boolparse( const std::string &document,
Value &root,
bool collectComments = true);
boolparse( std::istream &is,
Value &root,
bool collectComments = true);
* brief Type of the value held by a Value object.
enum ValueType
nullValue = 0, ///< 'null' value
intValue, ///< signedinteger value
uintValue, ///< unsignedinteger value
realValue, ///< double value
stringValue, ///< UTF-8string value
booleanValue, ///< bool value
arrayValue, ///< array value(ordered list)
objectValue ///< objectvalue (collection of name/value pairs).
const char *asCString() const;
std::string asString() const;
CppTL::ConstString asConstString() const;
# endif
Int asInt() const;
UInt asUInt() const;
Int64 asInt64() const;
UInt64 asUInt64() const;
LargestInt asLargestInt() const;
LargestUInt asLargestUInt() const;
float asFloat() const;
double asDouble() const;
bool asBool() const;
bool isNull() const;
bool isBool() const;
bool isInt() const;
bool isUInt() const;
bool isIntegral() const;
bool isDouble() const;
bool isNumeric() const;
bool isString() const;
bool isArray() const;
bool isObject() const;
/// Return true if the object has a member named key.
bool isMember( const char *key ) const;
/// Return true if the object has a member named key.
bool isMember( const std::string &key ) const;
/// Return true if the object has a member named key.
bool isMember( const CppTL::ConstString &key ) const;
# endif
/// \brief Return a list of the member names.
/// If null, return an empty list.
/// \pre type() is objectValue or nullValue
/// \post if type() was nullValue, it remains nullValue
Members getMemberNames() const;
#include "json/json.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "string"
int main()
std::string strValue ="[{\"name\":\"TOM\",\"id\":4},{\"name\":\"JACK\",\"id\":5}]";
Json::Reader reader;
Json::Value value;
if(reader.parse(strValue, value))
if (value.type() != Json::arrayValue) {
printf("Json type is not arrayValue %d\n", value.type());
return 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i < value.size(); i++)
if (value[i].type() != Json::objectValue) {
printf("Json type is not objectValue %d\n", value[i].type());
std::string name = value[i]["name"].asString();
std::cout << "got name " << name < if(!value[i].isMember("id")) continue; int id = value[i]["id"].asInt(); std::cout << "got id" << id << std::endl; Json::Value::Members member = value[i].getMemberNames(); for(Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = member.begin(); iter !=member.end(); ++iter) { std::cout << "gotmember " << (*iter) << std::endl; } } } return 0; }