> password: enter password, confirm enter password again
> use weak password: YES
> Encrypt your home directory: NO
> Configure Clock: YES, if your DNS IP is set right or server got it from your DHCP, time zone will sets automatically
> Partition disks: use entire disk and setup LVM
> Partition disks: Choose your main HDD were ubuntu will be installed. Usually it will be single HDD, if your raid is set right.
> Write changes to disk and create LVM: YES
> Amount of volume: leave all offered size
> Force UEFI Installation: YES
> Write changes to disk: YES
> http proxy: NO, if you have such, please configure it for internet reachability
> Configuring task: Install security updates automatically
> Software selection: IMPORTANT: select Open SSH server (mark with spacebar)
> Install GRUB boot loader: YES
> remove from your server Ubuntu install media and reboot server
1. 使用root用户登录系统
sudo su
2. 修改root用户密码
root@eve-ng:~# sudo passwd root
Enter new UNIX password: eve
Retype new UNIX password: eve
passwd: password updated successfully
3. 为了方便使用EVE,安装vim编辑器应用程序。
apt-get install vim
4. 如果您在Ubuntu安装过程中没有设置主机名,请更改它并按照如下内容修改文件,然后保存设置(ctrl+o,ctrl+x):
vi /etc/hostname
vi /etc/hosts localhost eve-ng.example.com eve-ng
5. 允许使用root用户以ssh方式访问服务器,编辑下面内容:
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
PermitRootLogin yes
6. 保存设置(ctrl+o, ctrl+x) 并且重启服务。
sudo service ssh restart
7. 修改配置文件
(1) sed -i -e 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.*/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="net.ifnames=0 noquiet"/' /etc/default/grub
(2) update-grub
8. 重要! ! !对下面的文件进行添加和必要的更改。它也可以是一个静态IP,遵循Linux Ubuntu如何为接口设置stat IP。下面的示例展示DHCP IP设置。
! ! !警告! ! !在GRUB更新后将接口名称更改为ethX后,第一次启动后的原始名称将不会工作! ! !您必须在下面编辑接口并重新启动! ! !
vi /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto loiface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
(1)10 Gb接口的选项! ! !不需要在常规服务器上安装它。Broadcom接口NetXtreme II 10 Gb,对于普通服务器来说不是必需的:
apt-get install firmware-bnx2x
9. 保存设置并重启系统
10. 从注册中心获取eve密钥:
wget -O - http://www.eve-ng.net/repo/
[email protected] | sudo apt-key add -
11. 更新系统
apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] http://www.eve-ng.net/repo xenial main"
apt-get update
12. 安装 EVE:
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install eve-ng
13. 复制broadcom固件
cp -rp /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)/bnx2 /lib/firmware/
14. 关闭您的会话,并与root用户重新登录到EVE,并遵循安装向导:
15. 更新 EVE的版本:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade