ORA-16401: archivelog rejected by RFS


Sat Aug 11 06:19:59 2012
Errors in file /export/home/oracle/admin/SAMP/bdump/samp1_arc1_14945.trc:
ORA-16401: archivelog rejected by RFS
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /export/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/db
System name:    SunOS
Node name:      dukeparac01
Release:        5.10
Version:        Generic_127111-11
Machine:        sun4v
Instance name: SAMP1
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 34
Unix process pid: 14945, image: oracle@dukeparac01 (ARC1)

*** SERVICE NAME:() 2012-02-26 10:12:39.978
*** SESSION ID:(2714.2) 2012-02-26 10:12:39.978
Redo shipping client performing standby login
*** 2012-02-26 10:12:40.128 66535 kcrr.c
Logged on to standby successfully
Client logon and security negotiation successful!
ABC: tkrsf_al_read: No mirror copies to re-read data
*** 2012-02-26 10:13:43.539
tkcrrsarc: (WARN) Failed to find ARCH for message (message:0xa)
tkcrrpa: (WARN) Failed initial attempt to send ARCH message (message:0xa)
tkcrrsarc: (WARN) Failed to find ARCH for message (message:0x2)
tkcrrpa: (WARN) Failed initial attempt to send ARCH message (message:0x2)
ABC: tkrsf_al_read: No mirror copies to re-read data
ABC: tkrsf_al_read: No mirror copies to re-read data
*** 2012-02-26 10:24:31.075
ABC: tkrsf_al_read: No mirror copies to re-read data
*** 2012-08-11 06:19:56.677
ABC: tkrsf_al_read: No mirror copies to re-read data
Error 16401 creating standby archive log file at host 'SAMPS'
ORA-16401: archivelog rejected by RFS
ABC: tkrsf_al_read: No mirror copies to re-read data

SQL>select to_char(timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') time ,message from v$dataguard_status;
TIME                MESSAGE
------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-08-11 06:19:59 Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC
2012-08-11 06:19:59 -- Connected User is Valid
ORA-16401: archivelog rejected by RFS
    Cause: An attempt was made to re-archive an existing archivelog. This usually happens because either a multiple primary database or standby database(s) or both are trying to archive to this standby database.
   Action: See alert log and trace file for more details. No action is necessary; this is an informational statement provided to record the event for diagnostic purposes.
