

SYSTABLES="' pg_catalog.' || relname || ';' from pg_class a, pg_namespace b 
where a.relnamespace=b.oid and b.nspname='pg_catalog' and a.relkind='r'"
psql -tc "SELECT 'VACUUM' || $SYSTABLES" $DBNAME | psql -a $DBNAME

reindexdb --system -d $DBNAME

analyzedb -s pg_catalog -d $DBNAME



find master日志目录  -type f -name "gpdb-*.csv" -ctime +8 -exec rm {} \;


Table 3. Greenplum Database Server Log Format
# Field Name Data Type Description
1 event_time timestamp with time zone 时间戳
2 user_name varchar(100) 数据库用户名
3 database_name varchar(100) 数据库名
4 process_id varchar(10) 系统进程ID
5 thread_id varchar(50) The thread count (prefixed with "th")
6 remote_host varchar(100) 主机名或者地址
7 remote_port varchar(10) master或者segment的端口
8 session_start_time timestamp with time zone session打开时间
9 transaction_id int Top-level transaction ID on the master. This ID is the parent of any subtransactions.
10 gp_session_id text Session identifier number (prefixed with "con")
11 gp_command_count text The command number within a session (prefixed with "cmd")
12 gp_segment text The segment content identifier (prefixed with "seg" for primaries or "mir" for mirrors). The master always has a content ID of -1.
13 slice_id text The slice ID (portion of the query plan being executed)
14 distr_tranx_id text Distributed transaction ID
15 local_tranx_id text Local transaction ID
16 sub_tranx_id text Subtransaction ID
17 event_severity varchar(10) Values include: LOG, ERROR, FATAL, PANIC, DEBUG1, DEBUG2
18 sql_state_code varchar(10) SQL state code associated with the log message
19 event_message text Log or error message text
20 event_detail text Detail message text associated with an error or warning message
21 event_hint text Hint message text associated with an error or warning message
22 internal_query text The internally-generated query text
23 internal_query_pos int The cursor index into the internally-generated query text
24 event_context text The context in which this message gets generated
25 debug_query_string text User-supplied query string with full detail for debugging. This string can be modified for internal use.
26 error_cursor_pos int The cursor index into the query string
27 func_name text The function in which this message is generated
28 file_name text The internal code file where the message originated
29 file_line int The line of the code file where the message originated
30 stack_trace text Stack trace text associated with this message

gplogfilter -n 3 输出最后3行日志

gpssh -f seg_hosts  #seg_hosts为segment节点的主机列表
=>source /usr/local/greenplum-db/
=>gplogfilter -n 3 /data01/gpadmin/gpdata/primary/gpseg*/pg_log/gpdb*.log  #segment节点的日志目录

