js 代码
- /* Simple AJAX Code-Kit (SACK) */
- /* 2005 Gregory Wild-Smith */
- /* [url]www.twilightuniverse.com[/url] */
- /* Software licenced under a modified X11 licence, see documentation or authors website for more details */
- function sack(file){
- this.AjaxFailedAlert = "Your browser does not support the enhanced functionality of this website, and therefore you will have an experience that differs from the intended one.\n";
- this.requestFile = file; // 提交的页面
- this.method = "POST";
- this.URLString = "";
- this.encodeURIString = true;
- this.execute = false;
- this.onLoading = function() { };//读取中
- this.onLoaded = function() { };//已经读取
- this.onInteractive = function() { };//交互中
- this.onCompletion = function() { }; // 信息返回之后执行的方法
- this.complete = function(){};//处理完毕
- this.createAJAX = function() {
- try {
- this.xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e) {
- try {
- this.xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (err) {
- this.xmlhttp = null;
- }
- }
- if(!this.xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined")
- this.xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
- if (!this.xmlhttp){
- this.failed = true;
- }
- };
- this.setVar = function(name, value){
- if (this.URLString.length < 3){
- this.URLString = name + "=" + value;
- } else {
- this.URLString += "&" + name + "=" + value;
- }
- }
- this.encVar = function(name, value){
- var varString = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
- return varString;
- }
- this.encodeURLString = function(string){
- varArray = string.split('&');
- for (i = 0; i < varArray.length; i++){
- urlVars = varArray[i].split('=');
- if (urlVars[0].indexOf('amp;') != -1){
- urlVars[0] = urlVars[0].substring(4);
- }
- varArray[i] = this.encVar(urlVars[0],urlVars[1]);
- }
- return varArray.join('&');
- }
- this.runResponse = function(){
- eval(this.response);
- }
- this.runAJAX = function(urlstring){
- this.responseStatus = new Array(2);
- if(this.failed && this.AjaxFailedAlert){
- alert(this.AjaxFailedAlert);
- } else {
- if (urlstring){
- if (this.URLString.length){
- this.URLString = this.URLString + "&" + urlstring;
- } else {
- this.URLString = urlstring;
- }
- }
- if (this.encodeURIString){
- var timeval = new Date().getTime();
- this.URLString = this.encodeURLString(this.URLString);
- this.setVar("rndval", timeval);
- }
- if (this.element) { this.elementObj = document.getElementById(this.element); }
- if (this.xmlhttp) {
- var self = this;
- if (this.method == "GET") {
- var totalurlstring = this.requestFile + "?" + this.URLString;
- this.xmlhttp.open(this.method, totalurlstring, true);
- } else {
- this.xmlhttp.open(this.method, this.requestFile, true);
- }
- if (this.method == "POST"){
- try {
- this.xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8')
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- this.xmlhttp.send(this.URLString);
- this.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
- switch (self.xmlhttp.readyState){
- case 1: //读取中
- self.onLoading();
- break;
- case 2: //已经读取
- self.onLoaded();
- break;
- case 3: //交互中
- self.onInteractive();
- break;
- case 4: //处理完毕
- self.response = self.xmlhttp.responseText;
- self.responseXML = self.xmlhttp.responseXML;
- self.responseStatus[0] = self.xmlhttp.status;
- self.responseStatus[1] = self.xmlhttp.statusText;
- self.onCompletion();
- if(self.execute){ self.runResponse(); }
- if (self.elementObj) {
- var elemNodeName = self.elementObj.nodeName;
- elemNodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (elemNodeName == "input" || elemNodeName == "select" || elemNodeName == "option" || elemNodeName == "textarea"){
- self.elementObj.value = self.response;
- } else {
- self.elementObj.innerHTML = self.response;
- }
- }
- self.URLString = "";
- self.complete();
- break;
- }
- };
- }
- }
- };
- this.createAJAX();
- }
js 代码
- function overInput(a){
- getId("btn").style.border = "1px solid #54ce43"
- getId("content").style.border = "1px solid #54ce43"
- focs()
- }
- function outInput(a){
- getId("btn").style.border = "1px solid #AAA"
- getId("content").style.border = "1px solid #AAA"
- focs()
- }
- function overBtn(a){
- a.src = "images/hover.gif"
- }
- function outBtn(a){
- a.src = "images/rest.gif"
- }
- function lrover(a){
- a.style.backgroundColor = "#EEE"
- }
- function lrout(a){
- a.style.backgroundColor = "#FFF"
- }
- function focs(){
- getName("content").focus();
- }
- function clean(){
- getName("content").value = ""
- }
- var chats = new Array()
- var chatStart
- function addChat(strChat){
- if(chats.length > 199){
- chats.shift()
- }
- chats.push(strChat)
- chatStart = chats.length
- }
- function preChat(){
- if(chatStart && chatStart >= 1){
- if(chatStart == 1){
- getName("content").value = chats[0]
- chatStart = 0.5
- }else{
- chatStart -= 1
- getName("content").value = chats[chatStart]
- }
- }
- getId("loadifo").innerHTML = chatStart+","+chats.length
- }
- function nextChat(){
- if(chatStart && chatStart < chats.length && chats.length > 1){
- if(chatStart == 0.5){
- chatStart = 1
- }else if(chatStart == chats.length - 1){
- chatStart = chats.length - 1
- }else{
- chatStart += 1
- }
- getName("content").value = chats[chatStart]
- }
- getId("loadifo").innerHTML = chatStart+","+chats.length
- }
- window.onload = function(){
- getId("outs").onmousedown = function(){
- overs = 1
- }
- getId("outs").onmouseout = function(){
- overs = 0
- focs()
- }
- getName("content").onkeydown = function(e){
- if(document.all){
- var Keys = event.keyCode;
- }else{
- var Keys = e.which;
- }
- //alert(Keys)
- if(Keys == "38"){
- preChat()
- }else if(Keys == "40"){
- nextChat()
- }else if(event.ctrlKey && Keys == "13"){
- doUsingPost()
- }else if(event.ctrlKey && Keys == "46"){
- clean()
- }
- }
- }
- function getId(objId){
- return document.getElementById(objId)
- }
- function getName(objName){
- return document.getElementsByName(objName)[0]
- }
js 代码
- var overs;
- var clien = 0;
- function doUsingGet(){
- var ajax=new sack("chat.jsp");
- ajax.setVar("clien",clien);
- ajax.setVar("timeStamp",new Date().getTime());
- ajax.method='GET';
- ajax.onLoading=function(){
- document.getElementById("zt").innerHTML="读取中......";
- }
- ajax.onCompletion=function(){// 信息返回之后执行的方法
- CheckState(ajax.responseXML.documentElement);
- }
- ajax.onLoaded=function(){
- document.getElementById("zt").innerHTML="已经读取......";
- }
- ajax.onInteractive=function(){
- document.getElementById("zt").innerHTML="交互中......";
- }
- ajax.complete = function(){
- document.getElementById("zt").innerHTML="处理完毕......";
- }
- ajax.runAJAX();
- }
- function doUsingPost(){
- if(getName("content").value!=""){
- var named = getName("named").value;
- var content = getName("content").value;
- var ajax=new sack("chat.jsp");
- ajax.setVar("clien",clien);
- ajax.setVar("content",content);
- ajax.setVar("named",named);
- ajax.setVar("timeStamp",new Date().getTime());
- ajax.method='POST';
- ajax.onLoading=function(){
- document.getElementById("zt").innerHTML="读取中......";
- }
- ajax.onCompletion=function(){// 信息返回之后执行的方法
- CheckState(ajax.responseXML.documentElement);
- }
- ajax.onLoaded=function(){
- document.getElementById("zt").innerHTML="已经读取......";
- }
- ajax.onInteractive=function(){
- document.getElementById("zt").innerHTML="交互中......";
- }
- ajax.complete = function(){
- document.getElementById("zt").innerHTML="处理完毕......";
- }
- ajax.runAJAX();
- focs();
- clean();
- }else{
- alert("请输入对话内容!")
- focs()
- }
- }
- function CheckState(res){
- var resLen = res.getElementsByTagName("items").length
- if(getTag(res,0,"num") != clien){
- clien = getTag(res,0,"num")
- for(var i=0; i
- var useName = getTag(res,i,"name")
- var useMag = getTag(res,i,"conts")
- var useIp = getTag(res,i,"ip")
- if(clien != "0" && useMag != ""){
- if(useName != ""){
- var lis = "用户"+ useName + "说:" + useMag //+ " ["+ useIp + "]"
- }else{
- var lis = "用户 ["+ useIp + "] 说:" + useMag
- }
- }else{
- var lis = ""
- }
- getId("chatmain").innerHTML += lis + "
" - }
- innerSize()
- }
- }
- function innerSize(){
- if(overs != 1){
- if(getId("chatmain").offsetHeight < getId("outmain").offsetHeight){
- getId("chatmain").style.marginTop = getId("outmain").offsetHeight - getId("chatmain").offsetHeight +"px";
- }else{
- getId("chatmain").scrollIntoView(false)
- }
- }
- }
- function getTag(response,i,objTagName){
- try{
- var nodeV = response.getElementsByTagName(objTagName)[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
- }catch(e){
- var nodeV = ""
- }
- return nodeV;
- }
- setInterval("doUsingGet()",1000)
- <%@ page contentType="text/xml; charset=gb2312" %>
- <%!
- String func(String content){
- return content.replaceAll("<","<").replaceAll(">",">");
- }
- %>
- <%
- String ip=request.getRemoteAddr(); //客户端IP
- int clien = new Integer(request.getParameter("clien")).intValue(); //当前是第几个用户 如果为0就是新来的用户
- if(application.getAttribute("counts")==null){
- application.setAttribute("counts",new Integer(0));
- }
- int counts = new Integer(application.getAttribute("counts").toString()).intValue(); //当前用户的ID
- if(request.getParameter("content")!=null){
- synchronized(this){
- if(counts < 21){
- int i = counts + 1;
- application.setAttribute("counts",new Integer(i));
- }else if(counts >= 21){
- application.setAttribute("counts","1");
- }
- counts = new Integer(application.getAttribute("counts").toString()).intValue(); //当前用户的ID
- int Cnum = counts;
- String names;
- String Msgs = request.getParameter("content");
- // Msgs=new String(Msgs.getBytes("iso8859-1"),"gb2312");
- application.setAttribute("ips" + Cnum,ip) ;
- application.setAttribute("msgs" + Cnum,func(Msgs)) ;
- if(request.getParameterValues("content") != null){
- names = request.getParameter("named");
- }else{
- names = "";
- }
- application.setAttribute("names" + Cnum,names +"") ;
- }
- }
- %>xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312" ?>
- <ppl>
- <num><%=application.getAttribute("counts")%>num>
- <%
- if(clien == 0){
- %>
- <items>
- <ip><%=ip%>ip>
- items>
- <%
- }else if(clien < counts){
- for(int i=clien; i<counts; i++){
- int s = i+1;
- String useName = (String)application.getAttribute("names" + s);
- String useMsg = (String)application.getAttribute("msgs" + s);
- String useIp = (String)application.getAttribute("ips" + s);
- %>
- <items>
- <aaa><%=clien%> <%=s%>aaa>
- <bbb><%=counts%>bbb>
- <name><%=useName%>name>
- <conts><%=useMsg%>conts>
- <ip><%=useIp%>ip>
- items>
- <%
- }
- }else if(clien > counts){
- for(int i=clien; i<21; i++){
- String useName = (String)application.getAttribute("names" + i);
- String useMsg = (String)application.getAttribute("msgs" + i);
- String useIp = (String)application.getAttribute("ips" + i);
- %>
- <items>
- <name><%=useName%>name>
- <conts><%=useMsg%>conts>
- <ip><%=useIp%>ip>
- items>
- <%
- }
- for(int m=1; m<=counts; m++){
- String useNameM = (String)application.getAttribute("names" + m);
- String useMsgM = (String)application.getAttribute("msgs" + m);
- String useIpM = (String)application.getAttribute("ips" + m);
- %>
- <items>
- <name><%=useNameM%>name>
- <conts><%=useMsgM%>conts>
- <ip><%=useIpM%>ip>
- items>
- <%
- }
- }else if(clien == counts){
- }
- %>
- ppl>
html 代码
- >
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
- <title>title>
- <link href="images/chatstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/display.js">script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/chat.js">script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/tw-sack.js">script>
- head>
- <body>
- <div id="zt">div>
- <div id="loadifo">div>
- <div id="outs"><div id="outmain"><div id="chatmain">div>div>div>
- <div class="in">昵称: